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Choice Item Farming


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Yea, I was gonna just head to the circus and do it, but i cant remember which save i had my level 75 simipour with those moves. So after looking through all my pc boxes i must of misplaced it or something. I just didnt want to have to rebreed and train up the monkey. So i was just hoping someone had an extra one laying around i could have or just borrow.


I dont want anyone to think Im being lazy, Im at the part of the game where you have to do a few battle in a row and its hard. So of the 22 saves i have i figure i have enough good pokes to make it past there if I combine them down to like 5 saves. So im busy doing that and gathering z crystals and mega stones and rebuilding. And i need choice items so just looking for a little help on a item stealer.

Edited by highonpotenuse
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