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Your full pokedex strategy


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So im trying to complete my pokedex for obvious reasons.


I did almost every sidequest up to ep 17. Currently doing ep 18 sidequests.

I currently have like 250 pokemon



Here is my strategy. 


No more repel while doing sidequests or traveling. If not to far no more flying.


Wondertrading. Chances are high im not getting a dupe.


Taking friendship pokes with me...



So what did you guys do?

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My strategy was: capture pokemon from 1 to 731 in order, checking pokedex locations. If u find final evolution and u need previus stages, go for breeding, since after rinovation many first stages gets very rare; and for mons that requires friendship, use 30/40 pokesnax.

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I started by evolving all the pokemon in my box, getting me to around 350. Then I went to each location and ran in the grass for 20 or so encounters, evolved / bred them, and continued. Around 600 I went in pokedex order using the forums and YouTube vids to find the rest I could, finally trading for the remaining 4 or 5 I couldn't get.


Also wondertrade really helped I got a ton of pokemon I might not have gotten otherwise with a bonus of some good IV'd breedjects

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Outside of the time I needed them in the Adventurine Woods puzzle, I never used a Repel- this meant that I found shiny pokemon frequently, and since I'm inclined to capture those, I kinda had a head start. 


In terms of something actually akin to a strategy, I usually aim to capture the middles stage of three stage lines whenever possible. This makes it so that I have a head start in evolving up (in the case of level based evos), while being able to breed downward whilst working on evolving another line.

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