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Help with non-legendaries team


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Hey! I'm relatively new to the metagame so i need a little help with my non-legendaries team... Here goes my team!

Blaziken Excadrill Hydreigon Salamence Dragonite Metagross
-Swords Dance -Rapid Spin -Draco Meteor -Outrage -Dragon Dance -Stealth Rock
-Hi Jump Kick -Earthquake -Fire Blast -Dragon Claw -Dragon Claw -Meteor Mash

-Protect -Swords Sance -Superpower -Earthquake -Fire Punch -Pursuit

-Flare Blitz -Rock Slide -Dark Pulse -Aqua Tail -ExtremeSpeed -Hammer Arm

I know there are way too many dragons... :/ All kinds of suggestions appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help!! :D

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Right now, you've got three Pokemon weak against Ice, two with a 4x weakness. On top of that, you have two with a fire weakness, three with a ground, two with a water, two with a rock, and three with a dragon. I would consider trying to round out your types/defense coverage.

Also, in its current state, Hydreigon is your only Special Attacker, which is a mistake. I'll edit this more later if I remember, I'm just super tired and it's 2 AM.

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It doesn't, as Excadrill and Blaziken are legal under Reborn's tiers (which are separate from. PO/Smogon).

As for the team itself, I'll try to remember to expand on this more later but I like what I'm seeing

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running excadrill out of the sand is a no-go.
superpower on hydreigon is a nogo
if banded/scarfed, sal is fine, otherwise, dance dance to the death
rocks on metagross, no
and what they said at the top
almost completely walled by skarmory

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superpower on hydreigon is a nogo

Not entirely true, I run a hydreigon with 4 HP Evs, 96 atk EVs, 216 spatk EVs, and 192 speed EVs with a rash nature and holding a life orb. Draco meteor/fireblast/superpower/roost. Works wonderfully, as long as you take into account that you will be running super power, and adjust nature/evs accordingly.

Anyways, about the second team. I'll go pokemon by pokemon

Blaziken, I'm not super familiar with him because I go by smogon tiers typically, sorry :/. The set looks great though, go ahead and keep that. It seems to cover a bunch of your teams overall weaknesses to dark though, so that's nice.

Excadrill.. I'm not sure you should run excadrill without sand. It will be outrun by most of the OU metagame, and promptly OHKO'd or 2HKO'd if you're holding focus sash. I suggest maybe replacing it with a garchomp if you still want to run something with swords dance/eq. Don't want another dragon weakness? Maybe consider a more offensive gliscor with swords dance. If you want something that can rapid spin, I would highly consider donphan, it's still ground type to switch into pesky electric moves your skarmory and jellicent don't like. I would not add starmie in for a rapid spinner, as it would start to stack your weaknesses too much. (3 electric, 3 dark, 3 ghost)

Haxorus.. What do you want to make haxorus? I guess there's 2 things you can do with it. One, choice band it. Two, Dragon dance it! Be very careful of ferrothorns, as they can take its outrages and simply have haxorus kill itself. Rivalry can be risky, but pays off if it works. I wouldn't run it personally. Mold breaker is this super awesome ability that makes shedinja cry, and things like bronzong unable to switch into your earthquakes. One alternative to consider if you feel haxorus isn't pulling its weight would be a dragon dancing dragonite.

Espeon is a great pokemon with magic bounce, and I don't have a lot to say about it. Time your switches right, make the enemy taunt itself, stealth rocks itself, all that great stuff.

Skarmory! I love this pokemon. I suggest running spikes on it if you choose to run the donphan I mentioned earlier, and run stealth rock on it if you didn't! Whirlwind roost brave bird otherwise, and it will stop a good chunk of pesky dark and ghost types trying to mess with your espeon and jellicent. Possibly consider running shed shell for magnezone to make it less of a threat, you want to keep this bird alive as long as possible.

Jellicent, another one of my favorite walls. The biggest problem here, is your 2 current walls are both weak to electric. This can be coverable with a ground type that you should have replacing excadrill. I think I repeated myself a lot with the electric thing, sorry. Anyways, taunt/will-o-wisp/scald/recover is the set you'd run, right? If not, I highly advise doing so.

That's really all I can think of, I hope I helped!

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But then, wouldn't a great weakness to Ice be created with a ground type, a dragon-flying type and a ground-flying/dragon-flying type? :/ And thnx about the rest of the suggestions! :)

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