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Pokemon Reborn Metagame


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I've recently started to play online matches and I've noticed that Reborn's metagame is incredibly different than showdown singles. There are three main points. First: MKangaskhan, Aegislash, Blaziken and Naganadel are allowed. Second: there are no legendaries, this means no landorus, no heatran, no zapdos and the list goes on. Third: many important tms and mega stones are still missing. A metagame without u-turn and volt switch, for example, is way different than the regular one. These changes create the necessity to reconsider the game's threats in order to create well balanced teams. Let's start off with the pokemon I belive to be the most powerful of the entire game



Timid nature, dragon pulse sludge bomb/venoshock (not sure sludge bomb is in the game) nasty plot flamethrower/heat wave (according to field effects)

Naganadel can freely switch in any Rotom form (as it does not carry volt switch), most grass types and many other pokemons with proper prediction. What is however important is that he has a very limited amount of counters as Metagrossite, Heatran, Nihilego, Celesteela and Landorus are just dreamed and also earthquake is not in the game yet. I don't think we should apply any bans in this metagame, but Naganadel is of course a centralizing force as really few pokemon can switch in, take a hit and answer properly. My best suggestions to deal with him are: Weavile lead to cripple Naganadel leads (unreliable if Naganadel is in the back and manages to get a beast boost), bulky u-turn/parting shot lead into encore MLopunny and of course his best counter, life orb/specs ice beam Empoleon. It might seem a strange pokemon, but he is the only pokemon able to tank any hit from a boosted Naganadel and kill him afterwards. This means that Empoleon deserves a place in OU on his own, as one of the best checks for this pokemon. Sounds weird. Best teammates for Naganadel are pokemon that can help him to set up a nasty plot and go rampage. Parting shot is appreciated, as well as wish support and sticky web to not let the rare MegaBeedrill ruin the party. Speaking of him, Mega Beedrill sounds great but the absence of U-Turn makes it much less reliable and unpredictable than it is in regular OU. However, let's go on with the next threat



Sdance setup set (both with and without sacred sword), toxic defensive set (usually special)

Aegislash is slightly more versatile than Naganadel. In both sets, his goal is to get a free turn coming in pokemon that can be afraid of him or act as setup fodder, like Alakazam, MPinsir, Ninetales-A, Hawlucha, Ferrothorn and anything in range of a shadow sneak. The aegislash MUST use free turns to swords dance as very few pokemon can resist all of his move. If he instead has a defensive set, he can set up a substitute or use a toxic if it carries both stabs (but i would suggest to use kshield sub sball and toxic, without flash cannon, and much defensive EV investment). Aegislash can win games alone and with proper setup can even give trouble to his worst counters, like CharizardY. Speaking of counters, the first step in battling an Aegislash is to figure out his set. Silvally can use parting shot bypassing a substitute and Haze Toxapex can stall all of Aegislash variants, forcing it to switch to avoid taking too many layers of toxic spikes. Toxapex can even use knock off to take out the lefties of Aegislash or another pokemon that can usually come in to counter Toxapex, such as Alakazam, Reuniclus, Gastrodon or many others like Metagross. Once figured the set there are many efficient ways to react: Bisharp and Magnezone are perfect for the not-sacred sword variants, but if it does not have a steel move he's open to some pokemon like MAltaria or Clefable. Gengar and Weavile are good checks, but should switch out in front of an Aegislash. Speaking of the stallish variant, Alolan Muk, Toxapex and Gliscor are very good switch in for him. However, many pokemon such as Volcarona, Charizard and Blaziken are very good to apply pressure and force him to switch to his water type, maybe Araquanid, Milotic or another wall. Like for Naganadel, the key of playing Aegislash is to make him switch in with proper timing and set up as soon as possible his sub or swords dance. Be ware of the will o wisps by the way



Inferno overdrive, Life orb all out offense, baton pass starter

Blaziken is a very simple pokemon that has just a couple possible sets to use: he can use Flare blitz, Superpower, a setup move (swords dance or bulk up) and one among protect and a rock/poison coverage with firium Z or life orb, or can have a bulkier set like baton pass swords dance protect/sub/flare blitz and both of them are lethal if underrated. Blaziken is a common lead, after a swords dance and a speed boost can kill almost anything he finds to face. It's a bit like Naganadel, with slightly more unpredictability but also more counters. Bulky waters can apply a very consistent pressure, but are not always a solid switch in as a boosted Blaziken can easly break through the defenses of a Milotic or a Gastrodon, one among Clefable and Araquanid can stop it very easily according to the coverage move it carries, but Tentacruel Gyarados and Toxapex are just more reliable to stop him, unless it has the rare thunder punch, that does not have to be underrated either. MegaVenusaur is a very nice teammate for him as it has good matchup with most of his counters and checks, but is also needed support aganist psychic types as well supported ones like agility metagross or trick room Reuniclus/Beeheyem can break through this combo with ease. I would suggest Aegislash or Empoleon (as is also always needed a good out aganist him, none of Venusaur and Blaziken has access to the learnable Earthquale)



Absolute wall, Black Sludge

Not much to say about him. I personally think it is the best non-uber pokemon of this game as able to stall almost any pokemon, even those that should theoretically stall or break thrpugh him. His monster like defenses allow him to survive almost any hit and recover back all the damage. The best moves for him are Toxic/toxic spikes, recover, haze, infestation, scald and knock off. While Recover and Haze are mandatory, the other ones can be chosen according to the teammates. He can handle almost the entire metagame by himself, only losing to the rare earthquakes and to the psychic types, most importantly Metagross, Espeon, Starmie, MGardevoir, Mamoswine, Hippowdon, Flygon and Excadrill that usually force him to switch. Not a big deal, considering that he can freely switch in and cause disaster to any kind of pokemon, like Charizard X, Gyarados, Blaziken, Aegislash, Gliscor, Salamence, Volcarona, Araquanid and anything that comes in my mind. He also has to worry about band crawdaunt and swords dance Bisharp, as their knock off raw power is just huge. Additionally, Dugtrio and Gothitelle can both trap him to death with no escape possibility. In games without team prewiew this is a big deal sadly. However, most of the players wont play traps as they are banned in regular OU, being so controversial, and for this reason Toxapex is absolutely a top tier pokemon. Good teammates for him are pokemons able to handle psychics, as MSableye, Metagross, Aegislash or Skarmory and others that instead handle Ground types, as Gliscor, Silvally-Water/Flying, Araquanid or Salamence, a pokemon that I find as greatly underrated in this metagame



Quiver Dance setupper, Bulky Defogger, leftovers

Volcarona is one of the most interesting pokemons we have in the tier. After a quiver dance its power becomes huge. For the quiver dance set, I would play flamethrower/fiery dance bug buzz and one between giga drain and roost as other moves. Its goal is obviously to setup and sweep, nothing strange. However, it may require more technical play than Naganadel as more pokemon can stop him, especially after ep18 brought Rock Slide. Araquanid, Toxapex, Silvally-Water/Flying, Gyarados and Dragonite are common switch ins for him that are very solid counters and may even use them as setup fodder. Nevertheless, Volcarona is an incredibly solid pokemon and in this metagame where stealth rock is rarely used (due to less frequent switches in the game) can freely switch in and out until his counter is dead and Volcarona is ready to punch through whole teams.

The goal of the Bulky set instead is to cripple what should theoretically be a counter. Volcarona can Toxic a switching water and let him die with Gastrodon, MSableye, or anything else. The main goal of defog, however, is to be safe aganist stealth rock and various hazards. Among with Skarmory, Rotom and Silvally, Volcarona is one of the best defogger of the game and provides very good utility to one of the strongest sweepers and possibly one of the top 3 megas in the game: Charizard X. I would play this core with a good flying type, maybe Gliscor, a Toxapex counter as Mamoswine, something like Empoleon because everything seemingly has an hard time aganist Naganadel and a support or an hazard setter (Chansey?) just to make sweeping more effective.



Sdance sweeper, 4 attacking moves

Mawile is probably the most consistent mega evolution we have so far, followed by Charizard X and Venusaur. Mawile has everything from the original games and no important moves are unreleased so far for him. While it might seem hard to get him started, it usually has the possibility to shut down at least one or two pokemon in a game and it's vast movepool gives him the chance of catching off-guard even common counters or switch-ins like Volcarona, Aegislash, Charizard or Toxapex. Depending on the playstyle, Swords dance can be used or not. The goal of non-dancing Mawile is to get in a pokemon that deals little damage to him, force it to switch and kill the coming pokemon, than switch out the Mawile. It wont sweep entire teams, but it may be better to cover more pokemon and remove specific pokemons from the opposing team with less common moves as fire fang thunder punch or rock slide. Swords dance is however the most common set. Mawile needs to get in a setup fodder and can both swords dance or attack according to the phase of the game: in the first turns you want to hide your swords dance and scout the opponent's counter to Mawile and send him back to the field when that counter is dead. If used as a late game cleaner (role that I personally suggest) he can sweep with ease the last 3 pokemons of a team or at least go rampage before being forced to switch out. Pokemon with ground immunities are mandatory to support a Mawile. Probably, Skarmory and Rotom-Wash are good supporters. Chansey is also good as he can tank Volcarona and set rocks, which Mawile appreciates so much, but than is also needed someone who can switch into a boosted Volcarona and kill it. Araquanid and Gyarados are both very good ideas, but also Toxapex is nice in teams a bit more stallish. The power of Mawile lays in the fact that while many pokemon can kill him in a 1v1, very few of them can switch in safely. For example, Mawile cannot switch in a Blaziken or a Naganadel, but they can't switch in him. This is what allows him to take down so many pokemon before dying. His best offensive moves are probably the stabs knock off and sucker, with sucker punch being absolutely crucial in playing Mawile



AV/leftovers sweeper

Metagames change, but in the end Metagross is always good. In this game, he finds a role as an assault vest user able to check very effectively Naganadels as he resists a nasty plot flamethrower, altough he completely lacks any form of recovery and needs a wish support. Metagross is also the best possible switch-in for Toxapex, possibly the best non-uber in the game (besides Dugtrio and Gothitelle as I'm not considering trapping for now - and some Toxapex sets might even handle them) and one of the best answers to Venusaur, as he can't even learn earthquake and its only way to damage him back is with leech seed. Metagross's good movepool high attack and great ability allow him to use very well 4 different attacking moves. Zen Headbutt is mandatory to hit poison types, while bullet punch can shut down crippled pokemon and meteor mash (or iron head) can deal massive damage to pokemon like Mamoswine, Tyranitar or MAltaria that could otherwise threaten him. As for the coverage, Bulldoze serves to lure Magnezones into death, while Rock slide ohkoes not evolved Charizards and Volcaronas switching into the Magnezone and Ice Punch covers different targets like Gliscor or Salamence. Teammates for Metagross depend on his moves, but I would greatly reccommend someone like Dragonite, Salamence or Charizard X, all good setuppers that have different weaknesses than Metagross, that can greatly shine in a metagame without Heatran, Landorus, MCharizardY, MGyarados and Volt Switch Magnezone. A great weakness of him is Aegislash, so I would suggest to pokemon to handle both sets, like Toxapex, Muk or Bisharp. Leftovers Metagross works just the same, he checks less effectively Naganadel and Volcarona but he can have a semireliable recovery in lefties and can even try to use Agility over bullet punch. Also Choice Band and Life Orb are good on him, but I wouldn't suggest playing them besides in specific teams. 


What's the goal of all this? As you might have understood, I find this metagame pretty interesting and we should analyze it more. These are just 7 top-usage pokemon, but I'll post other in the next days and maybe one day I'll even try to organize a tournament here in the forum. Do you think it is a good idea?

Edited by Lorisaur
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Naganadel can also run Specs, which leaves a moveslot free to bop Pex and Empoleon with T-Bolt, and leaves you less useless against Steel types in the Fairy Tale Field (though M-Steelix, Ferrothorn and Excadrill still laugh at you). It can be a scarfed revenge killer; its special attack is good enough on its own. Draconium, Firium and LO are all options on the NP set. It's not entirely a one-trick pony.


Not even Blissey can truly counter it because Ice Beam doesn't exist and therefore it's pure setup fodder.


That being said, I agree with Shade: Reborn is still missing some key players and the meta's going to shift drastically with every new update. I think we should wait to develop anything firm. It's always fun to speculate for now, though.

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Of course it will be a completely different meta once ep19 comes out but hey I think it will be in late2019/early2020 so we have all the tome to develop a metagame and play some tournaments


To answer ShadeStrider, the game prevents the players from playing random matchups and wonder trades of they have an illegal pokemon, item or move in their team and advices them they have at least one when they go online


Also, I did not consider at all the field effects while writing, this means that pokemon like naganadel become absolute monsters in some terrains, as Toxapex is immortal in a murkwater surface

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I'd like to contribute as well but I can't seem to find any random matchups. Is there a specific schedule when people play?


I think I will get destroyed with that kind of hyper offense metagame but I want to try it anyway. You sum up very well the kind of threats I was expecting.

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48 minutes ago, HUEnd said:

Also don't forget the field-based strats such as the Rainbow Field Team, which is by far the most common as you can easily create it without losing too much momentum, unlike 90% of the other fields.

How do you create it? By sending in a Pelipper while it's sunny? It's not easy at all... but I will try to build a team around it. Does the rainbow field boost pokemon with serene grace? Same question with freezing in icy field

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Given more thought. I feel like even if there were a metagame community by the end of Reborn, it would make the Tapus even better as they would literally just rewrite any field upon switching in. So the Meta would be largely the same except with More Tapu relevance. Therefore, it would probably be the same 4 fields (Electric, Grassy, Psychic, and Misty), as they are by far the easiest fields to set up. I don't even want to imagine A meta where Clefable gets a 50% boost to its special Defense on Misty Field. Seeds would increase in use, and Unburden users (Mostly Hawlucha) Would rise. Nature Power would be more consistent coverage too. So overall, It would probably have teams that revolve arouund the Tapus.

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The tapus will be like in vgc: everyone has his tapu, but the team does not absolutely need it. It's just a nice tool, nothing more, or a disruption for an opponent




Edited by Lorisaur
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@Lorisaur Hyper Offensive Rainbow with Pelipper/Politoed + Ninetales/Torkoal. You can lead with Torkoal for rocks if you feel like it, but blazing your oponent with boosted Tri Attack Adaptability Porygon-Z and/or Boomburst Noivern/Chatot is usually the way I play with it. My Rainbow Field Team had Ninetales/Politoed because I mostly used it under Gen 6 mechanics (aka E16...?).


As far as I know, yeah, Serene Grace does stack with Icy Field (say hello to Secret Power Sawsbuck 🤣) but it seems like it only stacks if given pokemon is grounded, so no flinchhax Togekiss for ya m8.


#EDIT: Nevermind, I'm dumb. It doesn't stack. But still, Sawsbuck in Icy Field has 60% freeze chance with Secret Power so it's still pretty broken af.

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1 minute ago, HUEnd said:

@Lorisaur Hyper Offensive Rainbow with Pelipper/Politoed + Ninetales/Torkoal. You can lead with Torkoal for rocks if you feel like it, but blazing your oponent with boosted Tri Attack Adaptability Porygon-Z and/or Boomburst Noivern/Chatot is usually the way I play with it. My Rainbow Field Team had Ninetales/Politoed because I mostly used it under Gen 6 mechanics (aka E16...?).


As far as I know, yeah, Serene Grace does stack with Icy Field (say hello to Secret Power Sawsbuck 🤣) but it seems like it only stacks if given pokemon is grounded, so no flinchhax Togekiss for ya m8.

WHAAAAT this means that ANY grounded serene grace has a 100% freeze rate using secret power. That's huge. However, it's pretty slow as a strat and after few turns the rainbow fades. if everything goes well, you have no more than 5 attacking turns. and this costs 3 pokemons. I'm not sure it's worth... but certainly I'll test it.

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It seems AV TTar checks Naganadel pretty damn well. Even a +2 Z-Draco won't OHKO, and TTar has no issue OHKOing back with Earthquake. If you catch Naganadel early in the game, Pursuit can dent it as it switches out, softening it up for later to potentially take it out with priority like Scizor's Bullet Punch or M. Kanga's Fake Out + Sucker Punch. The main issue is keeping it healthy enough to check Z-Move variants; a pokemon with Wish or Healing Wish is important.


TTar is also a problem for Rainbow Field teams, being able to destroy the field and handle the Sun side of things really well. Combined with a partner good against Rain, you have a solid 2-mon Balance core for thwarting a common strategy.


tl;dr Tyranitar is good. What's new?

3 hours ago, Lorisaur said:


Choice Specs has no issue dealing with Pyukumuku, and Pyukumuku can't actually do anything back, as its only damaging moves are Counter and Toxic, neither of which will ever hit Naganadel. Quagsire does a lot better since it can actually deal damage back and is resistant to Sludge Wave and immune to Thunderbolt, and if it uses Recover on the turn Z-Draco is used, Naganadel won't KO the next turn. Still a shaky check though, as any prior damage will lead to a OHKO.


252 SpA Choice Specs Naganadel Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Pyukumuku: 174-206 (55.4 - 65.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery


252 SpA Naganadel Devastating Drake (195 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Quagsire: 295-348 (74.8 - 88.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Naganadel Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Quagsire: 196-232 (49.7 - 58.8%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 Atk Quagsire Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Naganadel: 246-290 (85.7 - 101%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

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4 minutes ago, Seel The Deal said:

It seems AV TTar checks Naganadel pretty damn well. Even a +2 Z-Draco won't OHKO, and TTar has no issue OHKOing back with Earthquake. If you catch Naganadel early in the game, Pursuit can dent it as it switches out, softening it up for later to potentially take it out with priority like Scizor's Bullet Punch or M. Kanga's Fake Out + Sucker Punch. The main issue is keeping it healthy enough to check Z-Move variants; a pokemon with Wish or Healing Wish is important.


TTar is also a problem for Rainbow Field teams, being able to destroy the field and handle the Sun side of things really well. Combined with a partner good against Rain, you have a solid 2-mon Balance core for thwarting a common strategy.


tl;dr Tyranitar is good. What's new?

Choice Specs has no issue dealing with Pyukumuku, and Pyukumuku can't actually do anything back, as its only damaging moves are Counter and Toxic, neither of which will ever hit Naganadel. Quagsire does a lot better since it can actually deal damage back and is resistant to Sludge Wave and immune to Thunderbolt, and if it uses Recover on the turn Z-Draco is used, Naganadel won't KO the next turn. Still a shaky check though, as any prior damage will lead to a OHKO.


252 SpA Choice Specs Naganadel Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Pyukumuku: 174-206 (55.4 - 65.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery


252 SpA Naganadel Devastating Drake (195 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Quagsire: 295-348 (74.8 - 88.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Naganadel Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Quagsire: 196-232 (49.7 - 58.8%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 Atk Quagsire Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Naganadel: 246-290 (85.7 - 101%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Pyukumuku can kill Naganadel by blocking him and stalling with spite or soak+toxic. Quagsire seems a bit less solid because can't switch in a Z move Naganadel so easily but is more versatile. Tyranitar is good, but needs wish support to continuously check Naganadel during the game. However, it's of course a top tier pokemon

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7 minutes ago, Lorisaur said:

Pyukumuku can kill Naganadel by blocking him and stalling with spite or soak+toxic. Quagsire seems a bit less solid because can't switch in a Z move Naganadel so easily but is more versatile. Tyranitar is good, but needs wish support to continuously check Naganadel during the game. However, it's of course a top tier pokemon

Soak+Block is a meme at best. You need Toxic, Counter, and Recover on any Pyukumuku set. There's no room for both of those moves. Also, Pyukumuku can't switch in on Z Draco either. It gets 2HKO'd by Z-Draco -> Draco.


...besides, what does Pyukumuku do outside of checking Naganadel one in every 100 games? At least Quagsire is a decent choice for an Unaware mon in general.


On an unrelated note, Salazzle is pretty hilarious in the Corrosive Mist field:


+2 248 SpA Choice Specs Salazzle Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Toxapex: 165-195 (54.4 - 64.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery


(Choice Specs is to emulate the 1.5x boost Corrosion 'mons get)

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1 hour ago, Seel The Deal said:


Soak+Block is a meme at best. You need Toxic, Counter, and Recover on any Pyukumuku set. There's no room for both of those moves. Also, Pyukumuku can't switch in on Z Draco either. It gets 2HKO'd by Z-Draco -> Draco.


...besides, what does Pyukumuku do outside of checking Naganadel one in every 100 games? At least Quagsire is a decent choice for an Unaware mon in general.


On an unrelated note, Salazzle is pretty hilarious in the Corrosive Mist field:


+2 248 SpA Choice Specs Salazzle Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Toxapex: 165-195 (54.4 - 64.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery


(Choice Specs is to emulate the 1.5x boost Corrosion 'mons get)

I personally think that almost 1 team out of 3 will have Naganadel as it's clearly the defining pokemon of this metagame so Pyukumuku might even find a bit of ussge (maybe) or at least is not complete garbage. Salazzle is TRULY impressive in corrosive mist field btw, very few pokemon can stop him... another good pokemon for Naganadel is Noivern. One of the only pokemon that can outspeed and kill it while holding an item

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I think the only thing that really stops Salazzle from shining is actually getting Corrosive Mist set up. The only decent 'mon that gets Clear Smog/Smog/Poison Gas and Mist/Misty Terrain is Gastrodon, who saps your momentum pretty hard and gets limited to 2 effective moveslots (likely Scald/Ice Beam and Recover). Then you have to get Salazzle set up which is easier said than done. Once it is set up properly though, it's pretty much unstoppable outside of scarfers and strong priority. HP Fighting OHKOs AV TTar, Venoshock/Flamethrower both 2HKO Toxapex...

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Wait, is choice scarf in the game? I belived we only had band and specs...


However, I think the best misty terrain support for this team is amplified rock whimsicott, who can even try a memento or an encore if he does not die in his first turn. Gastrodon one of the best mist toxicer as he can even resist a draconium nasty plot naganadel in a misty terrain. Gengar is also very good (maybe sash?) to use clear smog aganist grass types that would instead be nasty for Gastrodon. Steel types are not an answer to this strat as field effects occour as the same. Gengar should also run Taunt as people who know this strategy will want to send in a defogger to disrupt it. As for the pokemon who take advantage of the corrupted mist, we have Gengar itself, Salazzle and of course Naganadel. As a Mega, I would probably use Mawile

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I mean, I just sort of assumed we have all choice items lol, I could very well be wrong and Scarf isn't a thing in which case Salazzle is even scarier when set up.


- Also another reason Steels aren't a threat to Corrosive Mist: 1.5x power on ALL Fire moves. Salazzle eats every available Steel in the game for breakfast.

- Bisharp is an option to discourage Defoggers. +2 Knock Off/Iron Head/Low Kick is something very few Defoggers want to deal with, and switchins risk losing their item or, y'know, their health.

- Something should run Poisonium Z because that's a decent nuke once Steels are gone and it creates Corrosive Mist in one use rather than Clear Smog's 2. Salazzle is a bad choice for this and Gengar doesn't get much use from the nuke, so another poison type, or something that enjoys an anti-Fairy nuke, is a good idea. Naganadel could potentially forego Life Orb/Dragonium/Sash for this. +2 175 (?) BP Acid Downpour is going to wreck house regardless, even if a little less than Draconium would.


...now that I think about it, maybe Corrosive Mist isn't quite as much of a meme as I first thought.

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Corrosive mist isn't meme at all, as is not meme the glitch field either. To be honest, any team with a field-boosted Salazzle or Naganadel is fairly good. However, I think that Corrosive field is easier to set up and has alternatives in Blazing and Desert fields that can adapt to different playstyles

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