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Dream World Ability Breeding



Hey so I know the game follows alot of gen 5 mechanics but i was curious what the mechanics for breeding abilities are in reborn? I've finished chapter 8 and I still feel like tinkering with my team and breeding some pokemon. More specifically I was curious if my female flash fire Vulpix can give me a drought vulpix amonst other experiments i have going on such as eevee breeding for hydration vaporeon and magic guard abra. Feel free to put up other ideas for interesting available pokemon and ability combos

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Dream World abilities are basically normal abilities in this game; you have as much a chance of getting Drought as you do any of the other abilities it can have. For breeding specifically, I'm not sure. There probably isn't a "Dream world" mechanic so you probably can't influence it the same way, but again I'm not sure.

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Any hatched Pokemon has an equal chance of having the DW ability as any natural one.

In the main series this chance can be modified with the mother(?) passing down its DW ability but I had to remove that from the code for this because, as Inuki can tell you, it was crashing the eggs.

But you've got a 50%/33% chance anyway.

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I've been meaning to ask something for a little while, and this thread is somewhat relevant to it, so I'll go ahead. Are ALL pokemon supposed to have access to their dream world abilities? When I reset around 100~ times for my Scraggy, I saw an even amount of Shed Skin and Moxie, but no Intimidate. Which sucked, because Moxie is bugged so I wanted Intimidate.

If I remember correctly, Abra only had access to Inner Focus and Synchronize as well; I don't recall seeing Magic Guard a single time in 50~ resets.

Is this a problem with PE, or maybe something Ame can change? Not sure how much control she has with that stuff. Or maybe my game is bugged somehow?

Edit- also no Leaf Guard on Budew; I'm sure there are others as well

Edited by Desper
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...Oooh, good catch with Scraggy! Looks like I missed that one when I was putting DW abilities in. It is conceivable that I miss Pokemon like that. However, looking at the files, Abra and Budew do properly have Magic Guard/Leaf Guard, so... I dunno what to say about those.

(I'll concede that I haven't seen Magic Guard on Abra either... Maybe something with trades can't generate DW abilities, but then breeding can.)

Scraggy has been fixed for the next episode.

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I suppose I may have just been.... unlucky(?) with Budew-- not really unlucky, since I didnt want the ability, but yeah. I guess it's possible that I didn't see it in 25~30 ish captures, just very unlikely. Not that I want that ability in any way shape or form whatsoever, I just thought it was weird that I didn't see it. I'll probably check back sometime, though, and catch more to see.

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@Ikaru & Ame, Cheers for the clarification and regardless of egg crashing i think that was probably the right move for a fanmade game anyways.
Im pretty sure i've seen magic guard on an opposing kadabra Desper so im sure it exists.

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I'm not sure if I'm just unlucky (or maybe regularly lucky and just thought it'd be easier =p) but I can't seem to breed dream world abilities from parents with their natural abilities. I've had pokemon with dream world abilities breed both natural and dream world abilities but from experience (though not all that much so I'll continue on as I am and hope for the best) I can't get dream world abilities from pokemon with natural abilities. To be fair the only thing I have as examples are:

- 5 Sandiles from a Moxie Sandile mother; 2 have Moxie and 3 have Intimidate - Anger Point being the DW ability. (The Arbok father had Shed Skin, a natural ability)

- 3 Magikarps from a Moxie Gyarados (DW) father; 2 have Rattled (DW) and 1 has Swift Swim. (The Ditto 'mother' also had its DW ability in Imposter)

- 20 Shroomishes from an Effect Spore Shroomish mother; 7 have Poison Heal and 13 have Effect Spore - Quick Feet being the DW ability. (The Sunflora father had Solar Power, a natural ability)

So I guess my main question is: is Quick Feet Shroomish/Technician Breloom in the game? And if so, can I breed to get one :B I'm guessing the answer's going to be a yes and I just need to persevere >:B

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I had to delete the ability inheritance part from the script, so parents' abilities have no effect on their offsprings'.

However, you're suffering from the bug of 'pokemon with 3 total abilities can't get their DW abilities' which I only recently discovered, so there isn't anything we can do there for the moment

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  On 7/13/2013 at 10:36 PM, Amethyst said:

I had to delete the ability inheritance part from the script, so parents' abilities have no effect on their offsprings'.

However, you're suffering from the bug of 'pokemon with 3 total abilities can't get their DW abilities' which I only recently discovered, so there isn't anything we can do there for the moment

Quick question I'd like to touch on seeing as the '3 ability syndrome' has been fixed for wild encounters, can pokemon hatched from eggs can randomly generate their 3rd ability? Or do I have to find wild female version of a pokemon with their dream world ability if I want to breed children with that ability (going off of how gen 5 hidden abilities are passed down)? Either way Ame please increase shroomish encounter rate because this thing is driving me crazy :3.

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As I said, ability inheritance does not exist in this game so it doesn't matter what abilities the parents have. Now, the goal is for eggs to random generate their third ability, but I don't know if the workaround I used for wild Pokemon applies to that- probably not- which means there wouldn't be anyway to breed for these abilities.

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Just checking that I am not wasting my time, but do IVs still get inherited from the parents? I was breeding Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt on my Gastlys (successfully) and was trying for perfect IVs. The nature was properly inherited from an everstone holding parent.

My results seems to indicate that IVs do get inherited as many of my results had high IVs where both parents did.

How it is supposed to work:

3 IVs total get passed down from the parents. Thus, the other three left over are random.

Edited by Kyle8910
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I just wanted to make sure nothing changed about the breeding of abilities in chapter 10.

I'm breeding a Spiritomb for that damned ditto-acreus, who refuses to have base 48 HP and 5 pp in every move (hence, no stalling him out, even with a Escavalier and Sp. Def Ups) and I need Pressure instead of Inflitrator.

Spent 3 stones, but got 2 Inflitrators and a Pressure with minimum Sp Def IVs and a -Sp. Def nature.

Trying to breed them together (the pressure is the female) and so far 9 hatched eggs, all 9 are Inflitrator.

Am I doing something wrong or am I just unlucky? (that's 11 Infiltrators to one Pressure).

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Well, we know for sure that abilities do not make any difference in breeding. It does not matter what the parents have. Ame also wrote that DW abilities may not be possible through breeding. I would like it if someone can confirm this.

I was asking about IVs because Ame may have meant that was removed too. "Inheritance" and all. Ame did say ability, but still. I worry it meant IVs too.

  On 11/24/2013 at 9:15 PM, Amethyst said:

As I said, ability inheritance does not exist in this game so it doesn't matter what abilities the parents have. Now, the goal is for eggs to random generate their third ability, but I don't know if the workaround I used for wild Pokemon applies to that- probably not- which means there wouldn't be anyway to breed for these abilities.

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If there's only two abilities, sorry to say but you're probably just reallllyyyyyyy unlucky. :c

of course it could be broken knowing ame

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  On 12/7/2013 at 5:57 PM, Ikaru said:

If there's only two abilities, sorry to say but you're probably just reallllyyyyyyy unlucky. :c

of course it could be broken knowing ame

It seems that I am.

Spiritombs nr 15 and 16 were indeed ones with Pressure.

So, out of 18 I had, there were 3 with pressure and 15 with Infiltrator.

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Just asking, is the 3 ability bug still in episode 10? I'm trying to get a mold breaker positive attack nature Drilbur but catching one is nigh impossible given the abysmally low encounter rates. Just thought I'd drop by the check if I should give up or not before ending up with boxes full of non-dw ability'd drilburs

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