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A few restarts leads to this? Cowtao's Playthrough


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Since people are doing this and I like the concept behind the idea i'll do a walkthrough play through as well. I have a lot to tell and I love to share my own view on how my adventures go so enough with the chitter chatter. Let's get this show on the road!


Before the events of my second Gym battle I encounter various puzzles and trickery on the way. An explosive gym, an unknown team with an unknown cause, a moving box. Of course, some of these events happened before. I was a fool to choose pokemon that can be easily killed off by Julia and her dang Electrode. So...Goodbye Hoothoot, Warortle, Cyndaquil, and Poochyena. I finally restarted for the third time and got my team to set up just right.

The team at that time was a Shiny Purrloin, Magby, Ralts, and Totodile. First gym was up and it was a miracle battle. I got my Double Team up to x6 and I slowly wittled away at Julia's Electrode. Take that, that's for making me restart 2 times!

Later on, I made some changes in my time, switching people up and copping out certain team mates thanks to some help of a few good friends. (Silver, Spade) I will start off at the point after the second battle with Fern. My team at that time was Liepard/Magby/Kirlia/Togepi (Porygon)/Croconaw/Scraggy

Chapter 1: Unexpected Calculations

"Fern is finally gone~ Wooooo!" I was excited that I defeated Fern. He had a tricky setup to bot with my currently low classed team but I managed to let Magby pull out the wins against his grass team. My team was....Underleveled to say the least. In fact, some of my pokemon were out right burdens to live up, I decided to ask a few friends for some advice and I made firm decision as to what will be my next moves and what will be necessary for my survival.

Goodbye Togepi.

With the egg courier gone, I decided to look for a substitute. Little did I know, I didn't check the dorms in the School Building I was inside. One room had a TV, the other, had a very infected computer. I actioned the stand alone laptop and out came a various amount of gibberish text and questioning. Finally, the digital rattled duck showed himself. Needless to say, my team could have easily knocked out. Porygon in one hit but luckily one of my pokemon (Scraggy) was carrying swagger. I had to restart a few times but eventually I triumphed and was awarded with a Bold Porygon.

I was about ready to challenge the gym, but I felt that my pokemon were a bit underleveled for Rini's team so I decided to train up my pokes for a bit. It was also noted that my Magby was dangerously approaching the level cap of no return. So after about 10 or 15 minutes of nonstop mashing of training I was ready.

Rini vs KuroKona

Her first few pokemon posed no threat to my Magby. Burning up from my fire-typed moves and utterly losing. Then came out the Cradily. Let me tell you, this pokemon doesn't mess around. My first instinct when it was about to appear was to switch to Kirlia. Hopefully with a few charge beam boosts I can Confuse him out. Sadly, the game didn't like me at that time and that cradily wasn't in a defensive mood. He rambled down at my setup Kirlia but I did manage to get it confused. See as this is my opportunity to strike I forgo the choice of Magby and go with my low level Scraggy. I thought with the combination of Confusion damage and low kick would be enough....And then Recover happened. I still nelt it down to red but soon Scraggy fell. Needless to say, I still had two pokemon. With a Fake Out and a Bite from my Liepard, the rattled up Cradily fell, but soon after another terror reared his head. Breloom. With Toxic Heal and a smogon type set.

At this point, I doubted I will beat out the Breloom with his combination of Spore, Mach Punch, and Growth but, Magby managed to pull out something. I used Magby to fodder out his side pokemon but in the process he turned into a Lvl. 26. I feared he wouldn't listen to me but, I took my gamble. I press onto the Flame Burst and.......

I managed to topple it down with a critical hit from Magby and won against my opponent. I earned my badge in a trait of luck, but one thing is for sure, I am very thankful for fire types. I had to also part another pokemon in the process however. I realized that Liepard at some point isn't going to make it very far in this race, no matter how much I trained him. He was just gonna be toppled over other options. So...With regret. I stow him over to my PC collection.

Fast Forwarding, we reach over to Jasper Ward. "Good God." This city was a disaster and more dangerous than Obsidia. The people were in fear, the trainers were tough, the ground was being torn apart by plants, fungus, tress, and various other forms of vegetation. Through it all, I reached over to the Malchous Forest. At this point, the adventure stops here. At that time, I defeated all of the goons within the Malchous Forest except for the boss, evolved a few of my top tier tykes, and encountered a little friendly shiny along the way. But, this is where the tale ends. For now.

Current Team!
Traveler (Sewaddle *) / Jolly / String Shot-Bug Bite-Razor Leaf-Struggle Bug [Lvl. 22]

Destiny (Kirlia) / Modest / Magical Leaf-Confusion-Charge Beam-Double Team [Lvl. 23]

Incendia (Magby) / Timid / Fire Punch-Confuse Ray-Clear Smog-Flame Burst [Lvl. 30]
GATR Time! (Croconaw) / Serious / Ice Fang-Water Gun-Cut-Bite [Lvl. 25]
Conception (Scraggy) / Jolly / Low Kick-Swagger-Brick Break-Headbutt [Lvl. 23]

Virtuoso (Porygon) / Bold / Recover-Agility-Psybeam-Sharpen [Lvl. 18]

Courier (Togepi)
Fisk (Liepard*)

[i know recently people are doing this and this might be getting a bit annoying for me to do this but I really like the concept of this and I want to give this at least a shot. Please be supportive of this! ;w;]

Edited by Cowtao
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Porygon is pretty good, I've used it myself and for the while I thought I was the only one who knew where to get it. It'll be useful in Corey's gym with it's Conversion 2 and Psybeam. But since the download and dubious disc aren't available in game yet, it'll start to lag behind other Pokemon.

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I'm kinda aware of that. Rumor says that Ame is gonna add Download onto the evolution floor on the next installment but that's just one person telling me that. I'm just hoping it might happen as I need dat Porygon2.

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Chapter 2: Jungle Boogie: Part I

While I was at Malchous forest. I decided to train up a few of my pokemon. Some were lagging behind so I bumped up a few, bringing on another powerhouse fully evolved in my team. Feraligator and evolving up my Shiny Sewaddle into a Swadloon. I also trained up Scraggy to a respectable Lvl. 26. This time, I was ready to take on the boss and cure Jasper Ward.

The boss was named Taka and he seemed like a lost soul in Team Meteor. I felt slightly bad for him and it seemed like he didn't belong with the team. Sadly, orders are orders and he had to follow them.

Kuro Kona vs Taka

It was like he had a heart but he is forced to do evil. His first poke proved no trouble but then, comes out Tangrowth. I already fought one of the same level before in Obsidia but my pokemon grew up from that. Now it was just being an annoyance. I thought of going for Kirlia and raising her from Confusion hits, sadly the game was feeling very nice towards me and a few magnet pulls proved otherwise. Porygon though, clutched it for the team. My now fainted Kirlia managed to bring Tangrowth to a near red HP bar and a few psybeams later it was fainted and elevating my Porygon up a level. His last pokemon, Chatot fainted him however. I thought I could live another hit but apparently Chatot is not to be messed with. Despite it's laughable size. The unsung bird later fell and crumbled towards my Feraligator however and I won, victoriously. Taka later warned me about Beryl Ward and that I should poke around since it was the birth place of all the recent vegetation infestations. I proceeded to walk downward but then, I encountered this little mischievous girl. She seemed like a sour sport and a loud mouth with her talk on saving Jasper Ward herself but I ruined it for her. I grinned a bit, but then that sank as soon as she appeared to carry a....Wait for it.


"WHAT?! HOW?!" To my disarray she had the dragon and I was completely caught off guard. Was she a Gym Leader? A new rival? Who knows? That's it for the story now. I'm currently located in Rhodochrine Forest, fighting my way through the Jungle. Will there be more traps and battles along the way? Will I meet that mysterious girl again? Find out next time on Cowtao's Playthrough~

[side Note: Yes. That is the cheesiest ending ever. :I]

Current Team!

Traveler (Swadloon*) / Jolly / String Shot-Bug Bite-Razor Leaf-Struggle Bug [Lvl. 23]

Destiny (Kirlia) / Modest / Magical Leaf-Confusion-Charge Beam-Double Team [Lvl. 24]

Incendia (Magby) / Timid / Fire Punch-Confuse Ray-Clear Smog-Flame Burst [Lvl. 30]

GATR Time! (Feraligator) / Serious / Ice Fang-Water Gun-Cut-Crunch [Lvl. 30]

Conception (Scraggy) / Jolly / Low Kick-Swagger-Brick Break-Headbutt [Lvl. 26]

Virtuoso (Porygon) / Bold / Recover-Agility-Psybeam-Sharpen [Lvl. 21]

Edited by Cowtao
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