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Favorite Races: Zelda


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What are your Races in Zelda? Anything goes here. even Enemy Only races like Bokoblins count here~



So, here are mine:




Pretty straightforward, they're the people from the Sky who came to live on the Surface and create Hyrule. They look like elves and if you say my top 3 Elder Scrolls races you should know how much I like elves. Not much else to say here, next!






While I haven't played Wind Waker or Breath of the Wild (Yet, they're on my "to play" list), I really like the Rito and how backward their "evolution" from Zora's is. I generally like birds and having a race be Bird People is really fun to me. The Sky is their Neighborhood, so let's keep it down. 






Huh? Wolfox liking something water-based most? What kind of blasphemy is this! Yes, I like Zora's the most. Because while I usually am not too big a fan of water mechanics in games, I do love swimming, and the Zora's are just awesome. Living both away from and in tandem with the Hylians and other races in the most games. They do tend to get a little frozen tho... perhaps it's an idea for them to use some Magic that let's one family know when the rest are Frozen so they can thaw them out again? And last, but Not least: Zora Link. The dude decides to rock a f*cking guitar. That's always badass.



Honorable mentions:


Gorons. While not my favorite, they're kinda chill.

Uccoo's (like Ooccoo from Twilight Princess). They're what happened to the Loft Wings? If so, wow...

Stalvos. Skeletal remains of the dead Hylians. Quite cool if you ask me.



And yeah, that's it. Please let me know what you think of all races in the game~

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