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Struggling with a Ghost mono Run

Jinan B

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Hi all.


I figured I would try out a ghost mono run of reborn and so far it's been going pretty well. Even though I had concerns over facing Julia with only one pokemon I got through it without many problems and now I've reached the first PULSE Tangrowth.


...Who I am not getting through without many problems.


Currently my only mon is my Dartrix, and I've yet to find any possible way to off the tangrowth in the three turns I have before being acid sprayed to death.


If anyone has any advice as to how I can take it out and continue, I'd very much appreciate it.



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With mono-type runs its normally accepted that you get some new Pokemon through less than above-board means first, especially for types like ghost which don't really appear early in the game. Honestly I don't think its possible to win with just Dartrix. If you post your save file I'd be happy to give you a couple ghost types that are available later in the game (you can choose which ones you want if you'd like.)

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20 minutes ago, Jinan B said:

Thanks so much for the help, in terms of requests prefereably maybe a pokemon from one of the random eggs? Again, this is seriously appreciated.


Okay. I went ahead and gave you a Cubone, Gastly, Litwick, and Frillish. Gastly and Frillish can be found in the random eggs (Frillish from the Day Care quest, Gastly from the police quest). The other two are to cover your fire type base. They all have mostly random IVs (I tried to make sure they weren't awful), and good natures.


Replace your old save file with this one:



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