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A way to tell what moves are illegal


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It's not like "Earthquake, Calm Mind, etc. moves are illegal".


As Swamp stated already, a move is considered illegal if certain mon has X move that is not supposed to have as of the current version (simply by being unable to learn it but it has X move for some reason or if it's from a legitimately avaiable TM).


Some examples:

- A Granbull knowing Earthquake is considered illegal, while a Diggersby knowing Earthquake is considered legal;

- Boomburst Porygon-Z is illegal while Boomburst Noivern is considered legal.

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Basically the pokemon has to be able to learn the move through legitimate means in the game. All level up and egg moves are legal, just some tm/tutor moves are listed as illegal on pokemon that dont learn those moves through other means.

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