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The forum merges topics kinda wierd. anyways, Palutena's is really gonna be the OP.

I noticed we have a topic where people show what they look like, but not one for them to show us their surroundings, landscapes, or if they're on a trip, share their experiences with photographic evidence!

I'm gonna start out, if it's okay.

I'm on a short trip to Kyoto, my birthplace, to pay respects to my grandpa, Kamui Yukihiko, who passed away recently.

This is Kinkaku-ji, Temple of the Golden Pavillion, where I went to pay tribute to him. It was raining, but it was absolutely beautiful.


Please, give me feedback if this was a good idea or not, okay?

But it shows this stuff that I posted in invisible places about my recent trip. Which was posted chronologically (1 week) before Palutena's post. I'm not stealing her topic, just wanted to plug my into the bottom. ><


These probably won't be in any particular order and I will probably post more later when I get all the ones my mom took. But yeah, these I got with my phone or ipod touch.

random pic of light effects at the airport in LA. cuz wynaut?


Also hurried sunset picture, also just cuz. Just didn't come out as awesome as the actual thing.


Keep your beaches clean, guys.


A beachside view of part of the historical Coronado Hotel. It's old. Famous people stayed there. But I don't really care, but it's kinda picturesque.


My personal favorite of all the pictures I took during this vacation. Just the concrete jungle of LA as seen while driving towards Little Tokyo.


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Godot with mini-hark at this totally awesome, pretty expensive otaku store in Little Tokyo.


Death to Swag, and co.


Go For Broke. Monument/memorial honors the Japanese-Americans who fought for the US during WWII, some even coming from concentration camps to fight to prove their honor and loyalty.


My temporary tattoo. Got it higher than I would have liked cuz I need to be able to cover it with short sleeves when I go back to work on Mon.


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Obligatory cloud pic from airplane window.


LIghts at night across the man-made inlet, across from the place I stayed at along Camp Pendleton's beach.


View of South Lot Universal Studies from the never-ending escalators you ride to get down there. Also down there, the only rides worth riding down there.


Note to self, clone more sturdy Velociraptors.


A glimpse of Citywalk, Universal Studios Hollywood in the evening.


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No, it's not delete this at once.

In all seriousness, it IS a good idea for a topic. I'd post some pictures, but El Paso isn't the most photogenic city. (Mael can attest to this) I'll try to dig up some old photos from when I lived in Frankfurt, instead.

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I really like the idea.

Also, that photo is absolutely awe-striking... you don't get those sort of aesthetics in endless suburbia.

My room isn't much and the way it's set up I couldn't show you any of it without leaving out half of it but this was my lil Pagan Podium before it got all messy


I use that lil dragon & Amethyst paperweight to hold my incense, and that thing with the blue polished rock on it is a candle holder. Then I have all my herbs & other ingredient-things, my sage stick (I'm supposed to burn it and use it for smudging but I just use saltwater and incense generally) and my gemstones.

Not pictured: the conch I use as homage to Water & the west and the antler I use for Earth and the north.

I use the incense for Air & the east, and the candles for Fire/the west c:

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I think this came out pretty badly, but I've never been good at taking pictures on a phone. Since our house isn't tall enough, I could only get a bit of one field, but there's several on each side of the house. Usually it's all green, but right now we're growing rapeseed, which has bathed most of the fields in yellow. It draws the rabbits out just like lettuce, so my tom cat is very happy right now. :) It looks really gorgeous on sunny days. In a few hours the sky will be really blue but I thought I'd forget to take a picture by then, so I just took one now. I really like living in this environment, but my sister wishes we were closer to civilisation. :X

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On the road. Got myself an iPhone at Sprint today! Wooooo!

Now I finally know what it's like to own a phone. And so begins the massive debt of money I'll owe my parents. Wish me luck at paying this off!

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