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suggestions to better my team?


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Hello does anyone have any suggetions to help me improve my team? I want to see if I can make it better 


Blaziken @ Wide lens  
Ability: speed boost
Brave Nature  
- Blaze kick
- Bulk up  
- Brick break  
- Shadow claw


Ampharos @ Magnet  
Ability: static
Hasty Nature  
- Thunderbolt
- Power gem
- Thunder wave  
- Signal beam


Leavanny @ Miracle seed  
Ability: chloropfyll
Lonely Nature  
- Leaf blade
- X-scissor
- Swords dance  
- Poison jab


Gastrodon @ Waterium Z  
Ability: storm drain
Modest Nature  
- Scald
- Mud bomb  
- Surf  
- Sludge wave


Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite  
Ability: Trace
Timid Nature  
- Psychic
- Moon blast  
- Calm mind  
- Shadowball


Metagross @ no item  
Ability: Clear body
Jolly Nature  
- Metal caw
- Meteor mash
- Zen headbutt 
- Bulldoze 


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Could always change Ampharos' nature to Modest or Timid since you aren't using your physical attack stat. I'd do Modest since it's not the fastest, even if they are paralyzed.

Maybe give Metagross Agility or Magnet Rise instead of Metal Claw. Meteor Mash is just a stronger version of it so it's sort of redundant.

Leavanny uses Attack so you wouldn't want Lonely.

If you aren't going to use Sp. Atk you could get a nature that decreases it for Blaziken so you wouldn't have -Spe. If you want more Sp. Def you could go Careful since it's the only stat you aren't boosting with Moves/Ability.

I would use a tankier Gastrodon and replace Mud Bomb with Recover if you aren't strapped for Ground-type moves.


7th street has a building with an old man who will let you choose a new nature for 3 Heart Scales, that's where you can go to change the natures of your Pokémon

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@phantom4572 You should use the doc to fix the natures, like kamu said.

Besides that:

- Blaziken: Use brick break if you are worried about screens. If not, take advantage of the wide lens and go with HJK or sky uppercut or make a bulk up-superpower set.

- Ampharos: Swap magnet for an expert belt or a life orb

-Leavanny: Swap miracle seed for an expert belt or a life orb

- Gastrodon: Earth power for mud bomb. And until ice beam is available, maybe get icy wind for surf

- Gardevoir: Swap shadow ball for focus blast, although it misses a lot, it gives you coverage against steel types.

- Metagross: Ice punch for metal claw. Make it your answer against (most) flying types


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