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so actually trying to figure out how i made it to the end of episode 8 with this team


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so yeah i got to the end of episode 8 though i have now clue how i really did it out side of luck so just going to see what y'all think of my team and maybe explain how i managed to get this far

My team is

Veusaur Lv 47

Nature Serious

Ability Chorophyll


Grass knot/ Double edge i switched between the two


leech seed

petal dance

Drapion Lv 41

nature hardy

Ability Battle armor


toxic spickes

bug bit

poison fang

night slash

Gardevior lv 45

Nature Navie

Ability Synchronize


shadow ball

calm mind


magical leaf

magmar lv 47

nature gentle

ability flam body


faint attack

lava plum

sunny day

fire punch

donphan lv 47

nature quiet

Ability sturdy





rock smash

Zangoose lv 46

nature jolly

ability immunity


false swipe

sword dance



also used a garboder tell i got drapion

Garboder Lv 39

nature naive

ability weak armor


sludge bomb


acid spray

toxic spickes

and i used pachirisu tell i got zangoose

pachirisu Lv 36

nature brave

ability pickup



thunder wave

electro ball


i used a meoweth tell i got donphane but it did not d much i gym battles excpet faint

so just seeing what everyone think of my team so any advice or explanation on how i was able to get as far as id is welcomed

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simple! with determination, pokemon knowledge, luck, and critical hits you managed to get where you are now like everyone else whooptie fuckin doo!!

Edited by bocoom
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Or maybe it was the lava plume in the double battle against the ice leader? I think that's also a factor.

And even then, I think a bit of luck against the Hax Queen is welcomed :P

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simple! with determination, pokemon knowledge, luck, and critical hits you managed to get where you are now like everyone else whooptie fuckin doo!!

I have yet to see a post from you that wasn't extremely rude or pointlessly aggressive.

As to the OP: you have really defensive pokemon that resist most of the gyms/hard battles so far and your moves hit everyone in doubles which is nice.

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I have yet to see a post from you that wasn't extremely rude or pointlessly aggressive.

As to the OP: you have really defensive pokemon that resist most of the gyms/hard battles so far and your moves hit everyone in doubles which is nice.

i only act like this to stupid posts! other than that i am pretty decent.

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I'm not going to lie, bocoom, your behavior needs to improve. Respect is the first rule of our community. Your aggression is unwarranted, as is referring to any post as 'stupid'.

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I'm not going to lie, bocoom, your behavior needs to improve. Respect is the first rule of our community. Your aggression is unwarranted, as is referring to any post as 'stupid'.

it was mostly a smart ass joke but it is hard making those kind of jokes on the internet without sounding like an ass hole so i can see why you guys think this.

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so my topic became something just to tell someone to be nicer hmmmmmmmmmmm..................

so time for me to reiterate why i posted it it like i did

i posted it like i did because i don't consider myself good a the games other then just being able to get through them (hell i did not even understand how stab worked until i read the book in the second gym) so i did not think my team was that good mainly i never had a problem with things like needing to grind or over leveling the only time i even grinded was before Corey i think and thats all i ever did and given how many people who are much better at the games then me so i was just trying to get some feed back which where i live i dont ever get any so i just wanted to see what people thought anyway any advice or help is still welcomed even if its mean feedback is still feedback

Edited by rustytengo
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so the only pokemon that i am thinking to repace ar donphan and zangoose but i dont know what i want to switch them to any advice from y'all

Or maybe it was the lava plume in the double battle against the ice leader? I think that's also a factor.

And even then, I think a bit of luck against the Hax Queen is welcomed :P

I have yet to see a post from you that wasn't extremely rude or pointlessly aggressive.

As to the OP: you have really defensive pokemon that resist most of the gyms/hard battles so far and your moves hit everyone in doubles which is nice.

just read my first post and thats all the feedback you will need! its just that simple!

thank you three for actually giving feedback out of the 100 or so people who read the post you where the only ones who did even if one of you was a bit of an ass about it not like i really care about that

Edited by rustytengo
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im surprised nobody has said anything about toxic spikes? i literally have destroyed every gym leader and important battle except for Shade, Aya, Corey and level 75 Garchomp man by luring out and Ko'ing said poison types, then laying down the pain. looking at your team Rusty though our pokemon are different i think we used similar movepools and tactics. Cheers for not just relying on brute force!
Sunny Day is also a key move against the last few battles in episode 8. No need to complain about Hax when blizzard accuracy is reduced to a reasonable level.

As for team recomendations if you replace Zangoose and Donphan your left with Venasaur, Drapion, Gardevior and Magmar. Two Ground weaknesses with no resists and no Rock resists stick out first to me followed by the fact Venasaur, Gardevior and Drapion are kinda bulky pokemon that can abuse the t-spikes. I feel like Mudkip would be great adition to replace Donphan as you maintain all the power of the ground type, great synergy (3 grass resists, provides key Rock & Fire resists), while gaining a great tank, phazer and potential stealth rock setter. For the last slot ideally Rotom would be perfect as electric types are great t-spikes abusers and he is one of few electric types not weak to ground but if he isnt available then i would go for either Tynamo or magnet rise Magnemite. Mag comes with the added bonus of crushing steel types that may resist T-spikes though Magmar and Mudkip (if you go that way) got that covered.

Edited by Bear
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im surprised nobody has said anything about toxic spikes? i literally have destroyed every gym leader and important battle except for Shade, Aya, Corey and level 75 Garchomp man by luring out and Ko'ing said poison types, then laying down the pain. looking at your team Rusty though our pokemon are different i think we used similar movepools and tactics. Cheers for not just relying on brute force!

Sunny Day is also a key move against the last few battles in episode 8. No need to complain about Hax when blizzard accuracy is reduced to a reasonable level.

As for team recomendations if you replace Zangoose and Donphan your left with Venasaur, Drapion, Gardevior and Magmar. Two Ground weaknesses with no resists and no Rock resists stick out first to me followed by the fact Venasaur, Gardevior and Drapion are kinda bulky pokemon that can abuse the t-spikes. I feel like Mudkip would be great adition to replace Donphan as you maintain all the power of the ground type, great synergy (3 grass resists, provides key Rock & Fire resists), while gaining a great tank, phazer and potential stealth rock setter. For the last slot ideally Rotom would be perfect as electric types are great t-spikes abusers and he is one of few electric types but if he isnt available then i would go for either Tynamo or magnet rise Magnemite. Mag comes with the added bonus of crushing steel types that may resist T-spikes though Magmar and Mudkip (if you go that way) got that covered.

Thank u for your advice and thoughts

I have been thinking about mudkip as a replacement for donphan the only reason I an thinking of switching out donphan is because it is really slow its speed like at 60 so I need something faster

And with the other tynamo seems like it would be fun haven't used one in any game yet so that should be fun if i can find one that is

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I'll stop bugging you after this haha but if speed is desired Flygon or Gligar would probably the best ground type available, comes with extra ground immunity over mudkip!

Edited by Bear
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Huh. I didn't notice Tynamo was available already... Not that I have ANY idea where it is, but Eelektross might actually be a good idea, since it has good bulk, no weaknesses, and can learn quite a few moves for coverage. Magneton/zone has been proven to be pretty good by now, although I don't think we'll be facing excessive Steel-types anytime soon (probably going to eat my words) so that might not be an issue.

Personally seconding Flygon- I have one as well and I feel like had I gotten a better nature (read: remembered to save before I got Trapinch) it'd be so much more useful. Gligar would be pretty good as well, but I think you might want to hold off on that until a Razor Fang is available.

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I'll stop bugging you after this haha but if speed is desired Flygon or Gligar would probably the best ground type available, comes with extra ground immunity over mudkip!

you can bug away the more you do the more stuff i get to think about (dont know if thats a good thing though) though i not after pure speed i was meaning that my donphan just is slow so ant thing fast would be useful and i am a fan of bulky pokemon for some reason that i dont know so i probably would go for mudkip mainly it would take me to long to get enough coins for trapinch i am horrible at the game corner mainly voltorb flip the slots or easy just takes along time.

Huh. I didn't notice Tynamo was available already... Not that I have ANY idea where it is, but Eelektross might actually be a good idea, since it has good bulk, no weaknesses, and can learn quite a few moves for coverage. Magneton/zone has been proven to be pretty good by now, although I don't think we'll be facing excessive Steel-types anytime soon (probably going to eat my words) so that might not be an issue.

Personally seconding Flygon- I have one as well and I feel like had I gotten a better nature (read: remembered to save before I got Trapinch) it'd be so much more useful. Gligar would be pretty good as well, but I think you might want to hold off on that until a Razor Fang is available.

right i am quiet sure you have no clue where tynamo is just like i have no clue (its not like we have an in game device that tells us where pokemon are found if you can get them in the wild)... and most likely u will end up eating your words at least from what i seen on some of the post on the forms

Edited by rustytengo
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