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Newcomer struggling to choose his starter


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Sup guys, how are you doing today?

well, as the tittle says, im starting my first "run" on pokémon reborn and im completly lost when it comes to choose one from 21 starters. So im asking for some help with it. I've tried to narrow down my choices to 2 of every type and i've got this:


- fire type pokémons: torchic and fennekin

-grass type pokémons: bulbasaur and turtwig

- water type pokémons: mudkip and piplup


If it were to simplify even more, i think i would say bulbasaur, fennekin and mudkip.


So what are your opinion? Please let me know your suggestions and thanks in advance for all replies!

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Torchic is easy mode if you want to cruise through (Bulk up, speed boost, good natural dualstab and general stats, that thing is broken)  

Swampert is pretty versatile because only one weakness means you can usually get some use out of him. only really useful water starter in gym 1.  Can't really get great moves til kinda late though

any of those other ones you listed seem fine and good. Place quite a bit of importance on level-up moveset when choosing, TM and Tutor access will be fairly limited til you get quite far into the game.

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18 minutes ago, Krellian said:

Sup guys, how are you doing today?

well, as the tittle says, im starting my first "run" on pokémon reborn and im completly lost when it comes to choose one from 21 starters. So im asking for some help with it. I've tried to narrow down my choices to 2 of every type and i've got this:


- fire type pokémons: torchic and fennekin

-grass type pokémons: bulbasaur and turtwig

- water type pokémons: mudkip and piplup


If it were to simplify even more, i think i would say bulbasaur, fennekin and mudkip.


So what are your opinion? Please let me know your suggestions and thanks in advance for all replies!


Torchic with speed boost is definitely the best out of the list. Other viable options are fennekin and maybe the two water starters. Bulbasaur and turtwig are mostly disappointing.

Viable options that didn´t make it into your list: totodile, froakie, litten and popplio.


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19 minutes ago, Krellian said:

- fire type pokémons: torchic and fennekin 

-grass type pokémons: bulbasaur and turtwig

- water type pokémons: mudkip and piplup

I mean, if you want to have the easiest time, you can rock Torchic with Speed Boost. (But that's no fun, now is it.)


Fennekin is pretty good, it gets a great learnset as a Delphox boasting great coverage by level up and Shadow Ball by heart scale.

Mudkip is alright, it's solid enough.

Bulbasaur is pretty bad due to not getting any good moves by level up, and you can easily get a Budew early game, which just outclasses it hard.


Piplup also suffers from really bad learnset, so I wouldn't recommend it.


Turtwig is also pretty meh, it isn't as bad as the previous two, but its typing and learnset aren't stellar.


Though honestly, I think any grass starter that isn't Rowlet isn't a good choice.

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Wow... and here i thought i knew stuff about pokémon.

please let me give my reasons for those choices:

1 hour ago, DreamblitzX said:

Torchic is easy mode if you want to cruise through (Bulk up, speed boost, good natural dualstab and general stats, that thing is broken)  

Swampert is pretty versatile because only one weakness means you can usually get some use out of him. only really useful water starter in gym 1.  Can't really get great moves til kinda late though

any of those other ones you listed seem fine and good. Place quite a bit of importance on level-up moveset when choosing, TM and Tutor access will be fairly limited til you get quite far into the game.

It's not that I don't like Blaziken (when I played emerald I loved him) but to me pokémons who has both high attack and special attack... wastes all those points. Take blaziken for example: 95% of his moves are physical... why such high special? 

I like swampert a lot, but also falls into the same problem, but because his low spe. Attack (hydro pump and surf will not be as powerful as they could)


1 hour ago, Scyl said:

I mean, if you want to have the easiest time, you can rock Torchic with Speed Boost. (But that's no fun, now is it.)


Fennekin is pretty good, it gets a great learnset as a Delphox boasting great coverage by level up and Shadow Ball by heart scale.

Mudkip is alright, it's solid enough.

Bulbasaur is pretty bad due to not getting any good moves by level up, and you can easily get a Budew early game, which just outclasses it hard.


Piplup also suffers from really bad learnset, so I wouldn't recommend it.


Turtwig is also pretty meh, it isn't as bad as the previous two, but its typing and learnset aren't stellar.


Though honestly, I think any grass starter that isn't Rowlet isn't a good choice.

A shame... my favorite gen starter is bulbasaur : ' ( but I kinda understand not having a good special move in the early levels. But what if I manage to breed giga drain and magical leaf to him? (As you said I can get a budew early on)


for last: I didn't choose gen 7 pokémons because I know little tô nothing about them.

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i personally used infernape and had no trouble through the game. its Blaziken with higher stats out of the gate but lacking speed boost, which is fine tbh.


Greninja is a solid choice though you said you didnt know much about gen 7


Swampert's typing is great but you can mirror it with quagsire (who arguably has a better ability) and you'll want speed later on for some fights. 


out of  the ones you like, Blaziken is your best bet with speed boost but otherwise, i would look to infernape or greninja 

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Special attacking fire types or generally pretty good due to the field effects.


Speed boost torchic is really good because speed boost is broken, though Blaziken can't take a hit so that's a bit of a balancer.


Water types are just bad in the early game (other than Protean Froakie which is barely a water type) due to the first two gyms crushing them, not to mention the Tangrowth's.


Grass types get destroyed by Corey and the Tangrowth's as well.


Overall given your choices I'd go Fennekin or Torchic.

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Common rule of thumb is that the Dual-typed Fire Starters are generally the best options for Reborn (maybe wih the exception of Zard). Blaziken is undoubtedly the best Pokemon in the game bar none in terms of availability and usefulness, but some would consider it "easy mode" for a plethora of aforementioned reasons. Infernape is essentially Blaziken that is (technically) slower and hits for less, but with more variety and utility moves. Delphox is also really good as its STAB is really good for Reborn in general, and has a lot of natural utility in its moveset. 

Water types struggle earlygame, and then level off to be about neutral for the rest of the time. IMO, the best options for Water are Greninja, then Swampert, and maybe Primarina, but they're all sort of late-bloomers. The others don't really standout against competition and/or have bad level-up movepools. Blastoise and Piplup are probably at the Bottom.

Grass types really struggle in Reborn as there are a surprising amount of battles where Pokemon resist Grass (Rivals and Meteor grunts to name a few), and Grass is probably the most replaceable position of the three Starter types. There is also this point in the game past Badge 9 where there is a large portion of the Game where Grass is in very disadvantageous positions. I think Venusaur is markedly the best long-run option as it has a rather nice typing and variety in its sets (though I am biased). The others range from meh (Sceptile, Torterra, maybe Deci, and, for the first half, Serperior) to bad (Chesnaught and Meganium).


If you don't care what type you choose. I recommend the aforementioned fire-types as they have a lot of really good matchups and can save you in some difficult fights on your first playthrough.

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Well, thank you guys for all answers that i have received. At first I was afraid of a toxic community (used to WoW) but it's  so good to see friendly and helpful people as you have shown me. Really, thanks a ton!


As for my starter, I've decided to go with fennekin. I found his typing quite interesting and I guess I could use it for a long run.


PS: can I get the others ingame or only by trading?


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Fennekin is a nice choice. Psychic is really good in Reborn, and combined with Fire STAB, Delphox is arguably one of the best available (provided you choose it as your starter). All non-legendary/mythical Pokemon are obtainable, but some come incredibly late. Most of the starters in particular come quite late when compared to other Pokemon. Generally, the better the starter is considered, the later they come. On the flipside, the event Pokemon in Reborn also come with either set or radomly picked egg moves. You can get cool things like Aura Sphere Squirtle, Sucker Punch Tepig, and DD Totodile.


If you're the type that likes to plan ahead with team-building (I know I am), this guide sorts the Pokemon based on Badge availability with minimal spoilers if you care about that sort of thing.

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7 hours ago, Krellian said:

PS: can I get the others ingame or only by trading?

All non-legendary, non-UB Pokemon are available in game. Also available are Poipole/Naganadel (extremely late-game, literally the end of current content) and Phione.


As Norm noted a lot of the really good Pokemon are only available late, and this includes most of the starters. Tepig is the first one that I can think of which can be obtained normally, in a certain volcano you'll visit later, and can be obtained as soon as you have strength. Torchic and Froakie are the last starters available (since they're the best), and both involve fairly long side-quests. Quite worth it though.

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Fennekin is lovely, I'm glad you've chosen it. It was my starter on my first ever playthru as well~

Don't feel annoyed that Reborn doesn't have good mons early game- it's on purpose. Early game you struggle with the lack of stellar mons and late game you struggle even with your stellar mons hehe

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I think that the best thing that reborn teachs you with that is that every mon is usefull even the poochyena and krickertot (trust me krickertune is my god now lol)

good luck with your game and please don't rage quit if you get angry just save close the game and go listen to happy music and start thinking about how that opp fight and you're gonna win

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