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What do you think of my team?


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I finished the episode 18 content, and I'm trying to build a balanced team. What do you think?


Chesnaught --> Grass/Fight

Talonflame --> Fire/Flying

Froslass --> Ice/Ghost

Magnezone --> Electric/Steel

Krookodile --> Ground/Dark

Vaporeon --> Water


I'm thinking about change Krookodile for Garchomp, and Vaporeon for Slowking, but im not rlly sure if there are better options. 

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I wouldn't trade Vaporeon for Slowking personally; neither are spectacular offensively but Vaporeon has the better defensive typing and access to Wish. If anything, go with Slowbro, and wait for the mega stone.


Fast flying types with a way past Magnezone run all over your team - Krookodile's main STAB is ineffective, Froslass is frail and might get KO'd before getting an Ice Beam off, Chesnaught stands no chance, Talonflame probably won't OHKO and the recoil will make it likely to get taken out in return, and Vaporeon can't hit certain fliers all that hard. Aerodactyl could replace Talonflame; it gets Rock Slide and the elemental fangs and is faster than almost everything, so it'll solve your bird problems for good. The mega stone is available iirc as is the mega ring, so you can even make it your team's mega. Tough Claws Fly hits like a monster truck, and even Aerial Ace works fine. Not to mention Talonflame can't use its greatest tool (priority Brave Bird) more than once, unless you heal it up after the first or are in Tailwind + Mountain field.


My biggest recommendation though would be to start a rotation, even if it's only 1 or 2 extra members, because no single team has a counter for everything. A well-balanced team can struggle in themed battles (gyms, E4, etc), but a team prepared specifically for that battle will struggle elsewhere, so having the flexibility to swap between the 2 is always a good idea.


Some nice 'mons to consider in general (not really specific to your needs) would be Aegislash, the variety of Megas to choose from, the psuedos, Gengar, etc. Basically, if it can be found only now that E18 is out, it's a good choice for just about anyone.

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Wait I thought that slowbronite was alredy in the game

Which mega stones are we missing?


By the way, Garchomp is always a solid pokemon and is very good in competitive play, you can even run stealth rocks. Froslass i a bit of a glass cannon, but if you want to use a similar pokemon you have Ninetales, that is extremely useful with light clay and aurora veil. As Ciel the Deal.. I mean... as Seel the Deal said, Aegislash and Gengar are great mons, but also Naganadel would be great (sspecially if you don't play garchomp)

However if I had to choose 6 pokemons for your team I would pick Chest, Tales, Chomp, Magne, Vapy and Naganadel. If you want we can also have some test matches

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Use it jolly with Fake Out Return Encore and HJK. Power-up Punch and Ice Punch are also valid alternatives according to what you need for in your team. Lopunny is especially good in this metagame as is one of the best leads to check Naganadel and is good aganist Tyranitar, Hydreigon, Flygon, Aegislash and a bunch of pokemon that are particularly good in this meta with very few fairies and intimidates. Also, the low usage of stealth rock and spikes helps much Lopunny's switch in. It's a pick with good matchup aganist most of the top tiers and are mot many the pokemon who can freely switch in and take hits. I suggest you to play it with supports aganist Blaziken, Conkeldurr, Breloom, Kommo-O, MPinsir, Volcarona, and all that stuff that can take a hit and ko back Lopunny or setup on it. Toxapex is very good at stopping them, while Naganadel can sweep a weakened team and is good with certain fairies that stop Lopunny as Togekiss, Clefable or Silvally-Fairy. AV Tyranitar is good aganist opposing Naganadels, while you need Volcarona or Arcanine to stop Mmawile and Aegislash. As a last slot, I suggest you to play Skarmory or Gliscor, good flying types that can support your team with defog and general bulk. If you want you can find alternatives to Naganadel as Blaziken, Ferrothorn or Tangrowth if you want to have a different playstyle and most importantly play different types finding also alternatives to Arcanine or Volcarona. However, Lopunny, Toxapex, Tyranitar is your solid core to bring you far in a game. Wish/Z-Parting shot support is also nice, Clefable and Silvally would fit well your team

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On 9/25/2018 at 5:48 PM, Seel The Deal said:

Play Rough, Iron Head, and the last 2 moveslots should probably have some combination of Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Substitute and Stomping Tantrum

Could I ask what are the moves from your mons?
Vaporeon, Serperior, Nidoking, Crobat, Mienfoo, Growlithe.
Seems cool mons to train.

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