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A team show off thingy with leader strats


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So, in the long run, Im planning on making my famed sun team that saw me through the servers Reborn League, but in the mean time, I've worked my way up to the Academy, haven't yet beaten Cal, but I'll explain how I beat the leaders as best as I can remember.

For those wondering, here's the team that beat Amy on the server


So, here's the team, as it stands in the game


Yes, I landed on my signature pokemon; a Timid Solar Power Charizard as my starter, quite possible one of the scariest things at this point in the game. But fun fact, for awhile, my trump card has been Bitis, the Arbok, who's Stockpile, Glare combo with super potions has saved my ass on numerous occasions. Corey, and Xenow, are fillers for until the rest of the team is collected, however Corey might be a permanent member though, because he has served me very well. Cairus, is definitely a go getter, has the nature that raises speed and lowers defense, and is a powerhouse in the sun. Vulpix is weak only because I just got it, and I should have sent it out more when I was teamed with Shelly. However, it has drought, and is the very backbone of my team.

And now for my two cents on the leaders.


Julia was a pushover. My team consisted of only Ekans, Krickitune, Ralts, and Charmeleon. The battle consisted of me using Ekans weakening Julia's pokemon, and then having Charmeleon using Dragon Rage to finish the job. Because the pokemon are low-leveled around 16, Dragon rage is by far the most OP move at that point in the game, and it easily took out Julia's Electrode in two turns.


I was legitimately scared. I remember my first run against her, and that fucking Breloom always cleaned my clock. That's where I got a Zubat and leveled it up to a Golbat for the express purpose of dealing with Breloom. In the battle, I sent Charmeleon against her Carnivine, easily KOing it with a Crit Ember. What I was not expecting was for Flobot to send out her CRADILY. My first reaction was to send out Arbok, who immedeatly used Glare and then proceeded to whittle down the fossilized sea creature with the famed Para-flinch which got brutally haxxy for me. After about 10 turns of Super potion spam from Rini's part, the Cradily goes down, and se then sends out Ferroseed. Charmeleon eats that. When Flo sent out the Breloom, it was over. Agent Corey Outsped, and critted it with a Wing Attack. (though I highly doubt it mattered)


At this rate, I was neglecting my Ralts, and I grinded it hastily to a Kirlia. I needed it. I also got myself Xenow from the Game Corner, after raging though the troll game known as Voltorb Flip. However, it was Arbok who I relied on the most in this battle. Because now I had Glare, Crunch AND Stockpile on it.
It was a sweep. Nothing can stop a +3 Stockpile Arbok at this point in the game.


Once again, it was Arbok who saved the day. Stockpile, Glare, and now Acid Spray, which all made short work of her pokemon. Even her Volbeat, which even after a +6 boost to Sp Att, did NOTHING to Arbok, and was doomed to a shower of Acid Spray. Arbok, if only your stats were a little better, because I love you. <3


Shade was the first legitimately difficult battle I had this run through Reborn. Before the battle, I had expressly wanted a Houndour from a sidequest. And I also leveled up Vulpix and Agent Corey (who evolved just in time for the battle yay). Charmeleon also evolved, which made me go hunt underground for a few heart scales, and taught it Air Slash, and Shadow Claw.

For the battle itself, I lead with Arbok, which was holding a Cheri Berry to counter Shade's Rotom, which used Thunder Wave when I landed a Glare. Crunch made short work of the Rotom. Shade then sent out his Gengar, which surprised me. I switched to Vulpix for Sun, who actually tanked a Shadow Ball. I switched to Crobat. One Confuse ray and two bites later, Gengar fainted. And then he sent out Chandelure. This is where I realized that sending out Vulpix was a very bad idea. It singlehandedly wiped out Houndoom, Arbok, and Luxray, leaving me no other choice and forcing me to send out Charizard. It was then I realized another mistake, however this was a beneficial mistake. I underestimated just how powerful a Solar powered Air Slash was. I had backed him into a corner by then. With his two primary threats out of the way, Charizard destroyed the rest of the ghosts with Solar Powered, Sun boosted, STABed, Flare Bursts.

I was giggling madly after this battle.

I'll update this with other leader battles.


Fuck the forums going down. I have some updates to do!

Cal: Honestly, I really was expecting this guy to be tougher than he actually would be. His entire team was slower than my Charizard, and the only thing that really put my train to a slow was the magmorter with its thunderbolt, which was dealt with by Xenow.



Other than that, it was k. I mean, well, I had to see the rockslides coming. First time I lost to a leader in this game so... Also, dat Medicham. ._.

Aya: Everyone's favorite poisonous bitch had a lucky win on me, and the only reason I lost is that I did not prepare for the Doubles. I kept her Muk alive while whittling down the rest of her team. In the end, her +6 Evasion Muk was using struggle against Bitis and Corey for my win.

Bennett (not really a leader but still...) :


No fucks given. The only reason it wasn't a Crobat sweep was because his Larvesta burned it.


I can see why people call her "Hax Queen".

The ONLY reason I eventually beat her (it took me two attempts) is because I had the weather control. It didn't help that my Crobat was next to useless. Once her Walrein went out, I focus fired on her other Pokémon, and then saved Xenow for the finishing blow for the win. This battle was needlessly hair pulling for me. My team after my win against her is the following


*The Vulpix is now a Ninetales

Edited by Tkaa
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