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I Hate Fairyland - A Monofairy Run Attempt [Last Defeated: Corey]

Des Teto

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Hello everyone!


I've been thinking about it for a while and I've finally found the time and the will to begin. Welcome to my monofairy run.


This will be a vanilla run: no sandbox, no trades or such things. I will get and train my team as the game intended to. Nevertheless, I will allow myself soft-resets and breeding. There is no worry yet though. After all, Primarina is a very good Pokemon, defining the UU metagame by enforcing Hydreigons to run Shock Wave. He will carry me for a while. Additionally, I don't know yet if I will use the mystery egg. There is like 4 chances out of 20 that I get a broken fairy mon. We'll see when we get there.


This will be a personal challenge, considering that I will face game-play, writing and entertainment aspects. But I will try to manage the two last issues with my stupidity. While I'm writing these lines, I have no idea how I will defeat the obvious though battles expected in this run. Nevertheless, I hope that you will find it enjoyable! Wish me luck!


First steps in Reborn City coming shortly ...


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First episode that showcases the beginning of this adventure.


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Let's make progress through the first gym and Obsidia Ward.


For this episode, I would like to thank the USUM movepool and E18 new in-battle level cap system.


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Remember when I say this about Sakurai's movepool ?

  On 9/13/2018 at 2:46 PM, Teto said:

Sakurai's movepool was pretty tough to decide. He can get Perish Song and Wish by egg moves. On one hand, Perish Song ensures a free win against Solaris' Garchomp but I find it cheap. I will try another method for that. Wish is pretty good for healing the team but this girl is so slow and so frail that I don't think it could work. Many other fairy mons learn Wish so I will manage with them.


And this about the fact that Popplio was learning Icy Wind ?

  On 9/13/2018 at 2:46 PM, Teto said:

This is the reason that I started this run just now. E18 and USUM contents added this brilliant move to Primarina's line. And god, it will make things so easier. It was doable before but now, it is less painful.


Well, I wish I chose Wish instead of Misty Terrain. And Icy Wind was definitely the only reason I manage to beat Fern and Florinia. And other things too, sure.


Click on the spoiler to see why.

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  On 9/17/2018 at 10:29 AM, Jess said:

It even gets priority by Prankster. You will love Whimsicott. 😉 

Good job so far! Keep going, fellow monorunner! 😊


Oh, I didn't realize that. This is actually overpowered. If I get lucky with the mystery egg, I don't think I will use Cottonee unless I can't get past a challenge. This is kind of game-breaking early game ^^

Thank you for welcoming me in the monotype community.

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  On 9/18/2018 at 2:01 PM, rayyan said:

So I'm not the only one who likes poplio early game because of icy wind. Looking good so far though Corey will probably make you soft reset more than Florinia .


This move is really a game-breaker. It wasn't always indispensable but, for instance, I don't see how I could have beaten Ferroseed without it. And while I underestimated Florinia's stall power, I haven't come up with a game plan that can counter Corey's sweep power yet ^^. But again, Icy Wind might be the answer to all my problems, especially if the question is Crobat.

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Making our way through vines, roots and the mud.


We are now done with Tangrowths.


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After a countless number of resets before I came up with a way to defeat him, it took me the same amount of F12-mashing before I manage to actually fight back. Then, it was just a question of landing my moves.


Corey, I'll miss you. Like you promised, you gave me hell.


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  • 2 months later...

Miss this run? Yes, no? Regardless of your answer, I would like to pursue it and share all the fun I'm having.


I like to think that Corey was the early-game first true boss (even if Florinia gave me serious trouble). So, the previous posts could be called Season 1:"Lost Fairies". Season 2 would start now and the main gimmick of this part is that I will finally make use of a team of 6 pokemons. I may drop the title later.


So, sit down and enjoy these apparently weak fairies proving that there should be underestimated (From now only, because let's be serious here, Popplio has done most of the work and saved the run countless times and he isn't a true fairy type yet. Is this following the true monotype rules? I hope so.)


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  On 12/2/2018 at 1:34 PM, Archeric said:

more ppl need to know about this


Well, you nailed it ^^


  On 12/2/2018 at 5:16 PM, Candy said:

^ditto 😛 I once tried a fairy monotype run but got bored after Shelly. For some reason though, you're 10x better at this and the strats are interesting to read!


Aaaa thanks! I'll do my best  to keep this entertaining. I'll try to find other elegant ways to defeat my next opponents but I haven't found one for Shelly yet.


I wonder if you started your run before E18 because Icy Wind has been my win-condition so far.

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  On 12/4/2018 at 6:20 PM, Teto said:

I wonder if you started your run before E18 because Icy Wind has been my win-condition so far.


yep, I started in E16 I think lol so neither popplio nor icy wind were around at the time xD

I'd give it a try again, except I have like so many custom runs on hold 😛 I should finish those first

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Teto , I think you should try for a Carbink. As far as I remember, you need to breed Sunflora to get one. They can be found in... Obsidia Park.😉


You might wanna keep your Arne Vinzon up at front. Cause it gets lucky often, why not? Or perhaps Victoria's Pancham as it got a lucky 4 hit Arm Thrust. 🧐

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  On 9/19/2018 at 8:19 PM, Teto said:

Just. How? How did you reach the gym after me? Were you lurking in the forest and catching bugs?



Well, in this case, no. Remember, Fern was ahead of you but Corey was working for Team Meteor. I mean, like, he literally was busy working with Team Meteor and the PULSE.

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You could probably beat Solaris if this tactic works: Arne Vinzon + Air Balloon + Moonblast.


Solaris' s Garchomp would lead with Earthquake (I think) as Dragon Type moves would not work and Fire Fang would be a waste. The Air Balloon would let Arne Vinzon dodge the first Earthquake, before the AI presumably switches to Fire Fang for popping the Air Balloon. That would give you the chance for the first Moonblast, and if your Ace can withstand a Fire Type Attack, a second Moonblast can be used. If the Garchomp is still not knocked down, then you will get a chance to heal but Solaris will too. So, a critical hit is much appreciated.

   Plus, the level cap is level 45 at that time and Arne Vinzon will learn Moonblast at level 44.

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  On 12/25/2018 at 10:28 AM, Lost Swordsman said:

 You could keep a Delcatty, you know. For, both Skitty and Delcatty are in the Fairy egg group



I think this one is a mono fairy type, so not including egg groups 😕


  On 12/25/2018 at 10:28 AM, Lost Swordsman said:

   They are both male, you know. 


Two males can be a lovely couple 😩 👌


  On 12/25/2018 at 12:45 PM, Lost Swordsman said:

The post would be too big you know.



I think it's a good idea to keep everything in one post, even if it gets big, because you want to avoid getting a warning point for multi-posting!

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  On 12/25/2018 at 11:14 PM, Candy said:

I think this one is a mono fairy type, so not including egg groups 😕


Two males can be a lovely couple 😩 👌


I think it's a good idea to keep everything in one post, even if it gets big, because you want to avoid getting a warning point for multi-posting!


1. That's sad.😐

2. I'd prefer nothing of such.😣

3. At least I get a point, @Candy🍫 .😏

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  On 12/23/2018 at 12:35 PM, Lost Swordsman said:

@Teto , I think you should try for a Carbink. As far as I remember, you need to breed Sunflora to get one. They can be found in... Obsidia Park.😉


I want to! But I looked up and it turns out that Sunflora is available when the city is restored. Plus, it's still a 1/5 chance of being an actual Carbink. Just like for the mystery egg which had 4 broken Fairies, I don't want to rely on this kind of RNG to progress. Bennet V2 will be the first to face my Carbink. And he will suffer a lot.


  On 12/25/2018 at 10:25 AM, Lost Swordsman said:

You could probably beat Solaris if this tactic works: Arne Vinzon + Air Balloon + Moonblast.


Why not! It could allow me free Intimidate turns (my current game plan). But Garchomp still has Stone Edge so Primarina remains vulnerable. I'll have to find something else because Moonblast doesn't OHKO ... We're not there yet anyway!


  On 12/25/2018 at 10:28 AM, Lost Swordsman said:

 They are both male, you know


I tend to forget the sex of my party but I can assure you they were happy the few turns they shared together.

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  On 12/27/2018 at 12:01 AM, Teto said:

Why not! It could allow me free Intimidate turns (my current game plan). But Garchomp still has Stone Edge so Primarina remains vulnerable. I'll have to find something else because Moonblast doesn't OHKO ... We're not there yet anyway!


    Well, it would do if Arne Vinzon lands 3-4 Moonblasts and survives a few Stone Edges. Though, she would require high special defence to survive (Or was it just defence).

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