RadiantRegalia Posted December 19, 2013 Share Posted December 19, 2013 (edited) Favourite legendary would have to be Suicune or Groudon. Suicune is just calm, collected, pure and just got an aura of beauty about it. It's majestic, but it's also really strong, and I like that. Groudon is the complete opposite - a powerhouse, not calm, collected or pure whatsoever, and the only aura about it is destruction (though we only see that because of Kyogre in fairness.) As for non-legendary, I can't really decide. Everything in my trainer card apart from Salamence pretty much ties for top spot. No real reason, I just think they're all cool in their own way. Edited December 19, 2013 by ShadowPulse Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pokemon Princess Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 (edited) Beautiful, yet rare Edited December 20, 2013 by Pokemon Princess Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Absol-lutelty awesome! Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 I favor dragonite, lucario, and obviously *points towards my avatar picture* yeah absol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 The 'mence is pretty epic too. It grew wings because FUCK YOU GRAVITY. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CURIE Posted January 12, 2014 Share Posted January 12, 2014 (edited) Long story mode: Activate! Favorite Pokemon of all time: Milotic Milotic and I go way back. Our relationship started all the way back in my first run of Pokemon Ruby Version, my first Pokemon game, when I fought Wallace for the first time. He was on his last Pokemon, and I was like "Yes, last Pokemon of the last gym leader! Whatever it is, I'll knock it out and finally figure out what happens when you beat all eight gyms!". Then he sends out his Milotic. I never had a real first impression of her, as I didn't pay any attention to her design at the time. Why you ask? Because I was to scared of that battle cry. When I heard it, I could feel in my bones that this thing would be a pain to defeat. AND IT WAS. The rest of Wallace's team was no problem for me, but I had to keep going back over and over and over again to fight him because of that. one. freaking. Pokemon. I was so blinded by rage that I didn't even notice the anything about it. My initial opinion of Milotic: I HATED ITS GUTS! A couple of years later, enter Emerald Version. I was more mature and better at Pokemon by then, and came to the Sootopolis gym prepared to take down that thing I perceived as infernal at the time (I never would now, of course). I was surprised to see that Wallace was gone, and in his place was some guy named Juan who didn't even have a Milotic. No complaints from me there. Later on, I came across a trainer who had a Milotic (I forgot where). This guy was no gym leader, and I was prepared with a better team anyway, so I defeated it without a problem. That was the first time I looked at a Milotic and didn't see a demon, and only then did I realize I was in love with it's design. I started to think of how strong it was when Wallace used it, especially when I found out he became champion with it, and thought to myself "Oh crap, I missed out on the best Pokemon ever! Where can I get this thing?" So I looked up where to find Febass in Emerald Version. Now, many of you know about this. It's probably as infamous as Whitney's Miltank, but in case you don't know, let me explain. Route 119 is a very long route (probably the longest in the game) with a river running through it. Among all of that water, there are six squares randomly placed by the game. Fishing in one of those six squares will get you a Febass. How do you tell where the squares are, without fishing through every single square until you find a Febass? You don't. You fish through every single square until you find a Febass. And this was Emerald Version, where the Carvahna (the only other Pokemon there) wastes even more time by flopping around for a solid 5 seconds every time it enters battle. When I first learned this, I wanted to be all like "screw that, I'm outta here", and I did try to procrastinate as long as I could, but deep down I knew I would have to do it eventually. When I finally started it took me literally months. I had started on the north end of the river and would work my way southward, and guess where ALL SIX of the Febass squares were? All grouped at the southern end. Words can not express the mix of feelings I had when I found my first Febass. Then, I spent forever farming the Febass for a decent nature. After the eighteenth hardy nature Febass, I finally settled for a female quiet nature Febass and named it Mila. A lot of people also complain about how annoyingly tedious it is to evolve Febass into Milotic in the third generation, but I did not mind it one bit. On top of its epic stats, especially in the special attack and special defense departments, being able to both dish out hits an take them, learning a bunch of great moves, and having the best design of any Pokemon, Milotic is also literally the Pokemon that taught me how to be patient, a skill that has helped me immensely in the real world as well. When I got Mila, I had already beaten the Emerald Version's Pokemon Leauge, so there wasn't much I could do with her. Also, I couldn't use her or any other Milotic in any other games, as they are always available way to late in the game or not at all. So, here's my plan. Mila is currently in my White 2 Version, and when Pokemon Bank comes out, I will transfer her to my X Version. There, I'll use her to start breeding Febass for perfect IVs, and when I have the perfect Febass, I'll trade it to the next game to come out, whether it be Z Version or the Gen 3 remake that's been rumored for so long now. Then, I'll finally be able to use my favorite Pokemon on my main team of a Pokemon game. P.S. Ame, please don't make Febass a post-game thing in Reborn! I don't care how late in the game it becomes available, as long as I can get it before the main story ends, I WILL have it on my team! Edited January 12, 2014 by Eagleby18 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghkdkd Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 Cloyster and Gengar. Awesome dark smile Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted February 5, 2014 Share Posted February 5, 2014 Once my favorite was Dragonite, but when I played gen 3 I fell in love with Swampert... And now in Reborn even more. Besides that awfull weakness to grass types, it's an extremely reliable Pokémon and got me trough some really sticky situations... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ExoFlashFire Posted February 8, 2014 Share Posted February 8, 2014 When I saw Bisharp and Pawnard for the first time, I thought of two word; I WANT. I caught one, bred one, and had sentimental feelings for the Sword Blade Pokemon. I don't care what other people say; this is my favorite Poke, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rawr-Ma-Ama Posted February 26, 2014 Share Posted February 26, 2014 1.Well, my two highest favorites are Gardevoir and Gallade. I like them both, they´re both awesome 2.After that I´d put Sceptile, which was my starter in Sapphire and my first starter EVER. And well, I simply like it. Grass-type badass with grass-blades ^-^ 3.Mismagius, Empoleon, Charizard, most dragon-types... It´s hard for me to choose, but if I had to choose an absolute favorite, it´d be Gallad.. Gardevoir xD Catched Raltz when I was still small and playing Sapphire and I thought it was useless, but when I learned about evolutions and saw, how powerful that freaking magikarp could get, I leveled it and was able to punch myself through most higher-level gyms Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted March 6, 2014 Share Posted March 6, 2014 After writing this, I figured I should say up here, there are so many Pokemon that I have a very large list of my favorites, but the top three are the most important. Also, most of these are Pokemon I needed for some arbitrary task or just grabbed for my team and they turned out to be pretty sweet so I like them now, as such my reasons for liking them are largely composed of little stories about how I got to the first one #1 Weavile, duh. I don't even remember why anymore, it's just so fricking epic #2 Meloetta. Major Meloetta fangirl, if it is Meloetta related, I want it. As for why. I got the event at Gamestop whenever that was, instantly fell in love (No, seriously, Millie and I are getting married this Summer ) #3 Mismagius. Well, I couldn't use Madeline (my Mewtwo) without people complaining about her being overpowered, so I went and got the Pokemon with the highest Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defense I could grab. Madison (my Mismagius) happened to fit the bill. She was also like the seventh egg I hatched or something, had four perfect IVs and a 30 in Special Attack, after going through fifteen or twenty I went back and looked through what I had and realized she had that spread. And I've just grown to like Mismagius more and more since that (And Maddy 2.0 is equally overpowered as Maddy was BTW, so take that haters!) Battle video showcasing Madison's epicness: EDQW-WWWW-WWW5-PCDJ Oh wow, that was long >_< Guess what, Ima keep going #4 Absol. Basically, I bred one to be my new lead (Pokebank wasn't out and I didn't want to do another Espeon since I had one to transfer) And she is just so epic I cannot help but like her (even if mega Absol could be so much better) Battle vid for Abeloth's epicness: 9KBG-WWWW-WWW5-KZ9N #5 Scizor. Way back in Pearl I needed a Scizor for my dex, well, I got a French Scyther off GTS and it turned out to be pretty tough, got even tougher after evolving and ended up being my team's main physical attacker (with bad EV spread and Swarm no less) Even better, upon transfer to Y, she got her name reverted to French and her ability swapped to Technician (Cizayox is very dear to me <3 ) And then I got my beautiful 6IV Natalie in Y <3 #6 Tropius. This one. Just wow. I was using one as an HM slave in Platinum, and I sent it out against an E4 member during one of my battles, all it did was use Fly repeatedly and it managed to take out two of that members Pokemon. And it was level 30 or so. I still have no clue how it did that, but I love it #7 Meganium. Eh, I just like this one a lot. Don't even know how it surpassed my old favorite Gen II starter, Typhlosion, but somehow it did. Charles is a great Toxistaller/surprise sweeper sometimes, but mostly he's just dead weight #8 Inkay. It's a cute pink squid that flips upside down and evolves into a malicious squid of death, how could I not love it? (370... Sigh, where is my shiny Blubber?) #9 Shedinja. Crack on its back steals your soul. Final gambit. Sturdy. Hilarity everywhere. Yes #10 Tyranitar. Got a Pupitar of Wonder Trade for my mono Dark type run through Y (I was allowing things who's final evo was Dark) Poopitar got me through to the E4 and evolved right near the end of Victory Road. Her loyalty deserves her species a spot on my favorites list #?? Haunter. Had one early on in Yellow, loved it to death. It hasd to go on my favorites list somewhere, even if I don't actually know where Yeah... Ima stop now. My favorites encompass about 8% of all current Pokemon... Top ten list and Haunter, yay (And if you were crazy enough to read all that, congratulations, you've won a prize: You don't have to do it again) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ojama Yellow Posted March 8, 2014 Share Posted March 8, 2014 My favorites? Hmm... Look at my name and you'll find one. Indeed, Bibarel. My little powerhouse in my first Pearl run. Then, Alakazam. Fucking Alakazam. He's awesome and strong and I love him. He is even more reason for me to hate Abra, because Abra took two chances to get a shiny Alakazam away from me by Teleporting away. Machamp, Venusaur and Electivire also deserve my love. Those five got to be my favourite non-legendary Pokémon. And then... Legendary Pokémon. For a long time, Rayquaza was number one. But over the past three years, Darkrai took this guy's place. Dark Void OP. Sprite awesome. Stats like hell. Who doesn't like him? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chuckles Posted March 18, 2014 Share Posted March 18, 2014 Ampharos. It was my favorite before it got a super-majestic godmode form and became a dragon, and now i love it even more. Not just because it looks awesome or something but because it's actually competitively good; one weakness, decent defenses and Cotton Guard make it pretty epic for tanking, and high special attack and a better variety in moveset than most electric types, it can hold its own quite well in many situations. I have one in Reborn as well and i couldn't tell you how many times it has saved my ass, it is beyond counting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yash Posted March 18, 2014 Share Posted March 18, 2014 (edited) Well it has to be... Charizard!!!! Cuz... FIRE!!!! And its a good a$$ kicker!! N looks like a dragon.. Edited March 18, 2014 by Aquibex Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majestic Electric Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) For the longest time, my favorite was Umbreon. I just loved his design and he's easily my favorite Eeveelution. However, with Gen 6, a new king took the crown... ...Fennekin. This guy is just too cute! Imo, he has to be the cutest starter we've ever had. I usually don't go for the Fire starter, but Fennekin won me over. He is also a complete monster in-game, being able to beat 7 of the 8 Kalos gyms! Crazy! Fennekin also broke the 3 generation long tradition of the Fire / Fighting starters and evolves instead into a Fire / Psychic type. About damn time, GameFreak. Overall, Fennekin is just a really cute creature and he's easily one of my favorite Gen 6 Pokemon. Edited March 21, 2014 by Majestic Electric Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted March 22, 2014 Share Posted March 22, 2014 Jolteon used to be my favorite, and is making a strong bid to become that again. Epic design, used to be my favorite type, and now 130 BASE SPEED. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aliggan Posted March 31, 2014 Share Posted March 31, 2014 Why not have top 6? (No particular order) Galvantula - My absol-lute favorite these days. One of the few good things to come out of gen 5. Bug/Electric is an amazing combo and he just destroys everything with thunder/compound eyes, especially in single player. Heracross - Just cool. His mega-evolution is amazingly amazing. Bullet seed, rock blastx5 is pro pro mode. He was my sexy beast in gen 2 as well. Feraligatr - Of course, as we can see by gen 2 domination, gen 2 was my first and my best gen. My favorite starter is certainly this, and he is just beast mode quite frankly. HE'S AN ALIGATOR. Absol - Smooth, sexy, lovable... I named my first email account after this beast. He just looks so cool. Gen 3 brought some nice characters like Armaldo, Flygon, Sharpedo, and Dusclops, but Absol tops them all. Scizor - Faborite pokemon as a elemantary kid student. He is just such a boss and even sexier than his precedent, Scyther. That new mega-evolution is pretty ugly, albeit op. Togekiss - I previously payed no attention to the togepi line until the introduction of gen 6. FAIRY TYPE is pretty cool. Togekiss just exemplifies the amazingness of fairy with great sp def/atk, speed and useful and varrying moves. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted April 4, 2014 Share Posted April 4, 2014 Glaceon. :3 to be honest, I really haven't a frickin' idea why. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikzal Posted April 4, 2014 Share Posted April 4, 2014 Guess first. Reveal hidden contents You guessed it? Well done! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost Lore Posted April 4, 2014 Share Posted April 4, 2014 Well, each generation introduces a few more Pokemon that make their way into my favourites, but... there's obviously going to be one that tops the list. For me, it's Pidgeot. I've always loved its design, so I make a habit of catching one when it's available, and it matches my favourite battle style- hitting fast and hard- perfectly. Sadly, pretty much every other birdie (besides Unfezant, perhaps) outclasses it, and I doubt that'll ever change. Won't stop me from using it, though. Oh, and my favourite legendary... is Raikou. The first legendary I ever caught, way back when I first started playing Gold. It's stubbornly held this spot, despite Darkrai's best attempts at trying to overtake it. One of the things I remember quite vividly is how one particular Pokedex entry cites it having a cry that sounds like crashing thunder. And, because I feel like it, and if anyone cares, my favourites of their respective types: Reveal hidden contents Bug- Kricketune Dark- All of them Absol Dragon- Dragonite Electric- Jolteon (technically Raikou, but that was mentioned above, so...) Fairy- Aromatisse Fighting- Mienshao Fire- Arcanine Flying- Honchkrow (Pidgeot, technically, but again, that was mentioned above) Ghost- Gengar Grass- Grovyle Ground- Sandslash Ice- Froslass Normal- Purugly Poison- Skuntank Psychic- Girafarig (Meowstic is fighting the good fight to take this spot, though...) Rock- Rampardos Steel- Mawile Water- Floatzel Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zinarei Posted April 4, 2014 Share Posted April 4, 2014 (edited) It's hard to say. When I was a kid it was Haunter. When I became a teenager it was Duskull. Late teens, Dusknoir. Nowadays I guess it's Sableye. Hard to choose your favorite child though. Edit: What the hell am I talking about? Espurr. Espurr hands down. Edited April 4, 2014 by Zinarei Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 Mightyena, first pokemon i caught ever to boot as a poochyena. Mightyena is undeniably and unfortunately the black sheep of the dark-types. His sucker punch isn't as strong as absol's, his defenses aren't as high as umbreon's and he doesn't have a secondary typing like houndoom, to make matters worse, he can't even mega evolve. Life is pretty unfair with this pokemon but that just made me want to bring out it's potential even more (and i achieved pretty good success 'till now). It has a stylish design and i like the idea of a hyena/dog hybrid, i also like how their pokedex entries make him seem like a very loyal pokemon to it's trainer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destinyweaver Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 If you know me...You can already guess(HINT:LOOK ALL OVER MY TRAINER CARD) But, the question is....Which is my favorite of them all? I'LL LIST THEM IN ORDER 1.Umbreon- I LOVE dark types, I love his indirect tactics for killing everything with Toxic stall, and the sheer power of a Curse set(ALSO, THAT SHINY FORM) 2.Jolteon- Fast paced destruction, cute design 3.Flareon- It's cute to me...AND HAS UNRIVALED ATTACKING POWER....But it suffers from bad defense>_> 4.Sylveon- Bow to your cute, supportive, all destroying Fairy Eevee(THAT SHINY) 5.Leafeon- Grass is a likable type for me, but I prefer Flareon in the physical offensive department....And honestly, I think Leafeon has less of a offensive movepoll compared to Flareon 6.Espeon- A good balance of supportive and offensive play....But Psychic just isn't my type 7.Vaporeon- Not too much of a fan of its design compared to others, don't like water too much, but I do still LOVE it's bulk 8.Glaceon- I don't like Ice, and Glaceon just doesn't seem to work out well when I use it(And it's far outclassed by sylveon as a Dragon counter, btw)...It is kinda pretty, though I obviously love Eevee too, but it really only has it's out of this world cuteness until it evolves. In case you're wondering what else I like....I like the foxes(Zorua line, Vulpix line, Fennekin line), and Ampharos in particular Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest WingedZero Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 I have a couple of favorites, one in general being Pikachu, as I had known this pokemon the most out of all the other pokemon throughout my time playing Pokemon Yellow. Two other pokemon that I favor are Absol, as the pokemon itself is just really cool, especially with its pokedex description, slightly modified throughout each pokemon game after the pokemon's game of origin, but still great no less. My second other favorite is the Pumpkaboo evolution line, this is a favorite for a decent amount of reasons.... 1. The idea of having a pumpkin as a pokemon is awesome enough as it is, but in my opinion, Nintendo actually managed to make a type of pumpkin that I would just LOVE to have as a pet if pokemon ever came to reality, 2. the alternate sizes, this is definitely surprising to me, as usually when it comes to pokemon, sizes are not usually a factor, I just find it to be a creative scenario, and 3. the appearance ( color-wise ) of the shiny version, this one is simple, as I just find it to look pretty cool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 (edited) i've always liked Lucario. it's design is awesome, it's pokedex entry is great, and it's signature move is beast, to boot. (plus, the fact that Riolu is cute doesn't help any...) My favorite starter used to definitely be Oshawott, but now that Gen VI has come out, it's tied with Fennekin. Oshawott's just, well, very reflective of myself. Fennekin is cute, to boot, and that's how they tied. i don't really have a favorite Legendary, but if i had to choose one it'd be one of the Gen V Tao Trio. My favorite Eeveelution is definitely Umbreon, although Vaporeon is pretty close behind in Second, and Eevee coming in a close third. Edited April 22, 2014 by K_H Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anthalt Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 So hard to pick just one... but I think it's Sceptile. Something about a leafy dragon is just so cool. With that said it's still pretty up in the air for first because I love so many pokemon and it's such a close tie for first it's hard to tell which one is actually out front. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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