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Ledian Reworked


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Ledian is a Pokemon I called a favorite for a while and continues to be, design-wise, a Pokemon I like. Created to be a ladybug Pokemon with an aesthetic similarity to the Power Rangers, Ledian embraces the spirit of the Bug-Type more than any other Bug-Type Pokemon. This is why Bug attacks are super effective against Dark-Type Pokemon after all: because culturally, bugs are symbolically linked with super heroes in Japan.


Currently, Ledian's crippled by a poor typing, mediocre abilities, and atrocious stats. There is a stark disconnect between Ledian's design implying fist-based combat skills and a measly base attack stat of 35. This isn't the only instance of disconnections within Ledian's overall design. This Pokemon was also given Swarm in Generation 3 during a time where Ledian could only learn a single, unreliable Bug-Type attack, and only through breeding. Despite the fact that Ledyba and Ledian have commonly been associated with the morning to contrast with Spinarak and Ariados, Ledian's Pokedex entries imply that the Pokemon is more nocturnal, being active at night and receiving power from the stars. All of these contradictions make me question just how it is that Pokemon come to be. How could a Pokemon exist with all these blatant disconnections?


Well, I'm here now to attempt a correction for Ledian to give this Pokemon a cohesive theme and style. Ledian doesn't need to be an Uber's threat, but it should at least have a style that makes some amount of sense. Because the Pokedex focuses on Ledian's connection to the stars, how starlight interacts with Leidan's black dots, and how Ledian is referred to as the five star Pokemon, I want to make this the theme that threads Ledian's design together. With that in mind, here's what I have to suggest: 




The Five Star Pokemon

Bug/Flying -> Normal Form (Bug/Flying) | Starlight Form (Bug/Fairy)

Swarm / Early Bird / (Iron Fist) -> Five Stars *NEW*

               Normal Form  Starlight Form

HP: 55 ->      65                 65

Atk: 35 ->     70                 100

Def: 50 ->     60                 70

SpA: 55 ->    35                 25

SpD: 110 ->  110               120

Spe: 85 ->    85                 115

Total: 390 -> 425               495




Level Up:

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*New Ability*

Five Stars (Ledian Exclusive)

In Game Text: Changes the Pokemon's form when moon or star moves are used.

Details: Changes Ledian to Starlight Form after any participating Pokemon use moon or star moves. Affected Moves: Moonlight, Moonblast, Moongeist Beam, Startdust Fists


*New Move*
Stardust Fists

Fairy-Type / Physical

Power: 90 / Acc: 100

Effect: 30% chance to raise Special Defense 1 stage.


Learned By:

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I used Darmanitan's Zen Mode as an example of how you can create an ability to change the form of a Pokemon. Zen Mode Darmanitan has a noticeably higher stat total than normal Darmanitan but is offset by the requirement that Darmanitan's HP be low. For Ledian, the offset here is that you need to get a fragile and barely quick Bug/Flying Type Pokemon on the field and use either Moonlight for recovery or attack with Startdust Fists. That's actually a tall glass to fill, and what you get is a decent sweeper, but not necessarily a great one. You'll also need to change into Starlight form whenever you swap into battle. On the positive side, this means you have safe switch-ins to Earthquake every time, but this also means you're basic Ledian until you use starlight fists.


In this form, Ledian's dots change into stars and glow while stardust glitters in a cape-like shape under Ledian's wings. This is meant to represent the "powered" super hero. When the stars are out, i.e. a star or moon move has been used, Ledian powers up and prepares to fight. It gets faster, stronger, and slightly bulkier. Like a mini-Mega Evolution, Ledian's able to go from zero to hero, or almost at least. I chose the fairy typing because it aligned with Ledian's theme of being powered by the stars in order to be a proper super hero.


As for Stardust Fists, Play Rough doesn't quite fit Ledian's style. And we really do need to see some more Physical Fairy-Moves in future generations anyway. I wanted to create something that made more sense for Ledian, but could also be spread around some other Pokemon as well. I'd like to think that the SpD boost chance is due to the user coating themselves in excess stardust which protects them. The added buff to a lot of other Pokemon receiving this move might also help some of them gain some power too.


As for sets, there are a number of ways to go, but here's a sample set:


Ledian @Life Orb

Five Stars


252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

- Stardust Fists

- Lunge

- Drain Punch / Thunder Punch / Moonlight

- Swords Dance


This is a pretty straightforward setup sweeper set. Drain Punch is nice because of the added recovery to offset Life Orb damage, but Thunder Punch has better coverage. Moonlight could be chosen if you anticipate getting out-sped by something you can take a hit from, or possibly after switching into something. If you anticipate having to switch in and out a lot, then Moonlight can help keep you alive and change your form every time you need to swap in. If your opponent has a fairy-type likely to carry Moonblast, you can switch in and tank the attack beautifully with Ledian's high special defense.


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This is a pretty cool idea. Since I wouldn't count on a bug/flying type to survive any rock slide with that defense-HP stat, I'd run a focus sash set.


Ledian @Focus Sash

Five Stars


4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

- Stardust Fists / Lunge

- Mach Punch

- Moonlight 

- Swords Dance


Yah I know I suck at competitive oof

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