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LF Poipole


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you're only allowed to have 1 trading thread per person. you have not only 2 trading threads, but you have 2 asking the exact same thing with only an hour between them. I feel like it's safe to say patience isn't your strong suit, but I'd suggest building it up a bit

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5 hours ago, Baezel said:

Does anyone one willing to trade a poiple to me? It'd reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaally be nice if that were possible.

If you'd like anything in particular in return (no shinies), then I'd be happy to provide the pokemon.

I don´t understand these Poipole requests. You can get exactly 1 Poipole per safe file and that´s it. Who would spend their time collecting 731 pokemon to then proceed and give Poipole away for another Pokemon. If someone got Poipole, they don´t need "anything in particular", because they already have everything. And then your addition "no shinies"... Why not? Are your shinies too valuable to give them away for the rarest thing in the game?


Anyways, to stop the rambling and maybe be somewhat helpful: I´ve seen people give away their Poipoles, so it´s not entirely impossible. Should it not work out for you/should you not be willing to wait longer (as indicated by your duplicate trading threat), I can suggest the mod market as a way to find a mod to add Poipole to your game:




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