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Help with Serra


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Man I am stuck badly... I can not beat Serra she's completely owning me. Afraid to grind and I can't leave the area because the forest has me trapped in.

My Team

Level 47 Infernape <Blaze> (YogaFlame)

Level 47 Golem <Rockhead> (BangaRang)

Level 41 Lombre <Raindish> (Enchilada!)

Level 46 Gardevoir <Trace> (SmackTalk)

Level 45 Exploud <Scrappy> (Decibel)

Level 46 Gyarados <Moxie> (Angry MFer)

Kind of frustrated any advice would be great.

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Getting the drought vulpix helps soooooo much. In my first playthrough it honestly took me 20+ tries!! but during my second playthrough I took her out in 1 try. You dont necessarily have to level vulpix just use it for deathfodder and u can basically sweep with your infernape :)

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It's tricky, but you can get out of the forest, just keep trying to pass through the small tunnel lines in the bushes, a tree will disappear if you get close enough, eventually. If you still can't find you're way out, see if you can replace a party member with someone in your PC that can learn lava plume, like, Magby/Magmar, Slugma/Magcargo, Numel/Camerupt and Torkoal. Grinding is gonna suck, but it's much easier with a fire-type that knows lava plume.

Edited by Key
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Alright this is what I have going on. I got Magby in the tunnels, so I have leveled it up from lv 5 to 35 right now. LOL Been grinding like a mad house. I am going to evolve it to Magmar at lv 40 so it can learn flamethrower and I'm going to try to beat her with Infernape and Magmar.

I'll let y'all know.

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I finally won the fight. It took a 46 Magmar with sunny day and lava plume. Flamethrower was only used in the end to help off Walrein. Thanks for all the advice guys! :D

Congrats! :)

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I had trouble with fighting her too. Although I think i was fine with using Flash Fire Ninetails (although i agree that Drought Vulpix/Ninetails is better). I was able to hold off some of her best pokemon. First always take out abomasnow. i never thought glaceon was a threat. Your worst enemies are (according to highest threat level down to lowest threat level) Walrein, Mamoswine, Froslass. When one of them comes out, take them out fast. I try not to have either one of them out together because either way you're screwed. Try to lure them out one by one. You're highest tactic is to spam two strong moves on one of the said threatening pokemon.

Edited by RazeArmada
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Serra's pokemon are wayyyy too haxed.

-Always avoid Lava Plume

-Never get burned from Lava Plume

-Crit protected

-Always get crits THEMSELVES

-Blizzards are 100% accuracy.

-Hi-Jump Kick is 0% accuracy.


Edited by Thirdbird
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Serra's pokemon are wayyyy too haxed.

-Always avoid Lava Plume

-Never get burned from Lava Plume

-Crit protected

-Always get crits THEMSELVES

-Blizzards are 100% accuracy.

-Hi-Jump Kick is 0% accuracy.


If there's hail then yeah, most of that is true. Most of her Pokemon have Snow Cloak, Frost Breath always crits, Blizzard IS 100% accuracy.

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[Drought Ninetales (Lv 47) + Iron Fist Infernape (Lv48) x Scrafty (Lv 49)]/Spam STAB = Easy.

Although at the end of it all only Scrafty was left standing.

Hell, I swear just these three have pulled me through every single Gym battle so far. Except Aya. That was all Gardevoir.

Edited by Khayoz
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[Drought Ninetales (Lv 47) + Iron Fist Infernape (Lv48) x Scrafty (Lv 49)]/Spam STAB = Easy.

Although at the end of it all only Scrafty was left standing.

Hell, I swear just these three have pulled me through every single Gym battle so far. Except Aya. That was all Gardevoir.

That's how I feel about my Luxray and Gligar.

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  • 4 months later...

Only just beat Serra after about 30 tries, best advice I could give has been given, get drought vulpix, keep saving and reloading to get drought. The residual damage taken away from your team (and damage put on to jynx via dry skin) is very useful. My team that only just won: lvl 50 blaziken, lvl 50 scrafty, lvl 45 magneton, lvl 50 gyarados, lvl 28 vulpix, lvl 50 mr mime. I'd recommend starting by immediately getting rid of glaceon and leaving the abomnasnow (i found the glaceon to be slightly more problematic than abom. it's blizzards do a lot more).

Also might be worth getting something that can set up a light screen, in literally 30+ battles not a single blizzard missed in the drought so be aware that they will hit consistently.

This may seem elaborate but i did have a fair bit of trouble with this gym leader and maybe some other people are too.

Also youtube "nickaboo reborn serra" he managed to beat her in 5 rounds or something by spamming lava plume, and he sounds a lot like jonah hill so thats nice

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