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Gen 1

Stage 1 Pikachu as you start out with one in special Yellow fell in love with it during anime episodes and it has cute interactions

Stage 2 Wartortle love the fluffy tail, very cute Pokemon in general, Blastoise is too bulky looking for personal tastes tho Squirtle is cute as well

Stage 3 Charizard more due to looks then practical use especially with mega evolutions, overall found the gen 1 starter final forms to be bulky


Gen 2

Cindaquil plain adoreble


Looks Meagnamium use feraligator or typlosion


Gen 3


Grovyle (Fell in love with it during the Pokemon mystery dungeon series)

Design sceptile use swampart


Gen 4



Tie between torterra and infernape


Gen 5





Gen 6

Fenniken line hands down favourite starter ever.... I love foxes fenniken looks fairly similar to a fennec fox so I fell in love with the line immeaditly


Gen 7




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  • 4 weeks later...

Necro because of boredom.


Gen 1. Venasuar and Blastoise tie for me. I love the poison/grass typing and i LOVE turtles. Plus both have pretty awesome megas.

Gen 2. Feraligatr - hands down the best looking design IMO and is an absolute powerhouse with sheer force.

Gen 3. Sceptile -  Just love its design but Swampert(absolute unit mega) comes in as a close second.

Gen 4. Empoleon - Probably the hardest gen to choose a favorite in because i adore all 3, But TEN resistances plus he looks amazing. Love the trident facemask.

Gen 5. Serperior - while i love a reckless emboar, Contrary serperior with leaf storm wreaks havok. And it has such a regal design.

Gen 6. Greninja - Very close between greninja and chestnaught( i love tanky mons) but a ninja frog that uses its tongue as a scarf? yes please.  Not to mention protean is a stupid good ability.

Gen 7. Inceniroar - My first fire starter favorite lol. For starters he looks amazing. Tiger wrestler heel with a flaming belt pleases me greatly. And the dark typing is just the cherry on top.

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most of my favorite starter mons are mostly either fire type or water type lol

Gen 1: that title goes to Charizard just like most pokemon fans hahaha *sigh*

Gen 2: Typolotion, gen 2 is probably my second least liked starter pack, dunno why but Typolotion is cool in my book yes the walking crocodile is cooler but I still my fire breathing badger

Gen 3: Swampert, gen 3 starter pack is actually my most favorite one with Swampert being my most favorite pokemon... tie with Greninja

gen 4: Infernape,  gen 4 come second as their starter have awesome design, it's between giant turtle with tree, a steel cool looking penguin, and a kungfu master fire monkey

gen 5: uggh... I hate this gen starter mon, but if I have to choose then I'll go with Emboar

gen 6: Greninja, I don't really like the other two starter design for some reason

gen 7: well well as of this writing, Decidueye is the first and only grass type pokemon I actually like I do like Sceptile but Swampert beat him on that

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  • 1 month later...

1: Venusaur because it's first form is actually adorable and I love all the utility/status moves it gets


2: Typhlosion because I've only played Silver, where the other two starters had crippling type or move pool weaknesses, and because I think it's design looks pretty cool.


3. Blaziken. The Best Pokemon in the first half of reborn. The only Ubers starter. Also looks freaking awesome, and Emerald, where is used it first, was one of my favorite games. Favorite fire-type, favorite starter.


4. Empoleon, the starter with my favorite type, steel! Also pretty bulky on the special side, and I like it's cry and design. Has a terrible move pool but I forgive it. Also my first starter in my first game, diamond.


5. I don't really like any of these Pokemon, but I suppose Emboar is my favorite of them for being slightly better for the second and third gyms in bw.


6. Chesnaught. Chespin is adorable, Quilladin absolutely carried me through Florina's gym on my first reborn run with Pin Missile, and chesnaught's spikey shield is my favorite of the protect line. Also, I just like playing the tank.


7. This would be Inciniroar if it weren't for it's darn skinny arms. As it stands, Rowlet is possibly the cutest starter ever, and Decidueye is ghost, my second favorite type.

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When I was a kid, I had this misplaced notion that you were SUPPOSED to choose the starter on the box art. And I was right. After picking up Pokémon Red, I was rewarded with the coolest of the three starter Pokémon in Generation 1, an actually "tough" opening portion of the game (Charmeleon isn't going to handle Brock and Misty alone), and the ability to look elsewhere at Kanto's many other Grass and Water types - many of which I had a particular fondness for... On the other hand, Kanto doesn't have a vast array of Fire types, and I like Charizard more than any of other choices that -are- present.




Johto is one of the regions where it is very tough to say which of the three starters I like DEFINITIVELY more than the others. I like Meganium's entire line's appearance game, and I like Typhlosion's as well. But I always, always, ALWAYS picked Totodile.




Where Johto had a bunch of really cool looking starters, Hoenn has what feels like a bunch of REALLY GOOD matchup-wise. Mudkip however, is utterly gamebreaking and doesn't look all that cool to me when it evolves into Swampert (although I'll admit, Mega'Pert over there is funny looking and I appreciate not missing "arm day"), and Blaziken has a somewhat difficult time in the early game compared to the other two. Sceptile is the happy medium, being a good choice early on while having some tougher fights (Flannery, Winona) to look forward to later on. Mega Sceptile is also EASILY my favorite Hoenn mega.




A purely aesthetic choice because I have not had the pleasure of making a run through the Sinnoh region. However, I can tell you that Empoleon is a very sleek looking Pokémon and in another region where I'd be content with picking any of them to roll with, the looks win out. (I do know that Piplup's learnset is iffy at times.)




Smugleaf. In recent years pokemon such as Dartrix , Lilligant, and Tsareena show up, and you have a grass type Pokémon that just exudes confidence. In a generation where the starters were very much acquired tastes and the designs were less generic and more partial, Snivy ushered the era of sassy grass type Pokémon. Competitively, Serperior makes its hay on spamming a move and then flipping its "trade-off" side effect to one that makes clicking the move again EVEN BETTER. Contrary is cool. At least in the battle simulator.




I had told myself I was going to pick Chespin as soon as the idea that the Kalos starters were based off of traditional RPG classes came to be. Greninja is a very....for lack of a better word "sexy" (as in generally an attractive choice, - some of you go there mentally and either judge or try to group me into something I'm not about....you sickos.) Pokémon with a great hidden ability. Delphox finally broke the "Firefighter" drought Fire starters had and while I thought Braixen is a prettier Pokémon before it evolved, it definitely looks like the traditional RPG magic caster. However, I have a soft spot for Paladins, and Chesnaught ends up with a combination of my two favorite types. Grass, and Fighting. Finally, Chesnaught's hidden ability, Bulletproof, makes it immune to ball and bomb type moves, most notably Sludge Bomb, a common Poison type attack. Then there's Spiky Shield. Then there's access to Drain Punch via breeding. Chespin's evolutionary line is outright, uncontested, my favorite of any starter in Pokémon history... and I don't even like Gen 6 that much.




I had told myself I was going to pick Rowlet when looking at the leaks-...until I saw Dartrix and Torracat. Torracat is definitely one of my favorite middle stage evolutions. Incineroar is admittedly a bit of a hot mess appearance wise, but the lore behind it makes it forgivable. It's made to be goofy and its based on some real life fake combat antics. It's also likely to be a Smash main of mine in the very near future.....and I guess Intimidate is a solid hidden ability for games like Reborn as well as competitively....and I guess Fire/Dark is kinda cool...and Darkest Lariat is good. Okay, "Tiger Mask", take your win.

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  • 1 month later...

Gen 1: Charizard. Gen 1 starters aren't that interesting to me anymore, but Charizard holds a special place in my heart, since it was my starter the first time I ever played pokemon.

Gen 2: Feraligator. Simply because I don't like the other two starters as much.

Gen 3: Blaziken. It's fire. It's fighting. IT KICKS.

Gen 4: Infernape. It's fire. It's fighting. IT'S A MONKEY.

Gen 5: Emboar. It's fire. It's-- okay you get the picture.

I haven't really played these next gens yet, so I'm just gonna base it on appearance (and maybe some fan games with gen 6-7 starters).


Gen 7: Decidueye. Edgy. And ghost.

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Before I start, I prefer tanky mons.

Venusaur - the best grass type mon. Give Blastoise Steel type and then we'll talk.

Actually, anything here. All are equally good and bad in their ways.

Swampert - liek mudkipz and also just, use it once. It's the best. Liked it when Zeta/Omicron made a custom Mega form and gave it Sap Sipper. Broken totally.

 * Blaziken is good too, probably one of the few non-tanky mons I like.

Empoleon - Fantastic and the best Gen 4 starter. Defeated the league on the 1st try with this.

.............Meh..............Serperior is fine

Froggo is good. Go Greninja.

Primarina - like it's elegance and strength. Rare combo.

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Generation I: I suppose is very clear. Charizard, Charmander was the first pokemon I chose when I started playing pokemon. Curiosly, Charizard is the only pokemon know so far to confront Legendary Pokemon on its own? (Groudon, Entei, Kyogre, Articuno, Mewtwo), and participant from many main battles in Anime Series?


Generation II: Welp, if I were to choose, it'll be Feraligatr, has a nice bulky, good Atk, ability, and moveset. Also, it has a Dragon-like appearence


Generation III: Definetly, Sceptile, a fast pokemon, balanced Sp.Atk and Atk. A cool pokemon imo. Also responsible from defeated Tobias's Darkrai in Sinnoh League.


Generation IV: Infernape, yes, this monkey from hell. When played Diamond, I didn't know what starter choose, since tbh, wasn't aware of them, they were new for me. But I choosed Chimchar because I like fire types. A good choice, Was a key when battling E4 and Champion, (Practicaly solo'ed Cynthia). Also, remember that battle of Infernape, vs Electivire? So epic.


Generation V: I don't like any of these tbh.. But if I were to choose, it would be Emboar. (Fav Gen V pokemo are Krookodile and Hydreigon)


Generation VI: Greninja, came to like as soon as came out. Great ability, Sp.Atk, Speed, many movesets etc. I always Charizard over this one, but, when I started playing Reborn, I said "Let's give it a chance", and oh my, what a chance, it didn't dissapoint me. Clear enough to say that Greninja and Charizard are my favorite pokemon over.


Generation VII: Don't know very much about this ones, but I'm sure Decidueye got the place for this. (I didn't like Incineroar, it's like seeing a Dark Type Emboar)

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gen I isnt a contest- venusaur easily has charizard and blastoise beat, even though I like all of them.


gen II is pretty close between meganium and typhlosion, with feraligatr miles behind both of them. meganium wins out tho.


gen III isnt a contest either- swampert easily takes it home from blaziken and sceptile.


gen IV is tougher, as both torterra and infernape are among my favorite starters. torterras still the cooler one though.


gen V is tough because I dont like any of them. emboar is just lame, samurott would win if samurott had actually looked like oshawott and dewott, so serperior takes it? I guess?


gen VI is again super cool starters but chesnaught is miles ahead.


gen VII is one of those cases where I again dont like the starters, but incineroar barely wins over primarina. decidueye is straight-up the worst starter in pokemon existence though.

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Generation I: Venusaur. My friends always chose Squirtle and Charmander. What started from me picking the one Pokemon nobody wanted turned into a loving adoration for one of the best Grass-Types that Pokemon has to offer. Whether speeding around under the sun to decimate his foes with unmatched speed or sitting in place tanking hits in his Mega form, Venusaur is consistently the best of the Generation I starters. He'll always be my #1 choice.


Generation II: While I adore Grass-Types, generations II - IV took me on a road trip. Typhlosion was always my favourite in this generation, purely because Feraligatr wasn't really my style and I just had this undying hatred of Meganium.


Generation III: Sceptile was nice, but like many young children I could not resist the thrill of Blaziken. When I grew up, I grew fonder of Sceptile, but Blaziken still reigns supreme for my Gen III starter love.


Generation IV: Similar to gen II, Empoleon wasn't my style and I hate Torterra. As such, Infernape became my default favourite.


Generation V: This put me back on track for my love of Grass-Types when they introduced the coolest Grass-Type starter since Venusaur; Serperior. The elegance and sass that this Pokemon exudes is just fantastic.


Generation VI: Chesnaught. Finally Grass-Types got the Fighting dual typing. Wasn't going to pass up on that. Also, Chesnaught was just... better. Sure, Greninja was a fantastic starter, but he never quite clicked for me.

Generation VII: Decidueye continued that feeling of the sassy Grass-Type that Serperior introduced. Wasn't going to pass up on that.

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Fuck yea, I love answering this: 


Gen 1: Venusaur: Viable w/ or w/o it's mega and it has a cool design. Bonus Points for being the starter no one really cared for


Gen 2: Typhlosion: Was the starter of my choice in HG and using it again in Reborn made me re-kindle my love for it. Feraligatr is a close second though


Gen 3: w/o a doubt Swampert. Despite Blaziken being stupid op and using Sceptile in the Gen Threemakes. Reborn made me love Swampert due to how useful it is and how many times it has come in clutch, living hits or dishing them out. I fucking love this Pokemon, my 2nd favourite Pokemon overall


Gen 4: Another hard one, since they're all good. But Empoleon wins due to nostalgia reasons. Being the stupid kid I was and refusing to train up anything else but my starter, I struggled against Gardenia. So I levelled up my Prinplup all the way up to an Empoleon via level 16's and beat the gym. Those were good times, when I was stupid overlevelled for the next few parts of the game 


Gen 5: Samurott: All the starters in this gen were super "meh", but Samurott takes the cake due to, once again, nostalgia reasons. Played White 2 before White/Black, picked Oshawott which would then become a Samurott and my first level 100 Pokemon 


Gen 6: Greninja. I really like the other two, but Greninja is just too cool and good to pass up. 


Gen 7: At first, it was Decidueye due to purely design. But despite using it for S&M, US&UM and Rejuvenation, Primarina takes it. This is purely because of Rejuvenation, where Popplio was randomly given to me and from there, I saw how good the Popplio line was. Primarina is amazing, high Sp. Atk and Sp. Def and has a pretty design. 

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1st evo:

Squattle is sOOOOOO cute 

Cindy qUILL i love him

I like mudkips cause so cute i love them

Piplup is the cutest i guess i like him


FeNNEKO is da best

Litten litten litten kitty kitty kitty


2nd evo:

Ivysaur is the cutest

I like kilavas cause they look like cindy quills

Grovyle is one of my favs i love him 

I dont really like any of gen 4 second evos... but prinplup is still sort of cute i guess...


Braixen no more feNNEKO but still cute somehow...



Last evo:

I like charizard cause fire breath wooooooosh venurawr ugly blastoise ugly

Typhlosion cause is like a giant cindy quill i like cindy quils

Blaziken is my fav starter last evo hes so cool and strong and hes a kickboxing chicken 

I like torterra cause hes so big yet so cute

Serperior is cute yet not as cute as servine or snivy......... 

Delphox isnt cute so i pick greninja hes froggy frog tongue scarf

Primarina is mah girly gaurl i like her 

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My opinions tend to change on these, and I kind of feel differently between stages, but I'll shoot.


Gen 1

base stage - Squirtle, he's just too freakin cute, and his anime personality was really cool.

middle evo - charmeleon is the only one whose look I really like, as Ivysaur just looks like a mean bulbasaur with a more developed plant and wartortle reminds me of an old guy. 

final evo - all are cool but I think I like blastoise the most, though I've used charizard more. However the overexposure for charizard kind of soured me a bit on him. Plus blastoise is a bit more creative as charizard is just a typical  fire breathing dragon.

mega- Megazard X is the only one i really care for. The others have too many body parts going on but don't mesh elegantly. Well megavenus just looks boring to me.


Gen 2

 base stage - Totodile is totes awesome, and was the first starter I ever owned.  

middle stage - quilava is easily the coolest looking of them, and my favorite from his line.

final evo - Feraligtr, though admittedly I found him kind of underwhelming last playthrough in Reborn and think typhlosion is undoubtedly better for that game, but otherwise prefer the gator.


Gen 3

base stage - treecko just oozes this subdued coolness, whereas the other two are more typically cute. 

middle stage- grovyle no contest. The other two look quite goofy honestly.

final stage - It used to be Blaziken, as he was one of the 1st hoenn pokemon to really appeal to me, but these days I prefer Sceptile, especially after playing emerald.

mega - Hmmm mega sceptile I guess for actually giving a new type, but they're all cool.


Gen 4

base stage - chimchar easily, it was a no brainer the minute I saw him. 

middle stage - monferno, not too big on the other two.

final stage - Infernape, and he's probably my #1 starter.  He's usually my first pick for first playthroughs of fangames.


Gen 5

base stage - snivy easily, her dreamy eyes and smug expression puts her among the top among base form starters.

middle stage - Dewott looks pretty darn cool, let's you know he's nobody's chump anymore!

final stage - I actually like all 3, even the underloved emboar but Serperior takes it for me.


Gen 6

base stage - chespin oddly enough, despite his evos being my least favorite starters period.

middle stage - Braixen easily. Braixen is just  really pleasing to look at and Pokken made her even better. 

final stage - now originally it was greninja, and i still think he's awesome, but Reborn gave me a lot of respect for Delphox. Plus greninja's kind of become overexposed which makes me want to show delphox some more love. 


Gen 7

base stage - litten easily, much like treecko he's just got this coolness to him.

middle stage - Torracat I suppose. 

final stage - okay this one is tough. Incineroar is freakin awesome and my favorite to actually use, but Primarina I like more aesthetically. I think I'll go with Incineroar, but it's really close.



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