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Favorite Pokemon.


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Ever since i was 9, my favorite pokemon was gengar, that bone chilling smile and purple is my favorite colors! I use to catch haunters all the time but couldn't figure out how to evolve him... --later i found out you have to TRADE HAUNTER???!!!! I GOT TROLLED FOR 10 YEARS-- <---------------- Ain't nobody got time fo that...

now that i'm older, i would say gengar and salamence are my favorites.. =p

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For a really long time my favorite was Machamp, but then Glaceon came along and ever since Glaceon is around, I love glaceon the best ^.^ I just have a thing for water and wind and ice just seems like the perfect blend of the two, a cold and fragile beauty, but at the same time a fierce force of nature~ growing up in the mountains as a kid, I have a healthy respect for snow and ice and to me Glaceon is the mascot of it, it might not be the strongest stat wise, but it sure is strong enough

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Can I have one three from each gen? One poké alone is too hard to choose... too damn hard!


Dragonair: this thing's just as beautiful as it can get.

Gengar: the original ghost, the phantom, the shadow, the unknown hiding in the darkness... mischievous and eeriee design, I love it.

Clefable: the original pink cutey, and also the counterpart of Gengar. What else do I need? Oh that's right, Magic Guard!

((Honorable mention of Vileplume's line, Lapras and Vaporeon, my fav eeveelution but not my fav mon from gen I)


Misdreavus: cutest non-evolved ghost hands down. Also it looks to me like a bodyless head, which is pretty scary.

Azumarill: whenever I think of this thing, I can't avoid to relate it with Easter eggs and the Easter bunny. Plus is so adorable.

Jumpluff: no matter how, always I battle this thing, it outspeeds my entire party and puts everyone to the likes of sleep or poison. It makes me so mad that I can't help but love it XD

((Honorable mention of Corsola, Skarmory and Girafarig))


Sableye: is so mean looking, it seems as if it were to eat your face out at any moment...any moment now....

Mawile: I love the base of the design, and its deceiving and treacherous nature.

Gardevoir: the best psychic type around IMO. So elegant, and I love how everyone always seems to think it can just be female XD

((Honorable mention of Roselia's line, Deoxys and Kecleon))


Giratina: let me explain this to you: Is a ghost dragon.GHOST.DRAGON. If you can't get the badassery of this one...

Froslass: a beautiful looking ghost based on an interesting legend. I always thought her head looked like a Snorunt's dead body...

Dusknoir: this thing always reminds me of Oogie Boogie (dunno...) and since that's one of my fav villains ever, Dusknoir gets in this list.

((Honorable mention of Weavile, Togekiss and Gastrodon))


Audino: I'm all for the cute stuff, and Audino might be "useless" (*EXP* tho) but is the cutest pink poké you'll get that is NOT a fairy.

Leavanny: she might be weak to almost everything, but I've seen no other bug type as beautiful as this one.

Reuniclus: is the CELL pokemon. Plus it's a rabbit. I love biology, and cells, and rabbits. Did I mention that it's the CELL pokemon?

((Honorable mention of Frillish's line, Serperior's line and Chandelure's line))


Gourgeist: cutest fully-evolved ghost hands down. The hair-arms, the psycho instincts (it drowns you for fun!), the tiny fang that makes me think of Kyoko from madoka.... dunno what else to say, some might preffer the badassery of Trevenant but I'll go with the dreadish cuteness of the halloween poké ^-^

Malamar: I love its evolutionary line, it goes from the cutest thing ever to the most malicious, kraken-like creature around. Plus contrary <3

Goodra/Delphox: yes, this is a tie. I cannot choose. Delphox was my first starter ever, but Goodra is the cutest fully-evolved dragon I've seen.

((Honorable mentions of Florges' line, Espurr's line and Sylveon))

EDIT: Reading all the things people've writen, I consider I missed a lot of mons that are also favs of mine, so 18 pokes will be making this list now.

Edited by zimvader42
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

<- Lapras for many reasons :

1) It's part water type and I love the water type because I love water in general :).

2) For me, it's the cutest pokemon ever, it looks so gentle and adorable !

3) I'm a French math teacher student so I like Maths. Lapras is named after the French mathematician Laplace.

4) It's so versatile, it can be offensive, defensive, dragon dance, curse, perish trapper, cleric, etc... It may not be the best at a particular role but its versatility makes it very fun to use competitively.

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Darkrai is probably my favorite. After watching the Rise of Darkrai a while back I started thinking more and more about dark types in general and why most of them are so misunderstood (Absol, darkrai). In the movie darkrai only wanted to protect his town, but everyone hated him just because he was dark and scary looking. He only caused nightmares out of self defense. He really had one of the deepest stories of any pokemon to date. Of course there was that house in BW2 where I guess he killed a girl but we never really get a full story to that. He was also my first shiny pokemon ever back in Platinum so of course that makes him special to me as well.
Not to mention his design is badass.

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Typhlosion and Shedinja are my favs. Also Manectric and Aggron. Typhlosion was my first ever. I learned of Shedinja last year and since then he's been my ultimate Troll Pokemon. Manectric was a spectacular asset in my first Reborn run, and we all know how hard that can be. Aggron grew on my during my recent play through of Y.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In order from most favourite to least but still super high favourite

1) Sceptile

2) Linoone

3) Flygon

4) Arcanine

Then things get hazy... with a tie for 5th... they swap around depending on the day.

Armaldo, Gastrodon, Starmie

Edited by Anthalt
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I hope this shows up right, and that the color is okay... but my favorites are Mawile (Absolute number one fave), Mew & Celebi (number two faves) , meowth and the cute new dragon bat thing... Noibat I think it's called? (well, those two are my number three)

as for the reason, #1 They're cute and, at least in the case of Mawile and Meowth, not to bad in battle ( at least I don't never thought they where) never caught/had a mew or Celebi before, so don't know for them, and I don't have the newest games, or hand-helds, for that matter, so I don't have a cclue as to Noibat..

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My favourite?

Well, that would have to be the all-singing, all-dancing, all-bitch-slappin' Scizor, of course!

Not the mega though, I am disappointed that they made Scizor into a brick. He looks all sleek and awesome and then *poof* he's gone all stapler-hands on us.

When it comes to Megas its Absol all the way.

Or Swampert. So I herd u liek murder?

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1. Houdoom & Magmar (soz cant decide)

2. Hydreigon

3. Gyarados <3(tempted to put high coz plain badass)

4. Salamance

5. Dragonite

6. Charizard

7. Metagross (again would be higher if it was gen 2)

8. Ralts (coz every playthrough on sapphire i would hunt for hours or days for a shiny one)

9. Aggron

10.Ho-oh (plainly coz it was the first legendary i ever caught shhh i was like 6)

11.Skarmory(where the hell is his mega evo)

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Mucha Hawlucha, it's a way of life?

But seriously, I loved the damn thing the minute I saw it leaked a few weeks before XY's release. Aftering using one on my story team and one in competitive battling, I grew to love the thing even more, especially how it's already good speed get's boosted by Unburden. It's shiny's cool, how tiny yet brutal it is makes me love it even more, and it's fight scenes in the anime are just so much fun to watch.

Honorable Mentions: Ampharos, Chandelure, Entei, Gyarados, Swampert, Staraptor, Quagsire, Breloom, Furfrou, Lugia, Machamp, Cyndaquil and Jolteon.

Edited by MachoGoose
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  • 4 weeks later...

My two favorite pokemon are Swampert and Jirachi. Jirachi for its cute and a little elegance and Swampert because of it's design and the fact that it was my staple on my team on sapphire. Sapphire being the first pokemon game where I completed the elite 4 twice.

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Favorite mon... this is a toughie so I'll do my top 5.

Gothitelle and Lilligant are tied for first place. I love lilligant because she's adorable and can be a beast at times, also she was one of my first mon. I love Gothitelle's design, she's gorgeous and she's got a great moveset/ability combo that makes her a great thief. Mawile is Fantastic, they have great movesets/resistances and they have cool mix of cute and menacing. My two others are Magmortar, since he was my very first starter, and Sceptile. Both are absolute badasses and just look awesome.

Though Infernape, Camerupt, and Ludicolo have been growing on me a lot.

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My favourites are metagross and weavile.
I started in gen III, and when I finally had a metagross, it was just...so good :) And it looks awsome.
Weavile...I once did a dark monotype run in a game, and allowed me start with sneasel...no words can describe how I tore through that game thanks to weavile

edit: And how could I forget rayquaza? I encountered it on sky pillar when I was 7-8 years. That cry really scared me then, which made it so cool.

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