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Teemo opinion thread


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Weak, easily burstable, weak until level 3/4, loses his entire presence if put in a tight corner early. I don't see why so many scrubs qq.

Somebody hasn't played against a good Teemo

He's considered one of the best lane bullies in game, and when Riot made a poll asking who the most annoying top laners were, he was right up there with Singed and Yorick-- but Yorick won and that's why he's getting a rework.

IDK too many champions that are scary pre-3/4

But Teemo's blind/poison darts give him a lot more safety and DPS than most champions at that level if you factor int he full DOT and the fact that he was probably attackng you before you attacked him (or else he should have tried to run/kite)

Forces early oracles and vision wards if he has any idea what he's doing

2 shrooms destroy ANY attempt at counter-jungling on one half of the map unless a tower is down pre-6 and the lane is pushed to inner turret (never seen it happen)

Offers more map control than any other champion in the game

Even when playing against somebody who counters the shit out of him he can still kite (unless he's outranged by 100 and doesn't know how to use bushes simultaneously) except for Yorick but really only Cho can deal with Yorick

Teemo is rarely easily burstable because if he's good he's doing the bursting. If he finds himself in a situation where he is, there are plenty of items that can help him with his squish problem. I found myself losing against a Diana mid recently (Had her pre-6 then things started getting sketchy) so I rushed Abyssal, found that between jungle and my ganks bot lane I wasn't very fearful of their graves and skipped the Zhonyas, and when I needed the extra health past Liandries I bought a Phage I was going to make into FM but didn't have the time before we won.Ended up 10/4/8 iirc

Combined utility and damage makes him hella useful

& people say he's useless in teamfights but those people are really sheeple

They took "Not as viable" and turned it into "useless" because they're loser scrubs

Yes he can't rop his AoE slow into the middle of their team without likely dying, but he can kite when he's being focused (which he will if he's been any kind of useful) and blind a key carry/bruiser while doing tons of damage because that's just something he does

don't get into it with me about teemo

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I wish I could play Teemo, but my shrooming mentality involved creating walls around my lane to protect myself, even if I'm not getting ganked ;-; how do i shroom

He's annoying as hell, but not overly difficult to deal with, in my opinion.

no fuck shrooms though

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I saw a picture of Teemo at a Wendy's coming back from my camping trip.

I have been reinspired. Time to get on my EUW account.


I killed a Teemo in one hit today.

I was a fed Fizz with 17 mejai stacks; I ulted him, and watched him burn.

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I saw a picture of Teemo at a Wendy's coming back from my camping trip.

I have been reinspired. Time to get on my EUW account.


Smurfing is wrong

I killed a Teemo in one hit today.

I was a fed Fizz with 17 mejai stacks; I ulted him, and watched him burn.

You: 1 Teemo: Every Other Game

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