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It got a couple stat buffs going into Gen. 7 (+20 to both its base Speed and base Special Attack) that allow it to hold its own far better than it could a couple years ago, especially since it now gets Quiver Dance upon evolution instead of Lv. 68. Intimidate is the better Ability for you, as it shores up the Defense stat you can't boost yourself, in addition to the general utility it offers. Be careful, though- as a Bug/Flying Type, masquerain does have a X4 weakness to Rock attacks, including Stealth Rock. Don't let it get stoned!

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So, looking at his general parameters, we see that he brings a good Special Attack value (100) So I'd say you could go for a special set. Another good point in his favour is the Intimidate ability, which always comes in handy. I would say a Choice Specs can be good on him, if you want to use him as a sweeper, but he does not really learn any powerful moves, soo maybe Specs is not really suitable for the lil' guy. Maybe go for elemental plates or similar items, they are also easier to ifnd in the game too (I think.)


You could run Quiver Dance, trying to set up and boost, along with Scald (burn always good, plus STAB move), Bug Buzz and Air Slash. Only problem is he is not bulky enough, so if you have the opportunity, pair him with someone that can protect him (if double battle).


So, I hope this helped! I didn't go as far as to mention EVs and such, since I do not know if you wanna invest too much time in such things 😉

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The problem with stealth rock is that it's one of the most popular leads (and there are certain trainers in-game which use it) and if you don't cover them with defog or rapid spin, any x4 weakness to rock (like masquerain, volcarona...) would start those battles with half the HP. I would say someone with defog or rapid spin would be good for your team, too.

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Masquerain can be rather useful for the second and third gyms with access to intimidate, decent speed and special attacks and a typing that isn't really touched by the pokemon on these two teams. Sadly after this it falls out of use, as it is just outclassed by other flying types like noivern, and especially by yanmega (which I believe is found on Azurine Island)


(Sidenote, in any other game Masquerain could do just fine, but past the first few gyms, the game just gets harder with pokemon that have coverage and EV training, which can take advantage of Masquerain's frail nature. Most will be able to OHKO it so it won't even be able to set up a Quiver Dance.)

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Guest Relinquished

Surskit to Masquerain, eh? You don't say...


Listen here and listen good! NEVER delete, or replace, a move included in its "By a prior evolution" move list (as with any other pokemon that has moves, exclusive to its earlier forms)... The move Relearner currently has a bug and you cannot Relearn "By a prior evolution" moves in the final form, even though you should be able to, even if you knew it until after evolving.

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