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Tips for Shade?


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I don't particularly know why, but I am having some real trouble with Shade. Currently, I'm using Mightyena (35), Vulpix (35), Venusaur (37), Graveler (35), Grumpig (34), and I am grinding up a Houndour for Chandelure. Vulpix/Venusaur has the Drought/Chlorophyll combo going on, to clarify. My main issue is with Chandelure, just because it does so much damage. I try to beat it with as minimal casualties as I can, but it always gets at least Mightyena and Graveler, as well as a Luxray I was swapping Houndour for.

In general, Rotom and Golett and easy (Grumpig typically dies against Golett, just because I'm trying to conserve more useful pokes for Chandelure), and then Chandelure just absolutely devastates my team. Not to mention Gengar following up, and I have little to nothing to fight against it at that point.

I was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions on things that worked for them? I'd greatly appreciate it!

Edited by Lunaethetic
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  On 7/10/2013 at 8:10 AM, ZeroxJustice said:

What are your movesets?

Try and use status moves or use set up

Honestly I just used scrafty

Also just grind a little more so you're closer to 40..that's probably your biggest issue

Mightyena -


Rock Smash



Grumpig -

Zen Headbutt

Charge Beam


Magic Coat

Vulpix -

Confuse Ray




Venusaur -


Sleep Powder

Leech Seed

Razor Leaf (hit level 33 in one battle, missed out on Petal Dance D: no heart scales qq)

Graveler -

Smack Down

Rock Blast



I'll grind a bit more on them, and Houndoom should help a ton with Chandelure. Do you happen to know what it's Hidden Power is?

Edited by Lunaethetic
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Before any dramatics, everyone and their mother will tell you to use Scrafty. Arguably...If you really want to beat Shade, Scrafty is your best bet as he resists a lot of Shade's moves and can take an energy ball or shadow ball from Chandelure no problem.

But if you don't wanna grind for that, train train train. If you can, make your EVs for speed for both Mightyena and Houndour better. You'd wanna outspeed all of them. Gengar should be a problem, but he isn't really bulky so a good crunch will either KO or make him use a potion.

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Hidden Powers depend on IV's, meaning Houndoom in general doesn't have a set Hidden Power...but your Houndoom has a set Hidden power...best way is to test it against various types to at least find its type, but power is a lot of calcs that aren't worth it..If you dont like your HIdden Power on your Houndoom (like maybe it's a HP Dark and that's a waste) then either breed a new Houndour, or don't use HP

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I grinded up a Raticate because they can learn Sucker Punch, Pursuit, and Crunch (I believe?).

Anyways, I had three Dark moves on a level 34 Raticate and watched Shade cry.

For Chandelure, I had my Pachirisu Thunder Wave it to make it slow as balls then switched between my Samurott (Water Pulse) and Vulpix (Hex).

Gengar, too, was a matter of crippling with T Wave so you can outspeed, then destroying with Raticate.

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  On 7/10/2013 at 5:31 PM, ZeroxJustice said:

Hidden Powers depend on IV's, meaning Houndoom in general doesn't have a set Hidden Power...but your Houndoom has a set Hidden power...best way is to test it against various types to at least find its type, but power is a lot of calcs that aren't worth it..If you dont like your HIdden Power on your Houndoom (like maybe it's a HP Dark and that's a waste) then either breed a new Houndour, or don't use HP

To clarify, I meant Chandelure's Hidden Power.

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  On 7/10/2013 at 7:41 PM, hyzenthlay said:

I grinded up a Raticate because they can learn Sucker Punch, Pursuit, and Crunch (I believe?).

Anyways, I had three Dark moves on a level 34 Raticate and watched Shade cry.

For Chandelure, I had my Pachirisu Thunder Wave it to make it slow as balls then switched between my Samurott (Water Pulse) and Vulpix (Hex).

Gengar, too, was a matter of crippling with T Wave so you can outspeed, then destroying with Raticate.

I noticed that Ratata got Sucker Punch really early, I'll have to try that.

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  On 7/10/2013 at 12:35 PM, Cowtao said:

Before any dramatics, everyone and their mother will tell you to use Scrafty. Arguably...If you really want to beat Shade, Scrafty is your best bet as he resists a lot of Shade's moves and can take an energy ball or shadow ball from Chandelure no problem.

But if you don't wanna grind for that, train train train. If you can, make your EVs for speed for both Mightyena and Houndour better. You'd wanna outspeed all of them. Gengar should be a problem, but he isn't really bulky so a good crunch will either KO or make him use a potion.

Mightyena doesn't actually learn Crunch through normal level ups D: I think Houndoom does, but not before the cap.

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I had problems with Shade too... But I defeated the Chandelure with a Toxicroack/Feraligatr combination. Once the Gengar "Corey" was defeated with Toxicroack's sucker punch, I did a last effort with another SP to attack the Chandelure, it did about half of the damage, then it defeated Toxic, and switched to Feraligatr crunch... and I didn't know about the Houndour until I was about to fight Aya lol.

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  On 7/11/2013 at 12:00 AM, WildFireKyurem said:

I am also having trouble with shade could someone help out

  On 7/11/2013 at 12:00 AM, WildFireKyurem said:

I am also having trouble with shade could someone help out

I used Camerupt, who could take at least one hit and then using Earth Power to get it low/kill it if weakened already

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  On 7/10/2013 at 8:22 AM, Lunaethetic said:

Mightyena -


Rock Smash



Grumpig -

Zen Headbutt

Charge Beam


Magic Coat

Vulpix -

Confuse Ray




Venusaur -


Sleep Powder

Leech Seed

Razor Leaf (hit level 33 in one battle, missed out on Petal Dance D: no heart scales qq)

Graveler -

Smack Down

Rock Blast



I'll grind a bit more on them, and Houndoom should help a ton with Chandelure. Do you happen to know what it's Hidden Power is?

Why would you have Zen Headbutt on a Grumpig!?

As for general help against Shade I suggest Skuntank...Dark/Poison, learns Toxic before evolving....But Night Slash is lvl 41, so dont think about it...Easy...except for Gengar....I killed him with Bites from a Luxray....

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I strat I like and works really well.

Get a Gardevoir and teach it Calm Mind, Double Team, Magical Leaf, and Confusion (Psychic at Lv 40)

set up enough double teams to evoid most attacks (heal using potions when needed). After that set up a few Calm Minds and then proceed to sweep. Confusion will be your main attacking move until you get psychic and use magical leaf on his spirit tomb. Don't be afraid to restart a battle if things arn't going your way.

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Alright so who should i replace in my team for camerupt

My team

Sceptile Level 37

Leaf Blade

Night Slash

X Scissor

Quick Attack

Vulpix 36


Flame Burst


Will o Wisp

Crobat 36



Wing Attack

Confuse Ray

Sandslash 31

Rock Smash




Pachirisu 32

Electro Ball


Charge Beam


Kirlia 33


Calm Mind

Magical Leaf

Double Team

Also if you have any team suggestions please put them

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  On 7/11/2013 at 9:44 PM, WildFireKyurem said:

Alright so who should i replace in my team for camerupt

My team

Sceptile Level 37

Leaf Blade

Night Slash

X Scissor

Quick Attack

Vulpix 36


Flame Burst


Will o Wisp

Crobat 36



Wing Attack

Confuse Ray

Sandslash 31

Rock Smash




Pachirisu 32

Electro Ball


Charge Beam


Kirlia 33


Calm Mind

Magical Leaf

Double Team

Also if you have any team suggestions please put them

I'd switch it for sandslash because they are both ground types. If you switch it for pachirisu then you would have too much weakness to water. But it's up to you and how things are working for you.

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  • 2 months later...

For shade, I got a Donphan and a electrike and evolved it. Luckily it had the ability lightning rod. I used those 2 for rotom and used crobat and mighteana for chandelure. I also used my starter and emoga to help out. Mainly if you have a spinda, maybe use it. Or use a snubull/grandbull. Just make sure all your pokemon can use a dark type move.

Hope this helped!! :)

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