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[E18] Need tips for Gym Leader

Lil' Sunny

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i can barely get a turn in without everything dying, he spams rock slide till he's blue in the face and coming off a gd MEGA Aerodactyl that's insane, i have a couple of rock resists in hariyama and garchomp and absolutely none of my team is weak to rock but i still cant beat him. my best strategy i assume would be a strong steel type like possibly metagross or bisharp. but short of that i'm stumped. other leaders at least gave you a chance to move, a chance to neutralize their advantages and fields but he is RELENTLESS. 


so yeah any ideas?


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4 minutes ago, MachoPony said:


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i can barely get a turn in without everything dying, he spams rock slide till he's blue in the face and coming off a gd MEGA Aerodactyl that's insane, i have a couple of rock resists in hariyama and garchomp and absolutely none of my team is weak to rock but i still cant beat him. my best strategy i assume would be a strong steel type like possibly metagross or bisharp. but short of that i'm stumped. other leaders at least gave you a chance to move, a chance to neutralize their advantages and fields but he is RELENTLESS. 


so yeah any ideas?



Excuse me please do not reveal the name of the gym leader in ya title as the spoiler lock IS in effect.

Now for tips:



Pokemon with access to moves like Bullet Punch, Accelrock, Ice Shard will have an advantage taking priority it's easy to bring down the frail mega aerodactyl. You can also opt for pokemon with Inner Focus as they are immune to flinching, a few steel types and some Fighting types can have this ability, one very useful one is Lucario who can have Bullet Punch or Vacuum Wave both priority moves, both STAB and both strong against rock types.


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fixed, though not much of a "spoiler" for anyone who's played to this point anyway. thanks for the tips

i forgot Lucario was a thing, priority and dual rock resistance would be great, now i need to figure out where tf you get it, probably an event somewhere

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Like Drakyle and the monitor in the gym said, take advantage of priority moves. I swept Hardy's team with a Choice Banded Metagross and a Life Orb Breloom by spamming Bullet Punch and Mach Punch. Also, you get a Riolu at Ametrine Mountain.

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25 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

fixed, though not much of a "spoiler" for anyone who's played to this point anyway. thanks for the tips

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i forgot Lucario was a thing, priority and dual rock resistance would be great, now i need to figure out where tf you get it, probably an event somewhere


It is still a spoiler to those who haven't had a chance to play the episode at all yet and the spoiler lock shouldn't be seen as flexible, as for Riolu, here's a video guide on how to obtain it though you can always request one with egg moves you want and/or ivs you want be traded to ya. 




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what i did in both of my save files is :EV trained my garchomp and gave it rock smash.EV trained my other 5 mons(not required).It would be nice for the others to resist rock but if they dont at least make sure they arent weak to it.Teach one of your mons stealth rock.Then send out garchomp and the mon with stealth rock.Turn one use rock smash to attack aerodactly and use stealth rock.Then spam rock smash but leave the gigalith alone.eventually in will run out of pp because its scarfed.Basically spam rock smash with garchomp and use  the other five mons to spam heal on garchomp.


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X Items

My second run used the Solid Rock + AV Rhyperior along with priority Weavile. Focus Sash Weavile took Areodactyl's Rock Slide and killed it with Icicle crash before Weavile died to Gigalith. Then Archeops comes and I Klefki Switcheroo my Flame Orb for its Flying Gem so that it will give me time to set up Reflect + Spikes while I pile X Items and health on Rhyperior. After that a few EQ took out the Lycanrocs and whatever else was there.


FYI my first run was a trainwreck cause Drought Ninetails + Heliolisk were my go-tos but they kept dying before I could do anything. Staraptr, Hawlucha, Lucario, and Mamoswine weren't much better. Eventually Mamoswine got Avalanche off without dying and killed Aerodactyl while Hawlucha killed Archeops after using Telluric seed and getting the Unburden boost.


Third run I'm thinking Gigalith, Rotom-W, and Kommo-o should be able to withstand the damage and if not then back to X Items and Ultra Pots. I have no faith in Eviolite Chansey, Typhlosion, or Mega Sharpedo doing squat before dying.


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I beat his team with 3 pokes honestly... a Damp Rock Sturdy Magnezone to set up Rain Dance, a Wide Guard Probopass to deflect from Rock Slide and then an EV-trained Swift Swim Kingdra to spam Surf... Wide Guard protects the Probopass from Surf damage and the Kingdra just wrecked his whole team...


Edited by arceus342
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  • 2 months later...



I basically started off with Mienshao and Bronzong. Used Fake Out on Gigalith. Set up Trick Room. Spammed Rock Wrecker with Rhypherior. Revival Herbs are your friend. Mienshao was holding a Lagging Tail. I beat him with Bronzong,Rhypherior and Mienshao. Finished the Lycanrocs with Earthquake. Other Pokemon in my team were Hippowdon (Lagging Tail),Carracosta,Gigalith (Rock Inscence)


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