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LF: Pokemon for Pokedex


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Im in need of a couple pokemons wich are not available to me anymore. I can give tons of shinys in return like crobat, helioptile, poochyena, ekans, koffing, klinklang, onix, mandibuzz, skitty, porygonz, sentret, noctowl, swoobat, mamoswine, butterfree, sandslash, paras, psyduck, buneary, cutiefly, lumineon, numel, cubchoo, golduck, cryogonal, goldeen, chinchou, buizel, unown, blissey, weezing, wingull, spoink, sandshrew, piloswine, stantler, spindas, pikipek, aron, heatmor, excadrill, komala, chinchino, aromatisse, arbok, maractus, durant, kecleon, 2 magikarps, simisear, honchkrow, scraggy, raichu, drapion, wailmer, bagon, sandlslash, gloom, pinsir and ledyba.


Im looking for these pokedex entries:  spiritomb, herdier, stoutland, zorua, zoraork, elektrik, elektross, skrelp, dragalge, goomy+evos,dewpider, aranquanid ,bounsweet, tsarena and mimikyu, bruxish,


can anyone help me out?

Edited by pihamahi
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On 9/25/2018 at 2:19 PM, pihamahi said:

natu. xatu, exploud, shedinja, minun, lunatone, anorith, armaldo, shieldon, bastiodon, spiritomb, sigyliph, herdier, stoutland, tirtouga, carracosta, archen, archeops, zorua, zoraork, elektrik, elektross, skrelp, dragalge, tyrunt, tyrantrum, amaura, aurorus, goomy+evos, litten+evos, tsarena and mimikyu


can anyone help me out?

I know where to catch some of these if that would help along with being able to give you a couple of them

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You can catch Sigilyph in the bottom floor of Sugiline cave (around where you obtain Gible). Skrelp/Dragalge can be found underwater in Azurine Lake. You can find Nincada by rock smashing in Bybixion Wasteland to get Shedinja. And unless you failed to catch them, Goomy can be found after renovating the Slums in the Water Treatment Center "GUM" room and Mimikyu can be found in the Mirage tower basement by rock smashing every mirror on the first floor.

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On 9/30/2018 at 4:09 PM, Starry Knight said:

I have a few evolutionary pokemon I'm missing if you have any of them it would be appreciated

send me a pm with the mons you need :] i have evry pokemon besides the one i listed above


On 9/30/2018 at 5:24 PM, RuinedRuiner said:

You can catch Sigilyph in the bottom floor of Sugiline cave (around where you obtain Gible). Skrelp/Dragalge can be found underwater in Azurine Lake. You can find Nincada by rock smashing in Bybixion Wasteland to get Shedinja. And unless you failed to catch them, Goomy can be found after renovating the Slums in the Water Treatment Center "GUM" room and Mimikyu can be found in the Mirage tower basement by rock smashing every mirror on the first floor.


thanks a lot bro, really appreciate it

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