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Lucid Dreaming

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Has anyone here ever had a lucid dream? Basically it's when you realize you're dreaming while in a dream, and you can control yourself and do anything you want as if it was real life. I've had about 7 or 8 of them so far, but I'm working on different techniques to try and have more :)

The first lucid dream I had was kinda cool. I randomly said out of nowhere "I'm dreaming" and started freaking out. The first thing I wanted to do was try shapeshifting, so I got down and imagined I was a wolf. I remember I felt weird, and my hands started turning into paws, but then I woke up...

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I've had more than just a few lucid dreams. I can do a lot while lucid dreaming, but not everything and it seems to have it's limits. It's still helped or inhibited by unconscious and conscious expectations, like it's hard to fly because I tend to overthink it and think of the physics of it. Shapeshifting is difficult but telekinesis is relatively easy because it kind depends on how I would expect it to be like if it were real. sharks and eels and fish and shit will appear unbidden if I'm in the water and even begin to start thinking of them. And trust me, I want to be swimming with none of that. But at such times, I usually try to think of something else and make myself appear there. (I tend to look at deep water and think about sharks and shit, so it happens way too often)

You probably COULD do anything, but because the way my mind works is so grounded in science, logic, and reality, some stuff just becomes really hard to do. But super strength, telekinesis, and kamehameha's are real easy.

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I've had more than just a few lucid dreams. I can do a lot while lucid dreaming, but not everything and it seems to have it's limits. It's still helped or inhibited by unconscious and conscious expectations, like it's hard to fly because I tend to overthink it and think of the physics of it. Shapeshifting is difficult but telekinesis is relatively easy because it kind depends on how I would expect it to be like if it were real. sharks and eels and fish and shit will appear unbidden if I'm in the water and even begin to start thinking of them. And trust me, I want to be swimming with none of that. But at such times, I usually try to think of something else and make myself appear there. (I tend to look at deep water and think about sharks and shit, so it happens way too often)

You probably COULD do anything, but because the way my mind works is so grounded in science, logic, and reality, some stuff just becomes really hard to do. But super strength, telekinesis, and kamehameha's are real easy.

Yeah certain things are really hard to do... I don't think they're impossible though, cause after all it's a dream not reality. I find that when I'm in a lucid dream I don't think of the logic of things, I just try to imagine that anything is possible if I want it to be.

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Well that's good, cuz that'll help make it work for you. There's still a lot of uncoscious factors that still guide or limit what you do. It's easier for me to work with what's there than just create a whole new place or thing out of nowhere.

@ Ashka- And yeah, being too self-conscious and aware will wake you up cuz it'll take over too much control from your subconcious.

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Is it wrong that whenever I find myself lucid dreaming, I sometimes go on random murder sprees and the people I'm trying to kill DON'T actually die? o_o


I mean, to be fair, this one supervisor lady started it. She chased me around the school building, injected me with some sort of sedative, and was trying to ship me off to a correctional facility, all just because I turned around too fast in the hall and knocked some kid to the floor.



God my dreams are weird. =|

Edited by Skullkin
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It promotes good sleep, good dreams, dream recollection, increased intuition, increased spiritual and psychic awareness, and a bunch of other things. Really it was the practice that made me lucid dream more but the Amethyst has really brought it to another level.

I have a black tourmaline under my pillow too mainly because it helps to neutralize negative energies (helps with bad dreams) but also because, since it's black, it has grounding properties. This helps with the lucidity aspect. And I've definitely noticed that I have lucid dreams much more often in my own bed than anywhere else

You guys ever actually feel things in dreams? Something that's been happening a lot lately before I enter a lucid state is that in my dream, I fall off the bed. And I feel it. Rather than being shocked at that (because I think it's real... feeling yourself fall off the bed would lead you to believe that too) I just keep dreaming.

I'm not very good at lucid dreaming because my dreams are always intensely vivid but I can only control the direction they go, not the entire thing.

I can make things happen to an extent but when I try to hard to dream something up I wake up and I think it must be because I was TOO conscious of what I was trying to do to be... unconscious?

I keep a dream journal, but I usually only bother with things that seem significant or that I wasn't lucid for (because if I didn't influence it, there's probably some significance in there)

I think doing acid literally had an effect on my dreams. Not all of them, that'd be a shame, but now I'll often find that before I fall off my bed, my bed moves in a way that the floor moves when you're on acid. Except I can feel it moving, while when you're on acid, it's all visual. And I had a brief dream recently where I as moving like The Scream looks... all wavy and contorted, like you look when you look in the mirror... on acid. This wasn't a lucid dream. I was in a huge mall and I made my way up an escalator or something and then I couldn't stand upright and had to clutch onto the railing on the side of the walkway, and it was like I only half had control of my bod, while the other half just wasn't cooperating. Eventually I went into a room with some benches and then I wasn't me anymore and was really desperate for help. It wasn't scary but it was weird. I think it meant something along the lines of I've lost a ton of control and freedom in regards to my own life recently and can't do much about it until I grow a backbone and work to change that. Which is true

So basically it hasn't negatively impacted me per say but it's certainly had an effect.

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Lucid dreaming is really scary. I dreamt I was a sea-dinosuar being chased by some loch ness- lookalike.

I heard you can die in dreams like these, but not sure if true.

I won't want to try lucid dreaming again.

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For a few seconds or so I thought you put amethyst under a pillow and thought really is she cool you using her just to get a good night sleep then I was like yeah talking about crystals not the person lol :). As for Lucid dreams all the time one time I helped Dante beat the crap outta demons... good sleep that was...

Edited by Vergil the Dark Master
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I've had lucid dreams but... They are weird. My dreams always have a ton of plot. There is always something happening, and it's connected in a story and it keeps going on and on and on and on. When I wake up it's disappointing since I never get to see what happens next. Anyways, when I lucid dream, I can kinda affect the story more and have a lot more control over everything but I still always kinda go with the flow of the story. I think once I was in a dream with no plot and it was lucid but I remember I kinda wasted it... I was so worried about sleeping that I ended up trying to fall sleep in the dream. Then I woke up and it was morning. I'd love to do more lucid dreaming, but I feel like I never get any good sleep... Like I usually feel tired after eventful dreams.

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Hark, the only thing I usually sense from the real world seeping into my dreams are music and becoming aware of sleep paralysis, which generally translate to I can't see, move, or even regulate my own breathing both in the dream and irl.

Other than that, I've felt dead wasted drunk in my dreams once. And I hadn't actually had anything to drink in at least a few weeks prior to that dream. Pain in dreams is more of an uncomfortable, tingling sensation much like a leg that's fallen asleep and it hinders me from moving the wounded area. And then there's that intense, stomach wrenching feeling when you start to free fall.

Some of my dreams have a lot of plot to them too. KInda interesting how in the dream you will have memories of things that you didn't actually dream through but supposedly happened to you before in the dream's plot. (sometimes a dream will feel like a continuation of a prior dream even though it isn't. Or radically different dreams will use the same setting)

Pretty sure I've died in my dreams before, but my conscious was still around, watching the plot unfold a little further.

Hmm, how many ways have you guys died/were injured in your dreams?

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I've fallen from the sky and been squished by a big boulder that was rolling after me many times. I have been shot here and there, but I think my favourite was when I chased after a schoolbus for reasons unknown to me only to be chased, punched (and presumably killed, as that's where I woke up) by a gorilla, who was there for some reason.

In a lot of my dreams I see places I've never been before, and a few weeks later we go to that place irl. o_O

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It happens to me all the time where I'll be in a dream and feel like I've been there before, even though I've never even dreamt of the place before. I think maybe I remember the place from a past life memory or something like that.

I've died in a dream before, it was one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced. It wasn't a lucid dream, but for some reason it was a lot more vivid than my normal dreams usually are. I was standing in my living room at night, the room was lit by only one lamp on the other side of the room. Then out of nowhere these two vampires started crawling towards me on the floor. There's a table in the middle of the room, so one went around the left side of it and the other to the right. I started panicking, then one of the vampires jumped at me and bit my neck. I instantly felt numb and my whole body just slumped to the floor. Then things started slowly turning black, and it took a minute or so before I woke up...

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I've been stabbed to death, swallowed whole, crushed by boulders, mangled by wolves, torn to shreds by giant spiders, strangled by snakes, death by big explosions, shot to death... I could go on. But hey, I'm always the last to die in my dreams!

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Going to places you've never been (that actually exist) is called astral traveling. Google it, it's something I'm working towards being able to do

@mael I always just assume it was a real dream because you actually have thousands of dreams a night and only remember a few or none of them.

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Going to places you've never been (that actually exist) is called astral traveling. Google it, it's something I'm working towards being able to do

@mael I always just assume it was a real dream because you actually have thousands of dreams a night and only remember a few or none of them.

It's extremely scary. Try at your own risk.


I've ever only travelled arpund my bedroom while in lucid dreams.

It's still scary.

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It's extremely scary. Try at your own risk.


I've ever only travelled arpund my bedroom while in lucid dreams.

It's still scary.

I've never astral traveled, but I don't think lucid dreaming is scary. If anything it's one of the most interesting experiences you can have in life (other than drugs and stuff like that which can be dangerous). I've never had a lucid nightmare though, so I guess I can't speak from that point of view, but if you're lucid you can usually change the situation to something less scary.You can do things you'd never be able to in waking life, like fly to the moon or talk to loved ones who've passed away.

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I've gotten de ja vu from places where I thought I'd visited them in my dreams before, cuz I had, but that because I'd actually already been to that place a really long time ago when I was really young, just a fragment of a memory coming to the surface.

Ways I've died:

Shot to death

Fallen to my death- that doesn't happen now though, the falling from great heights usually triggers lucidity and I just wait to land and do stuff, or attempt to be somewhere else or fly.

Hunted down by predators, but I was pretty much instantly revived as one of them.

Eaten by giant sharks several times.

Dragged down and drowned by crocodiles once.

Slowly bled to death from gunshot wounds or stabbing just a few times.

Angrily smooshed underfoot by godzilla.

Hunted down and killed by velociraptors.

Hunted down and killed by T-rexes. (thank you so very much for those nightmares, Jurassic Park).





had part of the top of my skull blown off, leaving my brain exposed (I was in first person mode and couldn't look at myself) and was still alive some and almost perfectly fine. It just felt uncomfortable as fuck. Dat breeze, yo.

fallen and a thick branch piece went straight through my calf and was sticking out on both sides

shocked- it just paralyzed me for a little bit.

I don't know that it's that many dreams a night hark. Pretty sure it's just like one per rem cycle and you only have a chance of remember what you dreamed when you wake up during or right after rem sleep.

And far more often what happens is that frightening events that might cause nightmares usually trigger my lucid dreaming rather than become randomly lucid during good or neutral ones.

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idk where i heard that many but i googled it and read on multiple sites the average person over 10 has 4-6 dreams per night

maybe that's why sometimes you'll walk into another room in a dream and it's justa completely different experience-- another dream started 0:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to say I've lucid dreamed before but I have no memorys of dreams that lasted more than maybe an hour or a day, or in some cases I remember a small generic part of it (but I remember one well, there was a girl standing in the middle of an underground battlefield). I can only remember that I'd dream of something or a part of the dream for a while. But I remember clearly that a few times while I was sleeping it felt as if I was falling down even though I was still on my bed when I woke up from possibly crashing down. Plus I get deja vu almost once a month and it felt as if it was something I dreamt of.

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A friend of mine told me that your can be effect based on haw tired you are, what you think before you fully sleep, and even what you eat. I generally have very bad nightmares if I eat fast food before I go to sleep. Also I've notice that in some of my dreams, I actually die and can't go into the void, I just wake up before then. Dreams are quite strange, and the worst part is that some of them can feel so real.

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