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Reborn Highlights~!


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Muin, I think you mean the fuel that keeps [i]me[/i] going.

And Oh...
...My goodness.
Maybe last night didn't seem all that exciting to you all, but luckily for the ignorant, Gardevoir has gone behind the scenes to find out the truth of what's going on, and there was- Oh, so much to talk about! Where to start?

Well. 8/19 people managed a win last night, which I guess I can live with. Better than normal, but guys, really, it's not that difficult- unless you're fighting Master, in which case, well, nice knowing you!

Among those wins were a couple notable victories. Firstly, was Nateh, finally triumphing after a grand total of eight battles against Julia. Have to give him credit for perseverance, but can't say much else... Other than congratulations for [i]finally[/i] beating the lowest ranked leader! No! Really! Fantastic!

On the subject of everybody's favorite superball (you can thank Titania for that title of Julia's, boys and girls!) she has become almost as much of a magnet for drama as I am for attention! Last night, she clearly expressed her intent to do away with Titania, who betrayed her in telling Mashew the truth about how Julia just never really liked him in the first place, only having been with him out of pity.

And for that Mashew, my heart goes out to you. I am truly, truly sorry, and also, I told you so~

But yes, Julia is out for bloody revenge on Ikaru's alleged princess! And on that note, Titania is holding Amaria [i]just[/i] outside of your grasp, managing again to beat Ice, but! But, I say! Now that Ikaru is finally AWAKE and up to her level, he and his Iron Maiden faced off for the very first time last night.... You can see how that turned out below.

Of course, that showdown didn't happen before Ikaru practically ragequit the server after Saya pounded him into emotional submission with haunting memories of Friday's Epic Failure, in hopes of selfishly securing the last spot for who else, but her questionably illegitimate husband Blake!
"Questionably illegitimate? Why what ever do you mean, o beautiful Garevoir?" You ask
Well, my friends, fans and followers, it seems that our dear moderator Saya Monoke is actually sorta kinda maybe still questionably possibly in what miiiight be a relationship of some kind with.... The Gym Leader Whitney!

Now for those of you whom this strikes as odd being two girls- or maybe you're okay with that sort of thing- it doesn't really matter, because contrary to the cutesy attitude, pink color and deceptive name- I have the following to say about our Gym Leader Whitney:
And not Ame for once, either!
And so, it was revealed that Saya has been basically cheating on him with Blake. Good going Saya!
Needless to say when it came Whitney's turn to fight Blake last night, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife! But in the end, Blake beat out Whitney in what could possibly be the start of a new rivalry!

Of course, shortly after that, Blake himself was crushed in a two-turn 6-0 victory that proved one thing and one thing only- Blake can't hold a candle to Shandera. His challenger for this match though? None other than Saya, the two-timing lovergirl herself! Just after the battle, she pulled a teary emotional, not quite idealistic confession...
And to which Blake channeled in reply none other than Hans Solo: "I know."
Can you [i]get[/i] any more arrogant? Then again, compared to half of the people here, it's- W-what? You're accusing ME of being arrogant? W-Why I never!

And last but certainly not least- my favorite part... The other love confessions! They're all over the place, really!
To start, it was confirmed that our gender-ambiguous friend, Rodaku has taken over Geo's old position of hitting on Terra!
And Geo. Oh Geo. Geo, Geo, Geo. You say I still have nothing on you?
Well, okay, if you say so...
[quote](23:19) Geo: So your feeling good!:D*tackles*
(23:20) [Reborn]Julia: Ninjadodge!
(23:20) Geo: ^^
(23:20) Geo: Im just glad to have you back.
(23:22) [Reborn]Julia: Pshawwww I never went anywhere
(23:23) Geo: I know but the other week was.........
(23:23) [Reborn]Julia: We don't talk about the other week.
(23:23) [Reborn]Julia: It never happened.
(23:23) [Reborn]Julia: Ever.
(23:23) Geo: YAY!!!
(23:32) Geo: *kisses you on your cheek and give you coffee* YAY!!!!
(23:32) [Reborn]Julia: nomcoffee
(23:32) Geo: Im sorry I ran from you ....
(23:33) [Reborn]Julia: It's kayyyy.
(23:35) Geo: *blushes but tries to hid it by looking up* thnx for....forgiving me.[/quote]
Looks to me like sooooomebody is gettin' their flirt on with Julia~ Watch out Mashew! He'll steal your womens!

But wait.
What's this?
[quote](23:47) Geo: pssssssssst I has a crush on Florinia[/quote]
Make up your mind Geo!
First Terra, then Luna, now these two? And we said Mashew was the whore... ^^

Featured Battles!
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/964.html"]Julia vs Nateh- The Endless Eight comes to a close![/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/966.html"]Shelly vs Muin- They're so cute, all of them![/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/974.html"]Julia vs Gostly- Yanmega's Last Stand[/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/976.html"]Titania vs Ikaru- The Fated Showdown, Pt. 1[/url]

Gossip Gardevoir
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I'll try to be as annoying as I can
Soooo, everyone's whoring =_=
Saya decided to be mean to Ikaru
Stop stealing my "job" please Q_Q Fine, whatever. I give up. Being mean is too hard T_T I'll be a good boi now
WaitwheredidthelolGeologcomefrom =_=
Since when did Geo ever have a crush on Luna?
Also, we don't need a second trap Gardevoir. Not in Reborn. Ame alone is far more than enough ._.
Rodaku x Terra wut?

*is shot continuously before being reborn*
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[quote]Of course, that showdown didn't happen before Ikaru practically ragequit the server after Saya pounded him into emotional submission with haunting memories of Friday's Epic Failure[/quote]

That ragequit you speak of was for other reasons; I let Saya go anyway, before I left.

As for the stuff with Titania, I still don't understand why everyone says she's my [i]anything[/i], especially because she's said how much she hates that title, but, whatever. We knew this already but Julia's crazy if she thinks that's going to happen >>

"The Fated Showdown"?... I'll give you that, but, let's see.
Florinia took me 5 tries.
Elias took me 6...

Wonder how long this will drag on for.

And well, it's my turn to say this, I believe.

And while I'm at it, lolRodaku, lolSaya, lolMashew, and... I know Bullet will have replied by the time I finish this post so, lolBullet.
Oh. And lolMe of course.
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[quote]On the subject of everybody's favorite superball (you can thank Titania for that title of Julia's, boys and girls!) she has become almost as much of a magnet for drama as I am for attention! Last night, she clearly expressed her intent to do away with Titania, who betrayed her in telling Mashew the truth about how Julia just never really liked him in the first place, only having been with him out of pity.[/quote]
Lolbetrayal~ considering they supposedly betrayed her? Meh...
[quote]And for that Mashew, my heart goes out to you. I am truly, truly sorry, and also, I told you so~[/quote]
We went over this GG!!! I said I know... then said I will from now on listen to you.
[quote]Watch out Mashew! He'll steal your womens![/quote]
Should I be mad at ANY of this? I find it rather funny.... and I love how I can get her to leave whenever I want which makes me laugh~ I'm rather ok now
[quote]And we said Mashew was the whore... ^^[/quote]
YOU KNOW WHAT- Fine sure whatever you say GG~ I am not the whore he is >.>;; in fact I'm not- nevermind... =3<3

But other than all that, Nice highlights again GG<3~ I'm rather ok just need to get a knife away from a certain someone....*glares towards someone* you aren't stabbing anyone
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Gardevoir, (+w+)-b Cool story, but seriously the Julia thing is a tad off from the truth. Infact its so off it might as well just linger in a pit of fire and burn just like you.

Here you go folks who trying to know:
Terra is one of best friends.
Luna, since when? HA!
Julia, >>...........I rather be her friend then anything else. I have nothing against her, but just no, friends is just fine.
Florinia: Cool story bro once again & stop trolling,[url="http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/7986/trollfacex.jpg"]I think you make this face everytime you do it.[/url]Now stop trolling me with dat face.XD

>>......Inb4 you will say I have a crush on you GG just for a sick joke considering you know what that falls under.[color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']beastialility![/color]
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The number last night- 2/16! Mere, meek, and measly, all of you!
Though to note, they [i]were[/i] both against the new kid Cain... And I'm going to stop right there, because I don't even want to remember, think about, much less, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhE632UeaX8"]haunt you all with the Special Track Cain played for Mashew in their battle.[/url] No! I would never do such a terrible thing! ^^

Meanwhile, guess who was right about the new trap in town and Blake?! But when I said that a rivalry between Whitney and Blake would arise I was just a little bit understating... After Whitney's second loss last night, it turned out that Saya and Whitney turned on each other! Whitney even went so far as to flat-out call Saya his "enemy," too which Saya took the low blow and, addressing Whitney as Trap Girl!

And even more, having finally defeated Julia, Nateh took up arms against Blake, the same Shandera in hand that Uxie murderer him with, and still managed to lose! Prompting even Saya's own "son" to turn against her!

...It's so much fun!

....Ahem, but. Saving the best for last, of course... My Master! He, naturally, crushed his challengers last night, and looked stunning doing it!
Even so, there was some... discussion... afterwards about myself and the butler Elias, and I would like to clear one thing up, and one thing now!
Just as Radomus said, I may have hypnotized him before in self-defense... He [i]did[/i] try to kidnap me, what was I supposed to do?! ...But it's been his choice not to wake up. And just as Radomus said, we're simply allowing him to stay with us until he finally can wake up and return to his own life. Of course he doesn't even know he has a previous life now- if we were to send him off, that would just be cruel. And it's not like we can wake him up ourselves... So really... We're doing him a favor! That's right!
So no more blaming us, right? Right. Glad we go that cleared up!
And it [i]so isn't my fault![/i]

Featured Battle:
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/992.html"]Shelly vs TinkeryIt- Scizor cuts through![/url]

Innocent Gardevoir
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>Chosing to wake up without master's order
Something [i]might[/i] be wrong. Possibly. Though I guess it [i]isn't[/i] your fault Gardevoir ._. But not everyone is innocent like you >> << ><
Let's see, standard drama drama drama
2/16 is beyond pathetic though
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What can I say? Sometimes I don't know my own strength~

Congratulations to the 3/10 people who won last night! Congratulations to myself who is renouncing any hope for decent win rates!

And congratulations to Reborn for finally breaking 1000 battles! It's been a long and dramatic road for everyone except boring ol' Kiki, so here's to many more battles, badges, and bad puns in the future! The actual 1000th battle is posted below for your viewing pleasure, that being a strong contender in the league, Savage and his rain team, against the ever-ominous Shade!

Incidentally, the 1000th battle [i]would[/i] have been Round 3 of Whitney vs Blake, but apparently Ikaru isn't the only one who likes to fall asleep at his keyboard~

And that brings us to the finale of the evening, as Titania [i]once again[/i] took out Ice, and in turn Ikaru. But the twist tonight? She set her supposed knight-in-shining-armor on ignore for the whole evening, not even speaking a word to him once.
But did that stop her from flaunting her attitude all over the place? Not at all! Even throughout her battle with Ikaru, she was instead arguing against newcomer to the league, TinkeryIt about much of the same that Ikaru had said to her in the past, and then some... Perhaps this spells competition for Ikaru? Better watch out~
Even so, at the end of the night, just before fleeing, she gave one final spiel to Tink, which within, to the shock and surprise everybody, she referred to Ikaru as a friend! Could it be sarcasm? Irony? Or has the knight's warmth finally melted a hole in the iron rock we call Titania's heart?!

Featured Battles:
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/999.html"]Luna vs Kingo- OR, Power Ranger vs Megalon[/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1000.html"]Shade vs Savage- The Millenial Battle![/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1004.html"]Titania vs Ikaru- The Fated Showdown, pt. 2[/url]

Gossip Gardevoir
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Whatever you say Doc, to both of those~

[quote]Perhaps this spells competition for Ikaru? Better watch out~[/quote]

Oh, GG, you so silly~

[quote]Even so, at the end of the night, just before fleeing, she gave one final spiel to Tink, which within, to the shock and surprise everybody, she referred to Ikaru as a friend! Could it be sarcasm? Irony? Or has the knight's warmth finally melted a hole in the iron rock we call Titania's heart?![/quote]

Steel leader? Irony? hahaha so funny. *shot*
But yeah my vote's on the last one for once because at some points it seems like she was taking my side, but, who knows other than her, I guess?
Plus, I sent her a huge speech through PM that, while she didn't answer, I know she definitely saw it...

In any case, yay for part 2 and the inevitable 5 that will follow!~
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Congratulations to the 6/17 people who actually did something meaningful last night, including newcomer to the league, Tink, the same who was so uselessly challenging Titania's ideals the other night. Seriously, you may just as well argue with a steel wall- oh, wait.

Further applause to Ashley, who at the top of the evening faced off against her own antagonist, the brooding silent Julia (something a few weeks ago we might have thought to be a paradox...) and pulled off a win for Mashew's honor! That honor was shortly thereafter crushed as Julia beat Mashew again, despite him even running sand and mole. Oops~ Mashew, shouldn't you at least be able to sweep an electric team with what might be the most deadly ground type? Shame...

Speaking of sand and failing, Cal failed at fighting sand, choosing for some... strange reason to take the sand teams that came on at him, in singles. His inevitable defeat led to both he and his lover storming off in rage. Awwww, how cute.

And as for lovers- something... very strange occurred last night... As Rodaku took off for the night, he left a message to be delivered to Terra. The message? "FLEEP" He said that this should be translated as "I love you," and whereas any normal human being should have been throughly lost, it's quite clear that Terra is far from normal (no surpise there) as she... seemed to know instantly what it meant, and was rather shocked at it. Have they made up their own language, or is there a true psychic connection?!
Neither. Everyone is just crazy...

And finally, at the end of last night, just as Tink qualified his very first league team, Shelly faced off against their friend, ConnEr, who was promptly 6-0'd. In response, he left, bashing his head against various things to his own pain, and Shelly's disturbance. It seems little Shelly couldn't quite take the guilt from the disappointment she cause ConnEr and she, well, somewhat freaked out. The people online succeeded in calming her down a little, so good job with that, and yet she left saying something about Stopping... Stopping what? You can't leave us hanging like that, Shelly? It's too suspnseful! (So good job!)

Featured Battles:
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1007.html"]Julia vs Ashley- The Phantom Freezehax[/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1009.html"]Julia vs Mashew- Attack of the Moles[/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1015.html"]Cain vs Rodaku- Revenge of the Music[/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1017.html"]Cal vs Kingo- A New Rage[/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1018.html"]Terra vs Ikaru- The Hippowdon Strikes Back[/url]
[url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/logs/1021.html"]Shelly vs DragonZ- Return of the Dragon[/url]

Jedi Gardevoir~
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