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Pickup ability Pkmn,


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Guest Relinquished

Opal Ward, Meowth. Rare during day, common during night.


Peridot Ward, Teddiursa chase sidequest.


Obsidia Ward, Lillipup chase sidequest.


Beryl Ward, Meowth again. Also: Phanpy, Aipom (on trees with Headbutt), Bunnelby (i think it was moved inside the cave with Nidorina and that gen 7 mushroom thing). At night, Pumpkaboo, Graveyard.


Lapis Ward, Aqua Gang alleyway: Alolan Meowth.


Tanzan Lake, Dedenne.


Pikipek, i think in Chrysolia Forest.


Route 1, Linoone (can hold max revive, very rare).


South adventurine woods, Pachirisu.


Trade in Calcenon City, Munchlax.

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1 hour ago, BeauM said:

O.o wow thank you currently i've only beaten the 2nd gym so which of those are available to me ive got the lilipup and 2 meowth at the moment, and i cant find Teddiursa to save my life 

Teddiursa is an event in the first Ward that can be enountered during the day. You will initially find it in the southern part of the ward. It will run from you, and you have to chase it to several different hiding places before getting a chance to capture it. 


There's also the Zigzagoon/Pachirisu event on Opal Bridge.

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