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Question Kangaskhan movepool


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I was wondering if there´s any way to get Seismic Toss/Body Slam on my Kangaskhan. In USUM it´s possible by transferring it from earlier generations. As such, I assume it´s impossible in Reborn - just wanted to make sure, since without these moves Kangaskhan is quite a lot weaker.

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1 hour ago, LilyX said:

I was wondering if there´s any way to get Seismic Toss/Body Slam on my Kangaskhan. In USUM it´s possible by transferring it from earlier generations. As such, I assume it´s impossible in Reborn - just wanted to make sure, since without these moves Kangaskhan is quite a lot weaker.

In highest probability, no earlier gens movepools will be available, in Reborn. It is canon gen 7. For some similar reason that Machop cannot learn Fissure that could learn in gen 1, because with hidden ability to never miss, it would be broken, in Reborn.


Also, event movepools, like Pikachu with Fly/Surf, are certain to NEVER make it in Reborn. As well as event mons; like Extremespeed Dratini.

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