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Things I want for the Playstation 5.


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One of my biggest Regrets during this Generation of Video Game consoles was never owning a PS4. Far too expensive, my dad said. So, I stayed quiet and just got 7-10 dollar used copies of titles for my PS3.


When I finally got a Job, I saved up quite a bit of money. I had a decision between a Nintendo Switch and a Playstation 4. I went with the Switch because It was cheaper, and I was pretty sure that economically speaking, this product's lifespan would go beyond the PS4's. I don't regret buying the Switch, as I got Breath of the Wild (Good game, even if it wasn't as charming or atmospheric as it's predecessors: I call this MGSV syndrome), Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Super Mario Odyssey, and Octopath Traveler. And I'm anticipating the Pokemon for Switch (Not Let's Go, That's an embarrassment), Metroid Prime 4, the new Fire Emblem, and Bayonetta 3 (Still have yet to play 1 and 2). 


That being said, I still have plenty of Money, and I am going to buy a PS5. With that said, here are some things that I want.


BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY WITH THE PLAYSTATION 4. Not the Playstation 3, as I already have a PS3. But their are so many Playstation 4 titles that I regret not owning. Nier Automata is something I got to play at a friends house, and I'm In love with this game. Everything about it is incredible. I want to get my own copy of the game... but what use is it if I don't have a system to play it on? I also never got to play Final Fantasy 15. I know I could just get the pocket edition for the Switch... but I just want the original version. Probably the most optimal way to do this would be to just create a far more powerful version of the PS4, that can support PS5 games and has more power as a console. By making the PS3 completely different from the PS4, Sony kinda ruined any hope of backwards compatibility with PS3 games. Don't make that mistake with the PS5.


And... Crossplay. Sony has been frustratingly backwards with it's policies on Crossplay with other platforms.


And... for me, that's really it. I just want a system that can play games. It probably will have 4K resolutions, or probably even something better, I don't know.


So, what do you want from the PS5?

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You got 2-3 years before it comes out.  I don't really have any specific wants or needs, it does it's job fine.  I would rather be pleasantly surprised.   The Crossplay thing isn't a console issue though, that is a company issue.

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I'd like easy cusstomization. I.e. for Sony to make it easy to go in and swap out graphics cards, or even the main processor with a new one. I don't really care if they want to keep that propreitary, so long as its not priced out the wazoo. Also I'd like a better internet system. Not a revamped store since I don't really use it, nor PS+, but just let the system use the internet more efficiently.


Other than that I'm pretty happy with the way Sony's handled the PS4 this generation (and I'm one of those people for whom crossplay isn't just a non-issue, but a non-issue that is annoying for other people to whine about). Keep up the great single-player first parties and I'll stick with them even if my single big wish-list item (above) isn't met.


I agree that backwards compatibility would be nice, but its not a big selling point for me since I already a PS3 and PS4, as well as taking (stealing) my family's PS2 from when I was a kid (no one else wanted it, or used it by that point).

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