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People are weird.


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Ok so I have this friend that I talk to and I would say that we're pretty good friends. We get along pretty well and have been together for a good few years but for some reason when we're around other people they don't seem really interested in me when I try to talk to them and I usually carry the conversation until I give up. I even went out for my birthday with them yesterday and we had a pretty good time but today they seemed a bit off. I don't see this happen when they interact with my other friends as well. I'm just so confused and a bit annoyed 😑.

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Hmm how long have you known this friend? From personal experience, it takes me a while to get attached to people, so I might interact with them one day and not notice them until they talk to me the next day (note that I never start a conversation until I get used to the person's presence). That's just usually first two weeks in acquaintance. So I'm wondering if that's the case with your friend.

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14 minutes ago, Candy said:

how long have you known this friend?

I've known them for about four years as of now. We started to get closer and hang out a lot around two years ago. I started to really notice all this last year too.

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Oh wow then there might be a reason that only your friend knows- I'd suggest casually asking them about it. Maybe there was a misunderstanding of sorts so being on the same page should help. I know it might be awkward to talk about that, but I think checking in with them is the only way to know.

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12 minutes ago, Candy said:

know it might be awkward to talk about that, but I think checking in with them is the only way to know

yea you're right. I was already thinking about doing this myself as well but was kinda putting it off because of the awkwardness lol. well thanks @Candy venting or just talking about these kind of stuff is nice 😄

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