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Glass Factory Shelly and Cain Battle HELP


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New to the forums here but have been playing reborn for a little while. I've just started episode 18, sorted through the Espeon/Glaceon puzzle in the glass factory. I'm at the double battle with Shelly and Cain and I can't seem to get past it for the life of me. If anyone could offer any pointers on getting through this battle, it would be much appreciated 🙏

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4 minutes ago, iDunno said:

What's your team?

All Level 90 and EV trained


- Flamethrower

- Flare Blitz

- Shadow Claw

- Fly


- Hail

- Blizzard

- Ice Fang

- Surf


- Meteor Mash

- Bullet Punch

- Hammer Arm

- Psychic


- Venoshock

- Toxic Spikes

- Cross Poison

- Crunch


- Earthquake

- Bulldoze

- Rock Smash

- Rollout


- Thunder

- Discharge

- Flamethrower

- Electric Terrain

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5 minutes ago, iDunno said:

Do you have any other Pokemon in Rotation?


- Dark Pulse

- Drain Punch

- Sludge Wave 

- Sludge Bomb

Ampharos (kind of my HM slave)

- Strength

- Discharge

- Dragon Pulse

- Rock Climb 


- Brick break

- Extrasensory

- Eruption

- Flamethrower


- Leaf Storm

- Leaf Tornado

- Leaf Blade

- Poison Powder


- Power Gem

- Shadow Ball

- Trick Room

- Perish Song

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Right off-hand, delete psychic off of Metagross and replace with Zen Headbutt. Remove Bulldoze from Donphan and replace with...uh...something else. Toxic or Stealth Rock maybe. Maybe replace rollout with stone edge too. Delete venoshock off of Drapion and replace with either Toxic or a physical move. Also, swap up Charizard's moves. If its a physical attacker dump flamethrower for bulldoze. If special then drop shadow claw and flare blitz for other special moves. On Walrein I'd prefer Toxic to Hail since you aren't running a hail-based team.


In terms of Pokemon...hmm...if you have it I'd swap Aegislash for Donphan, since Aegislash is bonkers good. Also possibly Manetric with Poison Heal Breloom (with Spore). Also, have a steel type with bullet punch in your first two Pokemon. You'll thank me later.


In terms of strategy: Lead by bullet punching the ribombee, and then trying to finish it before it gets a move off. You don't want that thing getting sticky web down. Then try to disable the Marowak with another Pokemon (sleep if possible so Breloom would be good for that), then focus on tearing up Shelly's team before turning your attention to Cain. Taking them out two Pokemon on one is much easier than fighting fair.


So...lead with Breloom and Metagross. Start off by Bullet Punching and Mach Punching the Ribombee so it can't get a Sticky Web down. If Breloom survives the turn (which it might not since Marowak might attack it) use it to Spore Marowak in that case, while utilizing Metagross to bash Shelly's team down. Heal up whiel Marowak's asleep and try to keep it asleep as long as possible by sporing it anytime it wakes up. Once Shelly's down the battle is basically won since Cain will be fighting against two Pokemon at once while only one of his is out.


Then...uh...have fun with the rest and use a similiar strat later, but this time aimed at the big pink blob.

Edited by wcv
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Hmm... can't think of a specific strategy on top of my head using these. A general rule to try to win this would be focusing on just one, preferably Shelly (since she's a mono-type user) while crippling Cain with sleep or paralysis, and after all her Pokemon are gone, ganging up on Cain's Pokemon.


These are all the Pokemon they have, in case you haven't seen them all yet:


Cain - Alola-Marowak, Alola-Muk, Primarina, Meowstic, Mimikyu and Nidoking

Shelly - Ribombee, Leavanny, Volcarona (has Heat Wave), Scolipede (has Rock Slide), Vivillion and Yanmega.


Another advice I would give you is to use one or two Common Candies on your Pokemon, because there are two other battles directly after this one (no, I'm not kidding), and if you pass the level cap in this battle, your 'mons are gonna stop obeying you in the beginning of the next.


Maybe you could upload your save file here so someone can try to beat them using your team, and tell you how they did it (here's how you find it)

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7 minutes ago, wcv said:

Right off-hand, delete psychic off of Metagross and replace with Zen Headbutt. Remove Bulldoze from Donphan and replace with...uh...something else. Toxic or Stealth Rock maybe. Maybe replace rollout with stone edge too. Delete venoshock off of Drapion and replace with either Toxic or a physical move. Also, swap up Charizard's moves. If its a physical attacker dump flamethrower for bulldoze. If special then drop shadow claw and flare blitz for other special moves. On Walrein I'd prefer Toxic to Hail since you aren't running a hail-based team.


In terms of Pokemon...hmm...if you have it I'd swap Aegislash for Donphan, since Aegislash is bonkers good. Also possibly Manetric with Poison Heal Breloom (with Spore). Also, have a steel type with bullet punch in your first two Pokemon. You'll thank me later.


In terms of strategy: Lead by bullet punching the ribombee, and then trying to finish it before it gets a move off. You don't want that thing getting sticky web down. Then try to disable the Marowak with another Pokemon (sleep if possible so Breloom would be good for that), then focus on tearing up Shelly's team before turning your attention to Cain. Taking them out two Pokemon on one is much easier than fighting fair.


So...lead with Breloom and Metagross. Start off by Bullet Punching and Mach Punching the Ribombee so it can't get a Sticky Web down. If Breloom survives the turn (which it might not since Marowak might attack it) use it to Spore Marowak in that case, while utilizing Metagross to bash Shelly's team down. Heal up whiel Marowak's asleep and try to keep it asleep as long as possible by sporing it anytime it wakes up. Once Shelly's down the battle is basically won since Cain will be fighting against two Pokemon at once while only one of his is out.


Then...uh...have fun with the rest and use a similiar strat later, but this time aimed at the big pink blob.

Yea I realized quite late in the game that my "go balls deep in attack" strategy won't work as well in this game, so I've kind of shot myself in the foot at this stage. I can't seem to knock of that Ribombee before it gets the sticky web down because of its Focus Sash.


6 minutes ago, iDunno said:

Hmm... can't think of a specific strategy on top of my head using these. A general rule to try to win this would be focusing on just one, preferably Shelly (since she's a mono-type user) while crippling Cain with sleep or paralysis, and after all her Pokemon are gone, ganging up on Cain's Pokemon.


These are all the Pokemon they have, in case you haven't seen them all yet:


Cain - Alola-Marowak, Alola-Muk, Primarina, Meowstic, Mimikyu and Nidoking

Shelly - Ribombee, Leavanny, Volcarona (has Heat Wave), Scolipede (has Rock Slide), Vivillion and Yanmega.


Another advice I would give you is to use one or two Common Candies on your Pokemon, because there are two other battles directly after this one (no, I'm not kidding), and if you pass the level cap in this battle, your 'mons are gonna stop obeying you in the beginning of the next.


Maybe you could upload your save file here so someone can try to beat them using your team, and tell you how they did it (here's how you find it)

The Volcarona and Scolipede are my main problems in this battle, Rock slide and heat wave just destroy my mons

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Just now, kwijbo14 said:

Yea I realized quite late in the game that my "go balls deep in attack" strategy won't work as well in this game, so I've kind of shot myself in the foot at this stage. I can't seem to knock of that Ribombee before it gets the sticky web down because of its Focus Sash.

Yeah, that's why I recommended Breloom and Metagross to lead off since both learn priority moves, and both should have high enough attack to finish Ribombee off, especially with a big level advantage.

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Focus on one of them. I would suggest (like everyone else said) taking Shelly out first. 


Cain's Mimikyu doesnt hit that hard, so I'd not kill it unless it's absolutely necessary.


And why focus on pink blob first? Isn't it better to finish the other one first?

Edited by Higan
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1 minute ago, wcv said:

Yeah, that's why I recommended Breloom and Metagross to lead off since both learn priority moves, and both should have high enough attack to finish Ribombee off, especially with a big level advantage.

Thanks for the tip, I'll hunt down a Breloom to add to my team

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Just now, Higan said:

Wasn't disobeying removed from the game?

Only during a battle. If you have a pokemon that passes the lvl cap during a battle, it will continue obeying you until the end of said battle. If you start a new battle, it will disobey you as per usual.

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1 minute ago, iDunno said:

Only during a battle. If you have a pokemon that passes the lvl cap during a battle, it will continue obeying you until the end of said battle. If you start a new battle, it will disobey you as per usual.

Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up!

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13 minutes ago, Higan said:

And why focus on pink blob first? Isn't it better to finish the other one first?

Spore the pink blob. Attack the other one.


13 minutes ago, kwijbo14 said:

Thanks for the tip, I'll hunt down a Breloom to add to my team

Shroomish can be found on Route 4 in places you melted the snow IIRC. They are fairly rare, but in the 80s, so training shouldn't be too hard.

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48 minutes ago, wcv said:

Shroomish can be found on Route 4 in places you melted the snow IIRC. They are fairly rare, but in the 80s, so training shouldn't be too hard.

Jeez you weren't kidding about them being rare, I've found multiple shinies and still no Shroomish 

Edit: Successfully found one, and am also the proud owner of a shiny Noctowl, Piloswine, Chimecho and Chansey 

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13 minutes ago, kwijbo14 said:

Jeez you weren't kidding about them being rare, I've found multiple shinies and still no Shroomish 

You are checking in areas you had to use Heat wave or a similiar move to melt the snow away to normal grass right?

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Oh god, you have strong leveled pokemon, the battle should be easy


Just kill the marowak, teach your charizard will o wisp, burn muk or mimikyu, focus shelly's team and take care of Cain afterwards


As for ????? and ???????, defeat ????? first and let the Clefable stay there useless until you are in a 2v1 scenario. Don't let your metagross die. When you are facing ???? In the 1v1 battle use the last pokemon of ???? To revive all dead pokemon. You will use full restores before third battle automatically but not revives so you should do during the end of previous battle

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