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Extreme Speed Dratini



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Guest Relinquished

Certain event pokemon (like Pikachu forms and Ash Greninja), won't make it to Reborn... At least, as per the Creator's development comments, down the road.


Same thing probably applies, to event movesets... Fly/Surf Pikachu (i really wanted a Surf Pikachu and asked about it a long time ago), ES Dratini and others. I also believe, even if Reborn is gen 7 and canon gen 1 can transfer over to gen 7, that moves exclusive to pokemon of those generations that are kept after transfer, won't be legal in Reborn (Headbutt/Body Slam Snorlax, PayDay on pokemon other than Meowth and stuff like that).

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3 hours ago, KnightlyNobody said:

With Dratini Finally being avaible in the Wild as of Episode 18,Did the Reborn Devs add Extreme Speed to its base level up moveset or is it a Move Tutor Move? Alternatively,is E Speed not Legal on the Dratini Line as of Episode 18?


I don't think Extreme Speed Dratini will be legal nor will it be added because the only way it was obtainable was through getting the Dratini in Heart Gold/Soul Silver and then trading and transferring it to the new generation, any bred Dratini's knowing it all backtraced to that one Dratini in the end and i don't think moves that were exclusively obtainable only in a specific generation are added to Reborn move tutors.

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2 hours ago, CaptainMetal said:

Does it have to be Agate Circus? Cause I tried it with a Dratini and a Dragonite at the Onyx Relearner and it disn't work

Nope. I can remind it at the Onyx Ward move relearner.


It might be a mod only thing though, since I have a mod that allows teaching Egg moves, and Extremespeed is an egg move for Dratini technically.

Edited by wcv
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43 minutes ago, CaptainMetal said:

Interesting, for testing I hatched a Dratini and the girl said she couldn't teach it anything, maybe it only works with Dratini caught in the wild? Do remember at what position on the list ES was? Egg moves and the like are always first and then the level-up attacks follow.

I think it was underneath dragon pulse. Had to look down a ways to find it.

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30 minutes ago, CaptainMetal said:

Did you breed Dragon Pulse on it or use a tutor cause it can't learn that by level-up. Did you catch that Dratini, did you breed it or did you get it via trade?

Caught. But like I said, there’s a mod that let’s you remind Pokemon of egg moves, which I assume the previous poster has, and I have as well (don’t think I’ve ever used it actually. It was just in the same package.)

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Guest Relinquished

Confirmed. Waynolt's mod, among other things, contains an option that allows the move Relearner, to teach your pokemon any Egg move from its ENTIRE breed-only movepool; including egg moves that can only be bred over from previous generations. Extremespeed, as well as ALL other egg moves of any pokemon, marked with twin dagger symbol on Bulbapedia, can be "reminded" in Reborn.

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