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Help by Shade


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Could you give us some information what other pokemon you have? Working with the team you have: (spoiler because it lists the pokemon that Shade uses)


Gengar -> can´t touch your diggersby at all except with Dreameater and you can hit it with Dig for super-effective damage -> Put a berry on it to wake up in case it puts you to sleep with Hypnosis


Dhelmise -> Blaziken can hit it super-effectively and his strongest attack against it is shadow claw, which is rather weak.


Rotom -> Train Mightyena to lv 40 for it to learn Crunch.


Banette -> Mightyena should be able to do this too.


Doublade -> Train Graveler to 40 for it to learn Earthquake.


Mimikyu -> Toxic it with Skuntank or hit it with Acid Spray a few times. You should also have the other pokemon to help you out here. It wouldn´t harm to train it to 39 for it to learn Sucker Punch.



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with the possible exception of Doublade, skuntank should handle most of his team by itself. my only guess is your movesets arent too great or something. you have 2 solid ground types to deal with doublade and gengar (bonus: one is immune to ghost)


if you really want then you can try training up a good electric pokemon to learn discharge, charge beam, ion deluge, parabolic charge or wild charge any of those moves can turn the Short-Circuit field into a Factory Field which removes the fairly sizeable buff a lot of hist ghost moves would recieve otherwise, be careful not to use them a 2nd time though as it can turn the Factory Field back to Short-Circuit 


knowledge of fields using the field guide (or the included txt file if you're really stuck) and how to abuse/neutralize/destroy them will be essential in later gym battles 

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Guest Relinquished

You can catch Zorua, before Shade fight. Is relatively fast, Dark type and hits hard. Wrecked half of his team, with it.


After beating Shelly, or before fighting Shade, make sure to visit the Beryl Ward rooftop (the one with the lizard pokemon met in sunshine weather), but on a CLEAR NIGHT! You will meet someone you wouldn't expect, he he!

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Mightyena with Moxie can be very effective against Shade. Indeed, Sucker Punch can destroy 5 of his 6 mons in a row, the only exception being his Mimikyu. Having a Pokemon with Acid Spray like Arbok or Skuntank is a good point, even if it can’t replace Mold Breaker Excadrill who is the Mystery Egg Pokemon by excellence to wreck Shade’s ace, cause it will ignore Disguise and Steel moves are known to be particularly deadly against Fairy Types.

Edited by Q-Jei
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yes the moveset is bullshit.... and Diggersby Dig is useless against gengar... because he always switch to Moruda


Diggersby 37: Lax, Cheek Puch,

Dig, Take Down, Mud Shot, Double Kick


Skuntank 37: Naughty, Aftermath

Slash, Flamethrow, Night Slash Bite


Mightyena 35: Naive, Moxie

Tackle, Snarl, Assurance, Bite


Graveler 35: Sassy, Sturdy

Rock throw, Rock blast, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock


Blaziken 40: Adamant, Speed Boost

Flame Charge, Peck, Blaze Kick, Double Kick


Yamast 32: Docile, Mummy

Hex, Will o Wisp, Ominous Wind, Curse


My other pokemon

Greninja 38

Fletchinder 34

Unfezant 33

Floatzel 35

Shimmer 36

Dodrio 31

Fearow 30

Donphan 33

Emolga 37

Levitate 32

Pangoro 32

Sceptile 39

Vespiquen 40

Meowstick 34


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Emolga should be able to learn the charge beam TM from the 1st gym, that can jump start the field out of Darkness and weaken his ghost moves giving you a better chance of survivability for a start.


otherwise i'm not seeing the problem, skuntank's night slash should be able to take out everything not named mimikyu in likely one shot (maybe 2 for doublade) Greninja would make the battle an absolute cakewalk if it knows Dark Pulse. and if you can teach skuntank a poison move like acid spray then its GG to mimikyu. 

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9 hours ago, MachoPony said:

Emolga should be able to learn the charge beam TM from the 1st gym, that can jump start the field out of Darkness and weaken his ghost moves giving you a better chance of survivability for a start.


otherwise i'm not seeing the problem, skuntank's night slash should be able to take out everything not named mimikyu in likely one shot (maybe 2 for doublade) Greninja would make the battle an absolute cakewalk if it knows Dark Pulse. and if you can teach skuntank a poison move like acid spray then its GG to mimikyu. 

i have no tm with dark pulse

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