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Sun Team

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Hi there guys,

Been out of the game for a while now, i though i'd get some advice on my teams for a while. I was never very good with sun teams to begin with lol. If i work enough on this team then i might try to take on the league, but we'll see. Constructive comments please :)

Gengar (F) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Counter

- Destiny Bond

- Icy Wind

- Taunt

This is my starter Gengar, the set is pretty self explanatory, but i prefer running Icy wind over shadow ball to help me hit the Dragon starters that people like so much. Helps with various other stuff too as after one, nothing will be faster than me second turn.

Ninetales (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drought

EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Flamethrower

- Energy Ball

- Sunny Day

- Will-O-Wisp

Standard defensive set. Not sure about having Sunny day and the heatran below together - but it has worked well so far. suggestions for replacing sunny day? (not removing heatran)

Heatran (M) @ Grass Gem

Trait: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Magma Storm

- Sunny Day

- SolarBeam

- Earth Power

Helps me to win the Weather War, pretty standard set, and does pretty well. An Irreplaceable member on my team.

Venusaur (F) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Chlorophyll

EVs: 160 HP / 252 Atk / 96 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Growth

- Earthquake

- Seed Bomb

- Sludge Bomb

Drought abuser. Although i can never really make her clean up that much in a match, i dunno whether i'm not playing it correctly, or it's the EV spread, but i someone could show me the build for their Venusaur i'd really appreciate it.

Vaporeon (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Water Absorb

EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Toxic

- Wish

- Protect

- Heal Bell

This is to help me out against Rain Teams, i run water absorb over hydration to give me a much needed immunity. Runs support, and allows me to take down those bulky waters, without being stalled out myself. Works really well.

Xatu (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Thunder Wave

- U-turn

- Roost

- Night Shade

Entry hazard blocker. Standard set, which gives my team good momentum overall.

Thank you for helping me :D

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I stumbled upon this searching for something completely different but Sun Teams are my favorite sooo:

The biggest thing that stands out is that Venusaur build, you're having problems sweeping with it because you have the completely wrong nature and spread! Venu is MUCH better as a Special Sweeper, not a physical one. Run Growth, Giga Drain, HP Fire, and either Sleep Powder or Sludge Bomb. That's an extremely standard set but it's truly the best one that works for Venu.

You don't have a spinner which could be extremely dangerous. AND no hazards? Definitely take Forretress over Xatu or Vaporeon.

Gengar's moveset isn't that great. Counter? Noooo. I think you're using Gengar in a very underwhelming fashion for two reasons. 1) the Counter bait is kind of an all in sort of deal. Gengar is much more useful when it stays up, you don't want Gengar to die! 2) You don't have a spinner. So if you switch Gengar into hazards, Sash breaks, and you're an easy kill.

I'm not sure I'd run two sunny days AND drought. That seems like a wasted moveslot on Heatran that could easily go for Hidden Power Ice. Icy Wind as your only anti-Dragon move eans you're going to lose. You have no hazards. Dragonite switches in, no hazards means multiscale is still intact, sets up on you, wave goodbye to your team.

Hope some of this helped. Other Pokemon I'd consider are Darmanitan because you lack a real physical threat, Forretress for hazards and spinning, Volcarona for more sweeping potential.

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Venusaur's main issue is above; but this is the set I tend to run:

Venusaur (M) @Focus Sash

4 Atk, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed

Trait: Chlorophyll

Hasty Nature (+Speed, -Def)


-Giga Drain

-Weather Ball (150 Base Power Fire attack in Sun!)

-Earthquake/HP Rock


- Espeon would work over Xatu as a magic bouncer, with more offensive capability and supporting moves.

- Raikou with Calm Mind/Thunderbolt/Weather Ball/Aura Sphere would work as a much better Rain counter, taking pittance from Water moves, and returning fire with a huge Thunderbolt, plus it can kill Tyranitar with Aura Sphere, and can take out a lot of things in sun.

Overall rate is a 7.5/10, nice work.

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To be honest, there isn't anything that really abuses the power of Drought except Heatran and Venusaur. Besides, with the current metagame around there are a lot of water teams and Earthquakers in them. A few suggestions

-Give Heatran a Air Balloon
-Give Gengar a better move than Icy Wind. Gengar's vast Movepool shouldn't be used to use Disable, Subs, etc. You can really take advantage of type coverage with him as he learns a staggering amount of moves. (Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, etc.)

-What Silver said. Espeon. I don't even need to say anything bout dat.

-Add someone that really abuses Drought to the max that isn't weak to Earthquake. (Example: Chandelure, Infernape, etc.)

Other than that, I think you run a fine set! Everyone's team could use a little work and I hope my suggestions have helped you! :3

Edited by Cowtao
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Hi there guys,

This is my revised team, which i have made through your suggestions and testing. I chose not to run a pokemon with stealth rocks, as i am very good at bouncing them back. Please feel free to comment :)

Ninetales (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drought

EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Flamethrower

- Energy Ball

- Confuse Ray

- Substitute

Standard Bulky Ninetales. Ninetales will never have much going for it in the stats department, so i decided to make it as annoying as possible. It works well.

Heatran (M) @ Grass Gem

Trait: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Magma Storm

- Sunny Day

- SolarBeam

- Earth Power

The plan with this guy is to bring him out when you have sunshine, then use magma storm on incoming politoeds/ Tyranitars/ Hippowdons. Then use Sunny Day, and solar beam to kill them off. It's a little bit harder with the sand team, but this can work to deadly effect and heatran has often won me many matches. Grass gem allows me to seriously damage sp def poli. I don't run air balloon because i like to use him outside of the strategy i just mentioned, and the grass gem allows me to take out unsuspecting vaporeons and the like.

Venusaur (F) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Chlorophyll

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Giga Drain

- Growth

- Weather Ball

- Hidden Power [Ground]

Standard Venusaur set.

Lanturn (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Volt Absorb

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef

Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

- Thunder Wave

- Heal Bell

- Thunderbolt

- Ice Beam

Support pokemon. Acts as a good wall for Water, ice, electic, flying, steel. so very helpful.

Xatu (M) @ Fire Gem

Trait: Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- U-turn

- Heat Wave

- Giga Drain

- Toxic

This is my offensive xatu. it works very well. i don't run roost, as he's not designed to stall. Giga drain and fire gem boosted heat wave is for the majority of things that i would switch him into, to deflect rocks/spikes/toxic etc...

Conkeldurr (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Iron Fist

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 SDef

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Drain Punch

- Ice Punch

- Fire Punch

- Mach Punch

Not much to say with this guy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Never thought about a Heatran with a grass gem, flash fire on a fire team is rarely going to be used, but is useful in a way. If you could draw out a fire attack it would be better, but compared to flame body, and if put against a physical fighting attacker ~may~ have a chance to burn him and cripple him for the future

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