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Challenge Run: Lowest Stat Pokemon


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So I've been doing different challenge runs and decided on a new one that I wanted to try out. I am only allowed six Pokemon. Each of the six have the lowest stat for any given stat. If a Pokemon appears on the list twice (it's the lowest stat pokemon in Attack and Defense), go down the list until you hit the next unique Pokemon. Ignore Wishiwashi, Legendaries, and Mythics. Following the rules, we get these pokemon:


Shedinja (HP)

Shuckle (Attack)

Blissey (Defense)

Mega Beedrill (Special Attack)

Sharpedo (Special Defense)

Pyukumuku (Speed)


None of these Pokemon are available from the beginning. I thought Weedle would be in the garden, but it's a bust. Since I wanted to use these Pokemon from the start, I decided to trade in a Nincada from someone on the forums. Nincada is the only Pokemon in this list that is a chance event, so I figured I had a 4/5 chance of trading him in anyway. I decided to do away with the frustration and bring him in first.


The trouble with that is you don't get another available Pokemon until after the Tangrowth. You need the Warehouse Key to pick up Happiny, so until then, I was stuck with only a Nincada or Shedinja. Tough pickings. Turns out it is indeed doable.


Now, looking at Shedinja's movepool, I hate it. I specifically hate that Nincada gets Dig at Lvl. 37 and I'd love for my Shedinja to have that move. Additionally, Julia packs moves that Shedinja is weak to, so I literally couldn't beat her with a Shedinja. I'd have to use Nincada until I got Blissey. Whoo.


The game goes relatively smoothly until Julia. All of the trainers in the area go down to a combination of Sand Attack and Harden and then Scratch/Absorb/Fury Swipes. Even Fern goes down fairly easily because you can set up Hardens against his Budew and then Potion up and take hits from everything else. Nincada does fairly well in the sewage plant too, especially with Fern's help. It's smooth sailing until Julia.




I went into the fight with Julia initially at Level 20, hoping for some miracle. Thought maybe Mud Slap could be helpful. Nope.


Turns out if you use Mud Slap again Plusle, Julia encores you and then switches to the Pom Pom Bird. Air Slash is instant kill, so no dice. Then I thought: Why not set up Harden against the Plusle and see how many hits I can tank from Air Slash. 2. The answer is 2. At +6 to Defense, a Level 20 Nincada can tank 2 hits from Air Slash. And I do maybe a 1/5th of Pom Pom Bird's HP per Fury Swipes. It ain't gunna work.


But! My saving grace. Nincada learns Bide at Lvl 29. Perfect! I can tank two hits from Air Slash and then on the third hit, Bide would strike out and OHKO Pom Pom Bird. So I grinded against the Grand Hall trainer with my little Nincada to Lvl 29. Figured I could level him back down to Lvl 20 afterwards with Common Candies.




I got Bide. No real issue there. I forgot, however, that I had almost no money, and I'd need 9 Common Candies. I lost too often against the Grand Hall trainer, and I figured 'meh, let me just try with an over leveled Nincada'.


It was painful. But I got the job done. Julia down.


Scraggy Squad.


I did not expect this group of Scraggy to give me so much trouble, but they forced me to grind until Level 37 for Dig. Yep. I grinded against the Grand Hall trainer with a disobedient Nincada until Lvl 37 to beat the Scraggy Squad. All for Dig. 


It... worked. I guess. I won, so I count that as it working. It took me an hour of resets, though, because using Dig gives Nincada twice as many chances to be disobedient and the Intimidate at the beginning of the fight caused a lot of issues. Eventually though, all of the Digs hit as intended and I beat them. After several hours of grinding and an hour of resets.



Plusle Tangrowth


Went down first try. Fucking pushover.



Day Care Grunts


Oh my fucking god I hate these two. Their Minior is immune to Dig! So I couldn't do a god damn thing against them. I had to resort to Bide tactics to take them down. Here's how the battle had to go:


1. Dig on the right-hand Pokemon

2. Dig on the second right-hand Pokemon

3. Dig on the left-hand Pokemon

4. Cut on Minior first turn

5. Get Confuse Ray'd 

6. Use Bide

7. Rollout hits

8. Rollout hits

9. Bide hits


You'd THINK that this would be simple. But Dig and Bide can have disobedience issues for each turn they're active. I needed to pass 10 disobience checks with 3 of those also needing to pass Confuse checks. I could fail about 4 of these disobedience checks before having to reset. Bide had to go through perfectly or I needed to reset. These two meteor grunts took me an hour and a half of resets. Oh my god.



Training up a new Shedinja and Happiny


The easy part! Yay! I have another party Pokemon! I wanted Shedinja to have Bug Bite and Dig on him for some type coverage. So I had to train another Nincada to 37 so both parents had Dig. I did cheat here and trained one up on another save file further along so it didn't take another 4 hours. There was no challenge in this, and I realized late that both parents needed to know Dig. I got Bug Bite from a Caterpie.


It took a box and a half of Nincada eggs before I got one I considered decent enough of a Shedinja. I thought this would be easy. Defense, Sp Defense, and HP IVs could literally be anything. I'd just prefer a high Attack IV, decent Special Attack, and good Speed. Took WAY longer than anticipated.


The Happiny I got on my first try. It's not perfect, but it had 4 perfect IVs and a decent nature, so I thanked the RNG gods and just moved on. No use wasting time.


I then went back to my old pal the Grand Hall trainer and switched in a disobedient Nincada untill Shedinja and Blissey were to Lvl 25. Now I can go take on Fern and Florinia. We'll see how long that takes me.


Here is my team as it stands:



Shedinja (Naughty) 








Blissey (Calm)







Old Mama Nincada (Gentle)









I'll take more screenshots as I go. I wasn't sure if I'd get this far, so didn't expect to document it. But at this point I think people might be interested, so I figured out I'd document it out as I played.

Edited by Aegisth
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