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[Spoilers] Predicting the E4 and Final Boss


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I've been thinking a lot about what the Elite Four and Champion/Final Boss battles will be like, and tried to make some deductions based on some field effects:




Field Effect: Mountain. It's the only field effect that boosts all flying type attacks, and as far as I recall, we haven't had any important fights on that field, other than a fight with Cain.


Team: other than her ace (Mega Salamence), I would guess a Drifblim with Ominous Wind and Thunder, Talonflame (Gale Wings is always active during Strong Wings), Archeops or Minior (Rock type moves are also boosted by the field), and some other two. Probably will lead with a Pokemon using Tailwind to activate Strong Winds.


Bennett & Laura


Now, I think we'll face these two on a 6x12 battle, because Laura's resignation letter was falsified, and the two of them seem to be on good terms with each other, so they'll probably not want to step over the other and instead agree to face the player on a double battle until all is figured out. (I predict one of them will replace El after the story is over, since he's in cahoots with Team Meteor)


Field Effect: Flower Garden. We haven't seen it in-game before, and it boosts both Bug and Grass Pokemon (and Fire, strangely enough, although that might help Bennett's Volcarona). Also, a lot of the effects of this field seem to favor double battles.


Team: Most of Bennett's Pokemon will probably be Pokemon with Swarm (like his ace, Volcarona). Laura's team is trickier (other than Lilligant), because a lot of the stages in Flower Garden boost a lot of common moves and abilities of Grass Pokemon, so she could have literally anything. I think she'll use Grass pokemon with flower motifs.




Field Effect: either Starlight Arena or Holy Field. Starlight Arena because it can't be found anywhere in the game yet (other than maybe that dimension the MC was thrown in after Gossip Gardevoir created that black hole), and it boosts psychic type attacks, while also fitting Anna's star motif. On the other hand, Holy Field nerfs Dark and Ghost, while slightly boosting Psychic attacks, and boosting Cosmic Power and Miracle Eye. It could be either one.


Team: her ace is totally gonna be a Jirachi named Nostra. If we face her in Starlight Arena, she's probably gonna have a Starmie with Iluminate. Other than that, I'm really not sure, because I don't know what her field will be.




Field Effect: Holy Field. It's the field of his sanctum, and it boosts normal types, while also making Ghost and Dark types weak to Normal attacks.


Team: I would guess a Snorlax with Snorlium Z, since it apparently was one of his main pokemon during the online league (I might be wrong though). Regigigas would also really fit him thematically. Drampa would get a massive boost because of Nature Power turning into Judgement. Hard to narrow down what else, though.




Field Effect: I predict that we'll fight her in the New World Field. For one, the field's name and its description just scream "Final Boss" to me, and the field effects seem to help her Hydreigon to sweep (grounded Pokemon speed are halved; dark-type attacks increase in base power by 1.5x; and some moves Hydreigon can learn like Flash Cannon, Draco Meteor and Earth Power get a boost in power).


Team: The only Pokemon of hers that we know is that infamous Hydreigon (that I believe was implied to be a PULSE2 by Eve). Now, I know this is gonna sound kind of wild, but I think that her other five Pokemon will be Legendary Dragon-type Pokemon. Why? Because Lin was a dragon-type user in the other online league, and the New World Field doesn't specifically boost dragon-types, but it boosts all legendary pokemon's signature moves. There could be an in-game reason as to how she acquired a bunch of legendaries - like maybe they are illusions/simulations (like the Mewtwo, Arceus and Zekrom/Reshiram we fought), maybe she's controlling them with the power of Arc-Pulse - or maybe she's just stronk and caught them like a normal person/robot/ghost/astral projection.


Now, as to what legendaries she would use, I think: Latios/Latias (because they have Levitate); Black/White Kyurem (depending on the path the player chose); Mega Rayquaza (obligatory mega pokemon, also it's airborne); Ultra Necrozma; and Zygarde (it has four signature moves boosted by the field effect). Or maybe she'll have Arc-Pulse on her team, although I think that will be the true final boss of the game, and we'll face it after we defeat Lin.


What do you think these battles will be like? What Pokemon do you think they'll use?

Edited by iDunno
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Something some of the more observant people in the beta noticed was that the four keys, as described by Solaris in the Arc, are not only held by, but are very representative of the four (five, in some form) we'll be facing.


The ruby, the seal of pain, goes to Heather, who lived through her father's suicide with or without finding out his ties to Team Meteor, and was tortured by ECT right afterwards.


The sapphire, the seal of love, goes to Laura/Bennett, who, as we saw in the ending of E18, will likely have some sort of romantic relationship via the dialogue we saw. As an aside this also means that the family of Charlotte, Laura, Saphira will merge with the conglomerate family of Radomus, Luna, Serra, Bennett, Noel, Anna, Elias?? which is sorta neat.


The emerald, seal of faith, goes to Elias/El. His faith is structured in how his eyesight was restored by Arceus, similarly, his bloodborne oath to Solaris' family is a form of faith that drives him to his goals.


The amethyst, seal of the beyond, of course, goes to Anna. Though we don't have a full picture of what Nostra... is, Anna is shown to be someone who sees beyond the surface layer of people and has connections to events beyond what we can see upfront. 


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28 minutes ago, BIGJRA said:

Something some of the more observant people in the beta noticed was that the four keys, as described by Solaris in the Arc, are not only held by, but are very representative of the four (five, in some form) we'll be facing.


The ruby, the seal of pain, goes to Heather, who lived through her father's suicide with or without finding out his ties to Team Meteor, and was tortured by ECT right afterwards.


The sapphire, the seal of love, goes to Laura/Bennett, who, as we saw in the ending of E18, will likely have some sort of romantic relationship via the dialogue we saw. As an aside this also means that the family of Charlotte, Laura, Saphira will merge with the conglomerate family of Radomus, Luna, Serra, Bennett, Noel, Anna, Elias?? which is sorta neat.


The emerald, seal of faith, goes to Elias/El. His faith is structured in how his eyesight was restored by Arceus, similarly, his bloodborne oath to Solaris' family is a form of faith that drives him to his goals.


The amethyst, seal of the beyond, of course, goes to Anna. Though we don't have a full picture of what Nostra... is, Anna is shown to be someone who sees beyond the surface layer of people and has connections to events beyond what we can see upfront. 



I remember reading that too. It makes me think that we won't face the Elite Four in a traditional battle - as in, everyone will line up in their respective rooms and we'll fight each of them in succession (it would be kind of weird, considering everything what's going on, and that one of them is openly in league with Team Meteor).


I think that, after beating Saphira, the player will be tasked with tracking down each of the E4 members to get each of the keys before Lin and Team Meteor can, and we'll have to look around the whole region to find each of them. Maybe Heather will be visiting her father's gravestone on the graveyard, where it's a Mountain Field, and maybe El will capture Anna and take into his sanctum, and after we rescue her, she'll tells us we have to fight her to prove that we can protect the key, giving an in-game reason for both her an El to use the Holy Field. After we beat all of them and take the keys, we'll either take the fight to Lin, or she'll come to us to retrieve them.


After all of it is over, someone'll tell the player "Well, you beat all of the Elite Four and defeated the person that defeated the previous champion... So I guess technically you're the champion now. Hooray!"

Edited by iDunno
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I doubt Lin will be the champion as A she is not in the good graces of the Reborn League, B She does not fit the requirements of being a champion and C is likely to be defeated before the League Challenge. (As most Pokemon Evil Teams' plots are) Instead I think the candidates for champion are DJ Arclight, Anna or El. El isn't truly evil like Lin and thanks to him having relationship points, I'm pretty sure he will pull a Heel-Face Turn like Taka or Bennett, which will allow him to stay in the League. I also doubt anyone will have any legendary pokemon. If I was a betting man I think this is what the Challenge would go like,


First would be Heather and I think you are right on the money on what the battle would be like.


Second and third would be Bennett & Laura and again I agree with your section on them, plus a surprise double battle would fit Ame's style.


The final member of the Elite Four would be El and while I do think think he will use the Holy Field, I disagree on his team which I think will be Ditto, Drampa, Pyroar, (for further religious references) Blissey, (good wall and fits his holy theme) Snorlax and either Mega Kangaskhan (best Normal type Mega) or Mega Audino. (fits his theme)


As for the champion I could've sworn I read somewhere that Anna was likely to be the champion so I'll pick her, though I have no clue what her team is like.

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Only think i doubt is lin having full flying / levitate team. I feel that if that is the case, it would be too easy just to set up trick room, especialy since it's duration is boosted in this field to 8 turns. 

I think she actualy might have gossip gardevoir on her team, and Arc beside her hydreigon. I would bet at her using other creation dragons, especialy giratina.


Also i think Ana will be the last of E4, since her field can be transformed into New World field. After battling her Lin could arive and use pulse-arc to change field or stuff.

I predict that whole E4 would go like this:

We climb E4 from labradora, and fight Heather in the mountains. Than Bennett / laura inside. After that something happens, and we have to return to reborn, (lin finaly opens the gate inside city?).

El tries to stop us in holy field, and than inside we finaly fight Ana on startlight field, before lin arives and changes it to new world.

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All meteor admins are elite four and Lin is the champion. She takes over the pokemon league because the league is located in a place where the revival of Arceus will be easy. All meteor admins have six small pulse pokemon and we have to defeat them to stop Lin who's planning on resetting the entire world and wants to play God.

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  • Veterans
3 hours ago, iDunno said:


I remember reading that too. It makes me think that we won't face the Elite Four in a traditional battle - as in, everyone will line up in their respective rooms and we'll fight each of them in succession (it would be kind of weird, considering everything what's going on, and that one of them is openly in league with Team Meteor).


I think that, after beating Saphira, the player will be tasked with tracking down each of the E4 members to get each of the keys before Lin and Team Meteor can, and we'll have to look around the whole region to find each of them. Maybe Heather will be visiting her father's gravestone on the graveyard, where it's a Mountain Field, and maybe El will capture Anna and take into his sanctum, and after we rescue her, she'll tells us we have to fight her to prove that we can protect the key, giving an in-game reason for both her an El to use the Holy Field. After we beat all of them and take the keys, we'll either take the fight to Lin, or she'll come to us to retrieve them.


After all of it is over, someone'll tell the player "Well, you beat all of the Elite Four and defeated the person that defeated the previous champion... So I guess technically you're the champion now. Hooray!"


Given what happens in E18 with Solaris and Taka, I HIGHLY doubt Elias would still be in league with meteor.


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3 hours ago, iDunno said:

maybe El will capture Anna and take into his sanctum, and after we rescue her, she'll tells us we have to fight her to prove that we can protect the key, giving an in-game reason for both her an El to use the Holy Field.

Wouldn't we already have proven to be stronger than Anna as we were able to successfully rescue her? If we beat the person who managed to capture her then clearly we're more capable of protecting the key than she is.

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I remember if you use Gravity in the New World field, it turns into the Starlight field. With these two fields being quite close, I'm kind of expecting Anna being the last member of E4 and that we face Lin afterwards.


But will Lin be acknowledge as the League champion or not ? I don't really know. For now, I see two possibilities : Lin is the champion so we have to defeat her for what she is as an antagonist and becoming ourselves the champion. The second one will be that after defeating the E4, we become the champion and we must defeat Lin as the protector of the Reborn region. It's kind of an epic and "chosen one" story but Adrienn has kind of started this thing.


Also, I don't think that E4 member will be absolute monotype trainers. I'm expecting teams that will take the most advantage possible of the field where they're fighting. One of the easiest team to imagine would be Laura and Bennet's with their Grass/Bug teams in the Flower Garden field.

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  • Global Mods

For the elite 4 i would say we would fight the people we never fought

1 Heather (mountain field)

2 Laura (Flower garden field (prepare to use the worst HM Cut))

3 Anna (Starlight Arena Field)

4 El (holy Field)

(and no the battle against the ditto-arceus doesn't count for el)

and for the champion i would say it's that person who was going to leave us in the dark at the end of episode 18 (probably Lin)

Reason : they have  some strong powers and abilities that they could do anything Meaning that they could change some stuff so that they could become the champion

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