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Lucid Dreaming

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A friend of mine told me that your can be effect based on haw tired you are, what you think before you fully sleep, and even what you eat. I generally have very bad nightmares if I eat fast food before I go to sleep. Also I've notice that in some of my dreams, I actually die and can't go into the void, I just wake up before then. Dreams are quite strange, and the worst part is that some of them can feel so real.

People used to believe that what you ate and how soon you ate it before you slept gave you/determined your dreams. Were you ever confused as to why Scrooge said "There's more gravy than of grave about you!" in a Muppet Christmas Carol? Now you know why. Nowadays, I'm pretty sure they don't think they affect your dreams nearly as much as they used to, but yeah, foods and meds that can affect your brain chemistry could affect your dreams, depending on the particular item ingested.

I wake up when I die. Like I got riddled with bullets, everything dimmed out and I woke up immediately afterward.

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Ket. You scare me.

I rarely ever have lucid dreams. Sometimes, when I become aware, I end up waking up, but more recent ones don't fall apart as quickly. One of my favorite dreams was regarding Homestuck.

I was actually a dreamself---a second self generated through the game a select few are predestined to play---and could travel freely between Prospit and Derse. I'm not sure which moon I was in; I can barely even remember which moon I started off in. Whichever the case, I had a real dreamself for a short while, and while I couldn't control my flight accurately, that was pretty cool.

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I don't think I'd ever had a lucid dream... I don't really have dreams at all (or at least remember them) and when I did I think they were classified as nightmares instead... as odd as they were at the time. I did have two that were different from the norm though. One seemed to actually have some kind of plot thing to it, and it's like I was just watching what was happening instead of being involved. Like a ghost or someone recording it as a movie or something. Don't remember much now other than being disappointed I forgot details so fast. Other one was... a weird deja vu one. It was maybe about two days before my family would rent out a building for my grandparents' anniversary. I had a dream where I was just looking down at this dog, and I woke up. When the anniversary was going on,, I was helping out in the kitchen later in the day when people outside were commenting about a dog that wandered in. They couldn't get it to leave and it didn't belong to anyone and they couldn't lead it out the door. I went over close enough and looked down on it, and it was the exact one I saw in the dream. I started walking to the door to see if it would follow, and it actually did most of the way. I found that really odd, yet kinda cool.

Hm... actually, one more because I don't know if I was going slightly insane or half-dreaming... I just remember I was having issues sleeping one night so I was 'waking up' a lot or never really starting real sleep... but I think I woke up and stared at my covers and could have sworn I saw like a shadow the size of a fist there and just suddenly launch itself at me. Scared the crap out of me and I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack... yet I'm not sure if it was like a half-dream since I was waking up quickly and randomly so much.
I think I read something on the Wiki the previous night about something that was called a 'succubus attack' or something like that; how you get randomly very shocked like that at night..? *shrugs*

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Every time I lucid dream, I just do stupid things and I wake up feeling like I've wasted the chance ._.

Also, probably shouldn't say this, but training yourself to lucid dream can have some pretty bad side effects, i.e. waking up through shock outside of the (lucid) dream can trick the brain to still think your dreaming, despite being awake. The brain will then keep dispensing the chemical responsible for sleep paralysis until it becomes aware that you are awake and not lucid dreaming. As sleep paralysis can remove control of your muscles, this has been reported to cause people to pass out, and some have died from extended periods of being awake with sleep paralysis (inability to breathe, a case of reported heart failure, and some others have occurred).

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yeah, i hate sleep paralysis. I'm usually still dreaming when it happens and triggers lucid dreaming for me and makes it a real struggle to wake up and be able to move again. i can only think of one time where i was awake for like 2 full minutes and still sleep paralyzed.

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  • 1 month later...

I dunno if it counts as lucid dreaming, but I've had dreams I couldn't control, but still knew they were dreams. When that happens, I can usually tune into sounds of stuff outside of my dreams, which is kinda weird.

If someones talking near my bed or room, and I hear it, then just go back to my dream for what FEELS like a long time in dream, and then listen to them again, its like almost no time passed, cause their saying the same thing.

I can also wake up at will when that happens. Which is good if I realize the real me has to use the bathroom >.>

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Lucid Dreaming is one of the few things I haven't done but want to experience, to be completely honest; unless you're just counting dreams that you were aware it was a dream... then I had one when I was five that I still remember a few detals of. There was some sort of like, fire burning holes in the sky, and it was smoky and red/orange all around, and the human race had been turned into some sort of insane gorilla-mutation thing; and we were tearing apart eveything that we hads built in the past few years

idk what it even was

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I think I have had some Lucid dream's before..but I think before I wake up is usually when I start dreaming since I always feel myself lying in my bed then after a while I start dreaming which is usually me sort of like a ghost just witnessing things but then I realize I'm dreaming and think to myself "i could probably wake up now and play some LoL or stuff". Then..I wake up and go do that, >> but usually when I realize I'm dreaming and try to control stuff, it's like..I move something but then somehow my thought process is still on that and if I try to do anything else, everything just resists me and I get frustrated ):

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Yeah, I know what you mean, DD. When I'm lucid lots of stuff happens to either resist me or distract me.

Like the other day, I was half lucid dreaming that I was part of an investigative team as the leader because of my lucid telekinetic activities. Then I got attacked by some dogs that were half doberman, half houndoom. They didn't spew fire, but I had to fight them off and concentrate on shielding my hands so they wouldn't be ripped up by their teeth as I grabbed by their mouths and pulled apart. I have some violent dreams.

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  • 2 months later...

When I was about 7 I had the most messed up lucid dream ever.

It was that I was in my bed and then a huge monster with glowing green eyes came out from under my bed at the foot of my bed. It then reached out long black arms, grabbed my covers, ripped them off, and began spanking me... As I ran to the door and touched the doorknob I was teleported back to my bed to be spanked by the monster again... And again... And again... And again... Until finally I jumped out the window and there was an army of the monsters...


I picked up a sword from seemingly nowhere and began chopping off the monsters heads and let their blood spew everywhere while I killed all the rest of them. I collected their heads and then burned them over an open fire laughing very creepily...

Yeah apparently I was a demented evil 7 year old. FEAR ME!


YES AME I KNOW THIS IS VERY OLD! Lemme post and be free!

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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If it was a lucid dream, why didn't you just wake up?

As for me, I have lucid dreams once a month probably. Normally I just end up dreaming about being a military commander, or a Pokemon trainer, or whatever is on my mind at the time. You actually can engage different parts of your brain to help you solve problems in a different manner. I use lucid dreaming to do calculations and solve physics problems or just normal ones. I also remember nearly all my dreams witch makes nightmares suck.

I actually prefer to just sleep and not dream and then just daydream the next day at school.

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I've never had one myself, though I think it would be cool. My friend's dad apparently gets them all the time. Also... I've heard that drinking apple juice before you sleep helps you have lucid dreams. Can anyone confirm this? I've never tried...

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hadn't heard of that. one google result says

I was going thorugh Digg and found this article that says Apple Juice Increases the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain.

Anyways acetylcholine is supposed to give you vivid dreams so Im gonna try it tonight and see what happens.

Never tried it. The people in the forum responses for that say vivid dreams, but not necessarily lucid dreams. Time to buy some apple juice?

There's also this but I'm leery of trusting this stuff.


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Not sure if this is one, but I was writing a fanfiction one night, and i was thrown into a twisted dream version of it. I was completely aware that it was a dream, yet i couldnt force myself to wake up. And then a whole bunch of monsters appeared, which is when i found out that i had the body of the main character in my fanfiction. I*cough* *cough* am not *cough* good with *cough* swords, *cough* and i obviously *cough* cant use one efficiently. *cough* Anyway, I died. And woke up right after.

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Well that's good, cuz that'll help make it work for you. There's still a lot of uncoscious factors that still guide or limit what you do. It's easier for me to work with what's there than just create a whole new place or thing out of nowhere.

@ Ashka- And yeah, being too self-conscious and aware will wake you up cuz it'll take over too much control from your subconcious.

That might explain last night... ^^

It's kind of ironic that I found this topic at this time, because last night I had my first experience of knowing that I was dreaming (wouldn't call it lucid dreaming, because I failed...). It was extremely short lived, however, because I immediatly started shaking (in real life). Almost like I was having a seizure. As in, full body trembling, and even almost flopping. Then I woke up...

Is that normal? Can anyone else relate? If anyone knows about this, how do I prevent it from happening? Any advice would be appreciated, because now I kind of want to get into this whole lucid dreaming thing.

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