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My Team right now is: Blaziken, Mamoswine, Gardevoir, Electivire, Roserade, and Metagross

I was wondering which mon I should switch out if I were to put Garchomp, Salamence, or T-tar for some more pseudo power on the team, or if I should just keep it as is.

Was also considering swapping Roserade for Venusaur 

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Your team is pretty weak to ground. Your only resist is Roserade which is quite frail. Venusaur (especially mega) could help here.

The best you could do with the pokemon you mentioned would probably be:


- Venusaur-Mega

- Tyranitar

- Salamence  

- Metagross

- Mamoswine


-> This team has perfect coverage of weaknesses/resistances (except Ice) and decent offensive typing. I think adding a Water type would make sense (Rotom-Wash?). This team could use a Fire move, but I think Blaziken doesn´t make sense since a) it would be another physical attacker, which the team has enough of, and b) it doesn´t fit the teams playstyle (bulky offense), because it is too frail. Maybe HP fire on Venusaur and Fire Blast on a mixed Salamence would be an option.



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How about Blaziken, Rotom Wash, Metagross, Gardevoir, Garchomp and a free slot for whatever you want?


You'll have fire, water, electric, ground, steel, psychic, fairy, ground and dragon coverage. Your team would be weak too... well nothing except for a Swampert which still can't affect Rotom. You also get to add whatever psuedo power you want so you'll love your team more.

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Just now, Zander said:


How about Blaziken, Rotom Wash, Metagross, Gardevoir, Garchomp and a free slot for whatever you want?


You'll have fire, water, electric, ground, steel, psychic, fairy, ground and dragon coverage. Your team would be weak too... well nothing except for a Swampert which still can't affect Rotom. You also get to add whatever psuedo power you want so you'll love your team more.

Would be weak to ghost, and ground as soon as rotom dies.

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Just now, Zander said:

Then the last Pokémon could be Weavile. 

Yes, Ice/Dark would fit. However, I think the team is too frail to function properly - Garchomp and Metagross are the only ones that can take hits (and Rotom if invested in the correct stats).

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53 minutes ago, LilyX said:

Yes, Ice/Dark would fit. However, I think the team is too frail to function properly - Garchomp and Metagross are the only ones that can take hits (and Rotom if invested in the correct stats).

Well that's one of the prime reasons I hate using Blaziken in a game. It makes the team overall way too fragile when fire types are supposed to be decent bulk Pokémon. Garchomp, Metagross and Rotom all have the natural bulk to survive. Gardevoir can easily eat special attacks, especially after calm mind. Only thing is Blaziken and Weavile. One frail Pokémon is cool but 2 is bad. And I don't think there's a proper substitute for Weavile except maybe a Trevenant so yeah.

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You have a nicd team, but i would take away that Gardevoir. She does not add anything to your team. I would also consider playing grassy terrain Roserade, to play around field effects. However, what's important is that you add Salamence to your team as an answer to ground types and most importantly as an intimidate support

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I run grassy terrain on roserade to help with EQ which is one of the reasons im hesitant to get rid of it for venusaur, I think adding salamence in place of (possibly) gardevoir might be ok and also considering swapping mamo for garchomp or TTar

I appreciate all the suggestions and help none the less!


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