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A statement about reborns sidequests


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Hello everyone, durp here.


So I just recently managed to advance into tourmaline desert and while i'd set out to experience the several sidequests there was a sudden realisation, which I want to discuss right now.

(please be aware that I'd firmly avoided every spoiler in regard to pokemon/item locations up to now with the intend to experience the game uninfluenced)


while exploring the desert, I found some nice treads, namely a gible, TM return/wildcharge and.... thats it..! With a sure feeling to have missed something I explored the desert again.. and again, but no cigarr (RIP at least 50 max repels). I than went onto the internet to get some hints and what I saw there blew my Voltorb™.


1. getting beldum by fainting while riding on a tauros!

2. getting TM Solar Beam by interacting with the colored books in the beryl libary in a certain manner (I actually was in that room and found it kinda fishy but NEVER would have come up with that).

3. getting charmander by casting your super rod in a VULCANO... hello?!

4.a. the mirage tower

4.b ...getting mimikyu by breaking ALL the glasses at mirage tower ground level.

and so on.


my point, or rather my question is: where these mysteries design with the intend to be solved by the means of community efford, or am I just not reading the possible hints ingame properly (the mitage tower for example was indeed mentioned here and there but I never would have thought how to reveal it). I would like to gather some feedback from the community (THAT MEANS YOU!) about your sight on the topic.


For now, happy puzzle solving, I'm at the scrapyard now and enjoying the plot a lot.


Durp out.

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Have you thoroughly searched Teknite?

Ame loves these hidden things with only little hinting at them, so they are indeed envisioned to be solved / found out by Mr./Mrs./Mx. Crazypants.
Beldum was looked up in RPG Maker (iirc) and definitely not discovered normally.

As a player I always have some mixed feelings about them, but that is moreso due to Reborn not being finished.

For instance, you'd have to connect "a cave reached only by crossing a ledge, or maybe it will be accessible from the other side in the future or something???" with "if it won't, the only thing crossing a ledge is a Tauros, but how do I get a Tauros here" with "the only ways you can quickly switch a location are..." with "all the normal ways don't work, what are the not normal ways"

technically you have to find the solution to a pattern, which is doable ; but the idea is so absurd that it is super tough in the end.
however, Beldum always struck me as a special case even among hidden content.

Overall, I think it's a good sign if a creator makes the effort to force the player to be creative and think thoroughly to unlock and discover everything.

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26 minutes ago, Conkeldurp said:

my point, or rather my question is: where these mysteries design with the intend to be solved by the means of community efford, or am I just not reading the possible hints ingame properly (the mitage tower for example was indeed mentioned here and there but I never would have thought how to reveal it). I would like to gather some feedback from the community (THAT MEANS YOU!) about your sight on the topic.

Kinda depends. I found Mirage Tower more or less by accident for instance. I found Mimikyu inside because I saw the glass panels and thought, "Wonder if I can break those the way I could in Serra's gym."


Well, I could. So, knowing that Ame is tricksy I decided there was probably something behind one of them. So I broke them all. Pretty much was that simple on that one.


The Beldum one, that I had to look up. I had noticed a ledge going up that had no way down, and when I found the Tauros it seemed like the most straight-forward answer. So I hopped on a Tauros and flew. That didn't work. So I went back, hopped on a Tauros, teleported. That didn't work.


So after trying a bunch of other ways (dig, escape rope, etc). Those also didn't work. Finally I broke down and checked online. So the actual solution didn't present itself, but I did manage to work out what I was supposed to do, just not how to do it.


Solar beam I honestly thought was kinda obvious. Not necessarily what to do, but that you needed to do something. So I ran around for an hour or two until I worked it out.


The most irritating of these was the long series of fetch quests to get Spoink's pearl though.

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