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Teemo opinion thread


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anyone whose played LoL knows who teemo is. and I'm pretty sure that you've faced a teemo at least once to know what it feels like when you see a Teemo on you're team or the enemy team.

What I have for you today, is a place where you can express your feelings toward this tiny adorable hamster-like yordle.

This could be done through posting pictures, videos, mashing your keys.

A place where you can relieve stress after a bad game and you can take your anger out on Teemo. so have fun, and fire away


Disclaimer: this thread isn't meant to bash Teemo players or saying that Teemo is a bad champion. It's mor-so the character we all know and love hate. and how he can get on our nerves and under our skin. if at all i due ask to refraine from starting any flame wars.

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"what a nub" ~Ghandi

Teemo sucks and should be banned from every meta and professional tournament and he should die die die -10/10

I think he's ok it's just that he always sucks on our team and always trolls on theirs

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Teemo is my "secret alternate main". I play him mid whenever I like to make hilarious plays.

Also my closest ever to a pentakill was with Teemo (rabadon's/iceborn/liandry's/runaan's/nashor's/Ionian boots, or a similar build). He stuffs his haters.

Especially Rumble, that asshole trying to take Teemo's girl.

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that feel when I managed to gank Teemo one milisecond before our nexus got destroyed. So everyone see's this dragon over a Teemo corpse and everyone spends at least a minute loling about it in the post game.

As much as I hate fighting him, yep, he's pretty good.

But the only funny teemo is a dead one.

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