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Oh look I made a pun on my name that's a pun! I'm sorry if my title Faked you Out like my Ambipom, but my name is actually TheFloorMatt. I'm a fan of awful awful puns as you can tell.

I've been traveling from game to game trying to find one that will keep me entertained, and I've finally come back to pokemon. Yes, back to; I used to play a lot. I play LoL on occassion, I'm ranked at gold III currently for anyone who cares. Not like I play ranked often, though ._.

Let's see, I also play minecraft when I get bored. Bored beyond bored. Recently I've been playing Star Made... Think of Minecraft. IN SPACE.

Obviously I play pokemon, and one of the main reasons I'm getting back into it is PO is the only thing my laptop can run well.

WARNING: I'm a complete killjoy when it comes to Role Playing. Do NOT include me in RP, or you'll find I ask more questions than you might find comfortable.

All that said, I'm a relatively nice guy, especially to girls. #foreveralonelol

Personal stuff... ehh... I'm a guy as previously mentioned, maybe you can guess my name? I live in California, and I turn 18 next month. That's about it I guess.

Feel free to ask me questions!

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You may find that your puns are being outclassed by the best of the best here, but no worries! You can always learn.

Because Reborn, is mighty famous for its terrible puns.

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Welcome to the forums FloorMatt! Here, sanity is not a virtue, puns are a plenty, LoL fans are massive, and where people become lost in the derp of this place. But really, this place is a place filled with nice, random, and cool people.

Hope you enjoy your stay! ^^

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