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Nuzlocke (in honour of TheKingNappy's playthrough)


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Hey since Nappy has decided to end his nuzlocke of this game, I'm gonna pick up the mantle and attempt a Nuzlocke. I will post updates and how I do as I go. What my team and strategies were like with every gym leader and certain major battles. But I'll start with a brief overview of my nuzlocke rules. I'm gonna make things a little easier for myself because the game is already so hard. But I didn't wanna make it too unfair.


Standard rules, except TWO EXCEPTIONS.


As it pertains to encounters, if an area offers headbutt trees, a headbutt encounter is counted separately from Wild Grass/Fishing encounters from an area. So an area can provide two wild encounters if it has headbutt trees; one headbutt and one grass/fishing. Wild Grass and fishing are not counted separately as encounters.


And secondly, because of how important certain abilities are on many of the pokemons' viability, especially early on, I will allow soft resetting on my starter and any pokesnax reliant event mon to get the ability/ivs/nature desired. Weather events, trade mons and gift mons from NPCs do not apply to this rule.


As for the start, my starter will be Turtwig. 


My reasons are;

1. Shell Armour. Being immune to crit to me is really good for the start of game so I can rely on Turtwig/Grotle's bulk to get me through early game fights with no fear of crits ending my locke prematurely.

2. Resistance to Grass and Electric makes him a prime candidate for the first two gyms.

3. Get Nature Power early which can be very helpful in certain fields.


If you guys wanna play along, choose your own starter, feel free to share your attempts here as well.




Introducing Atlas. My Turtwig. Didn't have to sof reset. Got hidden ability first try. Nature is Bashful, but not too concerned with soft resetting for natures. That's too much. More concerned about decent Ivs and Ability.




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Alright. About to take on the first gym. Here is the team and the status of the locke so far.





Catnip (Espurr) (F) @ Oran Berry  
Ability: Own Tempo  
Level: 17  
EVs: 7 HP / 46 Atk / 19 Spe  
Gentle Nature  
IVs: 5 HP / 6 Atk / 12 SpA / 11 SpD / 1 Spe  
- Psybeam  
- Light Screen  
- Covet  
- Confusion  

Rocketman (Linoone) (F) @ Normal Gem  
Ability: Pickup  
Level: 20  
EVs: 62 Atk / 1 SpA / 34 Spe  
Lonely Nature  
IVs: 10 HP / 11 Def / 4 SpA / 18 SpD / 30 Spe  
- Mud Sport  
- Headbutt  
- Tail Whip  
- Pin Missile  

A-Rod (Goldeen) (M) @ Sea Incense  
Ability: Lightning Rod  
Level: 18  
EVs: 7 HP / 7 Atk / 7 Def / 3 SpA / 3 SpD / 16 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
IVs: 15 HP / 17 Atk / 20 Def / 8 SpA / 30 SpD / 23 Spe  
- Water Pulse  
- Water Sport  
- Supersonic  
- Horn Attack  

Lara (Kricketune) (M)  
Ability: Technician  
Level: 17  
EVs: 2 HP / 13 Atk / 1 SpA / 11 Spe  
Rash Nature  
IVs: 29 HP / 27 Def / 12 SpA / 10 SpD / 6 Spe  
- Growl  
- Bide  
- Struggle Bug  
- Fury Cutter  

Grotle (M) @ Grass Gem  
Ability: Shell Armor  
Level: 18  
EVs: 6 HP / 19 Atk / 3 Def / 3 SpA / 3 SpD / 19 Spe  
Bashful Nature  
IVs: 26 HP / 28 Atk / 26 Def / 4 SpA / 19 SpD / 23 Spe  
- Tackle  
- Curse  
- Absorb  
- Razor Leaf  

Joltik (F)  
Ability: Unnerve  
Level: 10  
Rash Nature  
IVs: 22 HP / 30 Atk / 23 Def / 29 SpA / 24 SpD / 11 Spe  
- Absorb  
- Spider Web  
- Thunder Wave  
- Screech  


So the strategy for the first gym is pretty simple. Looking to setup Light screen turn one with Espurr Lead. Oran Berry, got during pickup, is more for bulk in case I take more than half for some reason or to swap in on an attack later and be reasonably healthy enough to get off a light screen without healing first. Then swap into Goldeen and spam Sea Incense and hopefully +1 boosted Water Pulses to kill as many things as possible.


If Sonic Boom scares me out as I expect it to at some point, Joltik will be used as a pivot, it can live one sonic boom. Then swap into Linoone to destroy the field. Yes I maxed him out to 20 because Linoone is way faster and bulkier than zigzagoon and I need to ensure the field gets wrecked if Goldeen sweep fails. So to guarantee that I took Rocketman all the way to the level cap.


The Gems are just there to be used as one time finsihers. Normal Gem headbutt for Linoone and Grass Gem Razor Leaf for Grotle. only thing I'm worried about is of course Electrode, but hopefully I can beat him without having to go into Kriketune.


I will edit in the result when I'm done..


P.S Current Death Counter:1 I got my bidoof killed while grinding trying to get it to 15 for trade for Munna. So welp.




This is the state of the team after the Gym.




I was so good and neutralizing her field, she just never stopped spamming Sonicboom. Really annoying. Anyways, pretty convincing win. No losses incurred. Kriketune is a trooper. Came in on a sonic boom, took another and finsiehd electrode and took the aftermath and still came  out swinging. Never had to use Joltik as Death fodder. Was able to keep Goldeeen up for a long time due to getting a Super Potion and a Choc Ice Cream from pickup. And I still have my Elemental Seed for another day. A good first gym if I say so myself 

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Alright time for the second gym. First some unfortunate casualties along the way. Rocketman(Linoone) and (A-Rod)Goldeen died at the Altar of Fern just before this. I also lost a shiny Mankey by the name of H.A.N.D.S. Putting the grand total of dead mons at 4. Anyways here is the team




This time it's kind of all in on Fury Cutter to sweep her. Gonna focus energy turn 1 for some crits. I can live with one spike from Maractus, but I want the focus energy to try to crit Ferroseed through his telluric seed buffs. with stage 2 Fury cutter and at least guarantee phase 3. I believe Grotle with Curse can deal with Cradily and the rest of her squad if Krik goes down. So the rest of the team are actually pretty bad against this gym, but i'm more training them for the forest section as Grotle will not be coming with me through the Jasper and Beryl Ward section of the story, because there are too many threats to him in the major battles to come. As usual, I will edit int eh result.



Well that didn't go according to plan at all. LOL. Going for Focus Energy expecting spikes, (because that's what he did last time I played) ended up biting me in the ass. He Pin Missiled turn 1 and 2 and hit 4 times btoh times which killed my Kriketune and my Krik failed to kill with Technician boosted Stage 1 Fury Cutter. So by playing fast and loose with Kriketune I ended up screwing my sweep with that mon, although to be fair this gym is the limit of Kriketune's real viability moving forward. Anyways, Grotle, handled literally everything else. Set up to +6 on Ferroseed and healed with the Super Potions from the kid just before this battle. And swept her. Only lost Kriketune. Shell Armour  Curse is so reliable because you know for a fact she can't crit you with her pin missile and u know exactly how much they are gonna do every time.


Anyways Rip Lara the Kriketune. Now have 5 deaths. Moving on the the real Locke ender section of this game. But gonna grind first.

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Alright the time has come for another update. We are still in this, Atlas still coming through in the clutch. But the rest of the team has undergone changes to some degree. Here is the Deathbox as it stands right now.




Now as for some of the new guys. A lot of them went pretty stupidly. The Drifloon was during the Corey Battle. It was windy when I got to that ward so I knocked out the save the boy quest at the same time. And the Drifloon had Tailwind so after Meowstic used fake out psyshock to beat the sash lead with pecha berry to delay poison till second turn. I just sent this in basically to get off a tailwind change the feild, speed my team up and then it died. Afterwards, Torterra, swept most of the team that it could with EQ, until he decided to swap to crobat then i went back to meowstic. I wasn't interested in Drifloon especially considering the gyms to come. Lombre I'm mad about. I put so much work into that stupid pokemon to get him levelled up and lost to Aster and Eclipse in the Crytal cavern to boosted double rockslide. As for why, it had swift swim I was prepping a pseudo rain lead for the Magma Gang second event while trying to progress story at the same time. I should have just worked on that after. Anyways, since that's all I have it's time for the Shelly battle. This is the team.

This is gonna be either special or go really badly and end the lock. Because I put so much work into this team. I'll give you my thought process.




This is a carefully crafted team that took be about 5 hours to make and some serious pokemon research. Obviously the original plan was to Fake Out Illumise and then transform the field with Flare Boost Growlithe to burning field. But the more I looked at the Burning Field and looked at Shelly's counter play, it became obvious that I was putting my mons at risk with that play. Masquerain could kill Meowstic with Field Boosted, Item Boosted, STAB SE Silver Wins and then I'd be fucked only delaying raIN for one turn and it hit me that the Burning Field doesn't actually do anything to impede the power of water type attacks. So Swift Swim Anorith and Water Bubble Araquanid who take no damage from the field, could still wreck me with their Fast Rockslide and Rain Boosted Bubblebeam. I NEEDED WEATHER CONTROL, or Water resist. Enter Cherrim.


I was lucky and yes I am telling the truth, to get Cherubi as my encounter in the Peridot Garden. Which I believe is the rare encounter there. It's the only thing I have that gets Sunny Day by level up and of course the TM is still unavailable this early in the game. I thne realized Flower Gift is a god send in this gym. Once I can win the weather war with Illumise, I can guarantee some special bulk for Cherrim and whoever is on the field with her. I can then stack Light Screen on top of that from Meowstic for even more bulk and Struggle Bug only boosts Meowstic special attack because it has Competitive. So my strategy at the start changed.


My Leads are;

Cherrim (Heat Rock)- Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Morning Sun, Helping Hand

Meowstic-F(Light Clay) - Psyshock, Fake Out, Light Screen , Shadow Ball


I'm gonna Fake Out Masquerain Turn one and Sunny Day with Cherrim. 

If Illumise goes for it's struggle bug, being the weaker of the two attackers, I'm banking on Meowstic to live and then Flower Gift, even if I go last to boost Sp Def for the second turn. If it goes for Rain Dance, that's even better because I take no damage, boost my stats and control the weather after turn 1.


The Plan is then to hopefully outspeed and kill Masquerain. I pushed Meowstic-F straight to 34 to be as fast as possible but to give me a little room when it comes to maybe staying in and sweeping with her depending on how successful I am at controlling weather.


Next on my team, since I wasn't gonna be setting up Burning Field turn 1, I came up with the idea to give Growlithe the Telluric Seed, as a safe switch in if Mewostic is trheatened out by namely Anorith. Come in on the FOrest Field, get the attack boost and Spiky Shield and take no damage. Hopefully, I'm not misinterpreting how this works.


Growlithe (Telluric Seed) - Flame Burst, Fire Fang, Reversal, Morning Sun.


Next the second sweeper to maybe swap in with Gorwlithe to sweep, Ponyta. Deliberately joined Aqua to make that available to me and had to use two Ability Capsules to get Flash Fire on it.


Ponyta (Elemental Seed) - Inferno, Flame Charge, Stomp, High HorsePower


Elemental Seed to activate on Burning Field, to boost Atk, Sp Atk adn Speed AND Ignore Fire spin damage at least because of Flash Fire. Then Flame Charge a bunch to outspeed Yanmega in the back.


On top of that, once I've secured the Burning Field, Graveler is late game tactics, with SR, if needed, and Smack Down for anything and everything left. I'm not sure what mons she is gonna go to first once Masquerain is down but we can only learn.


Fletchinder is another carefully considered mon. It has Natural Gift Grepa Berry for a Ninety power flying move since otherwise it's stuck with Peck. I know Natural Gift doesn't work with Gale Wings, but it's meant to be a nuker. Similar to Graveler who is holding ROck Gem.


Anyways that's the plan. Wish me luck. Torterra is in the PC. i just didn't feel comfortable risking him in these fields, because he doesn't offer any offense back and he's too slow.

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Wow, when the best laid plans overloook ONE detail but when luck is on ur side, boy is it ever.


Forgetting of course tha Rain Dance and Sun interact to make Rainbow Field, plan was going perfect.


Illumise was goin for Struggle Bug in the beginning, not Rain Dance so I didn't even need to fake out. I killed Masquerain next turn had the sun up so i was able to Morning sun to full on turn 3. Poised to basically sweep with Meowstic is plans played right.


She went for Anorith and I swapped Gorwlith on the predcted Knock off and took no damage. However, it proved a mistake still to not at least TRY for the Field first try because Anorith for Rock Slide. An the ROCK slide MISSED Growlithe. I was kicking myself that luck had to save me. I should have kept intimidate on Growlithe and not lost Surskit while grinding because they were gonna be a part of this strat as well. Anyways, the miss saved the game. The Flame Burst killed the Anorth and set the field a fire. I went to Ponyta to replace Cherrim and got the Elemental Speed Boost, but then she went for Rain Dance, changed the field because the sun was still up to Rainbow, ignoring my field, and weather advantage , but at least the stats were already there and Growlithe and Ponyta were able to kill Yanmega throug the rain, but take some damage from an Air Citter.


Then Araquanid, came in, with the rain and water bubble, no way to kill him and no sage switchins because Fletchinder and Graverler in the back. I pretty much sacked Ponyta/Growlithe waiting for one to die to bring in FLetchinder to go for the Natural Gift Grepa Flying move. She killed Ponyta, which was perfect. and Growlithe lived to see another day. Fletchinder actually finished Araquanid off with that Natural Gift (Pro-Tier Trainer here) and then it was Volbeat vs the world. Couldn't do shit to the fire types and IO just wne into Graveler to Rock Gem Smack down and peck with Fletchinder. Victory secured. Glad I put in the time to grind to avoid using Torterra and save him for the battles to come.


In hindsight, I should have just led with Growlith Meowstic. Kill Masquerain turn one then go out to Cherrim, use Sun to change to Rainbow Field I guess but keep sun on my side and go from there Put a Magical Seed on Ponyta instead of Elemental and play for that field.




R.I.P Catnip, Cherry and Pegasus

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Yah I read the post before the last and the lack of mention of rainbow field (one of my fave field changes) concerned me. Also it might be a good idea to post these gym battles in video form because it'd be easier to understand hehe I don't know what ppl use but I record with Quick Player and edit in the sound with iMovie.

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On 10/12/2018 at 8:25 AM, Candy said:

Yah I read the post before the last and the lack of mention of rainbow field (one of my fave field changes) concerned me. Also it might be a good idea to post these gym battles in video form because it'd be easier to understand hehe I don't know what ppl use but I record with Quick Player and edit in the sound with iMovie.


I feel you. So I'll chronicle it this way until I feel I have time to get into that. After all I'm in school so yeah.


As for the Rainbow Field, even in Hindsight I could have kept that from happening. If I just killed Illumise turn2 and backed Meowstic to kill Masquerain turn one instead of using fake out for chip damage, she would have no rain and the sweep would ahve been secured. +2 psyshock Masquerain and sunny day turn one, while illumise stuggle bugs. Anorith comes in protected, then go +3 psyshock on Illumise and then have Forest Field, with sun and Growlithe to wreak havoc. Meowstic would obviously still be dead. But Growlithe would have a protected Flame burst instead of one that required Rock Slide to miss. Anyways on to Shade.





Torterra (M) @ Miracle Seed  
Ability: Shell Armor  
Level: 39  
Bashful Nature  
- Nature Power  
- Earthquake  
- Curse  
- Bite  

Pangoro (F) @ Protective Pads  
Ability: Iron Fist  
Level: 39  
- Crunch  
- Circle Throw  
- Bullet Punch  
- Work Up  

Scrafty (M) @ Cell Battery  
Ability: Moxie  
Level: 39  
Quirky Nature  
- Payback  
- Crunch  
- High Jump Kick  
- Ice Punch  

Pyroar (F) @ Cell Battery  
Ability: Rivalry  
Level: 39  
Careful Nature  
- Crunch  
- Flamethrower  
- Work Up  
- Headbutt  

Golem (F) @ Stone Plate  
Ability: Sand Veil  
Level: 40  
Gentle Nature  
- Smack Down  
- Stealth Rock  
- Earthquake  
- Rock Blast  

Growlithe (F) @ Quick Claw  
Ability: Flash Fire  
Level: 40  
Quirky Nature  
- Heat Wave  
- Crunch  
- Morning Sun  
- Reversal  



Now this team took real time and consideration and effort to put together. But it was worth it. After getting Morelull in a Beryl Cave encounter, I leveled it up as Morelull to 39 to get Moonblast then evolved it so I could take on the Pangoro event in the backroom of Obsidia Slums. 


This got me the Pancham as the Slum Playground encounter and the event Scrafty. Invaluable to challenging Shade.


The reason they are all so close to the level cap is because levelling them up while in their baby form was the only way to ensure they all had crunch before evolving them. As all their evolutions get crunch above level 40, hence why Torterra has bite. I was not intereted in overlevelling to then common candy down to get that move. Too risky with Nuzlocke rules. And the reason why I common Candy torterra down to 39 is because I actually plan to sweep with him if possible. Once I remove Banette.


So the lead is Torterra. That miracle seed is of course not a miracle seed. It's the Synthetic Seed. I'm looking to take advantage of the Short circuit field to boost my sp def turn one, can't be crit by field boosted shadow ball by gengar due to Shell Armour and he can't do much else other than try to put me to sleep. Looking to kill Gengar with EQ. 


My set is designed to turn the Short Circuit Field on so I can have Gear Grind for Mimikyu. and deny Manget Rise to Doublade. So Torterra can sweep here pretty easily, once certain conditions are handled.


Pangoro is here with Protective Pads to mainly deal with Banette for me and I need protective pads to protect against Cursed Body robbing me of crunch on him.


The rest of the team is pure insurance in case something goes wrong. Cell Batter on Scrafty and Pyroar to get boosted attack from any electric attacks thrown around. Pyroar is here because I need a ghost and fairy resistance and his typing fits the bill. I left Rivalry because it deals more damage to his femal Mimikyu that way. Again only if something goes wrong. 


Growlithe is here for no reason. Just in case I need to deal with Doublade. Like I said, pure insurance.


And Golem is for smack down EQ on rotom if need be and an extra Eletric Immunity. If all goes well, I probably won't even need this scrafty.

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THAT WAS GODLY. Beautiful. Just beautiful. THE ONE THING, I was worried about was Shade going to Banette and because my Curse makes me slower, going for Destiny Bond. That's literally the only mon I would swap Torterra on. And HE NEVER DID.


This Torterra Set.. IS GODLY.

Torterra (M) @ Syntehtic Seed  
Ability: Shell Armor  
Level: 39  
Bashful Nature  
- Nature Power  
- Earthquake  
- Curse  
- Bite  


Turn one. EAT THE SHADOW BALL UP due to +1 sp def and never fear crits. Gengar OHKO by EQ.


Turn 2 he goes Dhelmise. PERFECT. Curse and healed a couple time as he tried to crit me with his field boosted Shadow claw. IGNORED. +2 bite OHKO.


Turn 3, goes Doublade. Can't deny him the Magnet Rise but no need to worry. +2 bite, 2HKO.


Next mon. ROTOM. EASY.


Nature Power turn 1 vs Rotom turn the field on and deny him anymore Field boosted Shadow balls. Heal up a bit and fight through confusion eventually for a few turns. BITE OHKO.


THEN HE GOES MIMIKYU. But turned the field on vs Rotom, so eat the Play Rough with +2 defense. Nature Power Gear Grind. OHKO THROUGH DISGUISE.


Finally goes Banette as his ace. Swap immediately into Rivalry Pyroar for the easy 2hko with crunch/flamethrower.


Never stood a chance. Never had to use Pangoro or Scrafty. Now that's a perfectly executed strategy if I do say so myself.


ALSO, TORTERRA IS THE BEST STARTER FOR A NUZLOCKE OF REBORN. I'll take that to the bank. Best decision ever made

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Alright about to take on Kiki. Here is the team.




Torterra (M) @ Quick Claw  
Ability: Shell Armor  
Level: 43  
Bashful Nature

- Bite

- Earthquake

- Curse

- Nature Power 
Arcanine (F) @ Charcoal  
Ability: Flash Fire  
Level: 41  
Hardy Nature  
- Heat Wave  
- Reversal  
- Crunch  
- Morning Sun  

Swanna (M) @ Splash Plate  
Ability: Big Pecks  
Level: 41  
Lax Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Rain Dance  
- Bubble Beam  
- Air Slash  
- Roost  

Shiinotic (M) @ Pixie Plate  
Ability: Rain Dish  
Level: 43  
Quirky Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Moonblast  
- Strength Sap  
- Spore  
- Giga Drain  

Nidoking @ Telluric Seed
Ability: Sheer Force  
Level: 43  
Jolly Nature  
- Focus Energy  
- Shadow Claw  
- Earth Power  
- Poison Jab  

Banette (F) @ Spooky Plate  
Ability: Cursed Body  
Level: 42  
Lax Nature  
- Shadow Claw  
- Snatch  
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Sucker Punch  


Team is pretty standard. Tonnes of fighting resist littered throughout. Still using Natue Power Torterra and he will be the lead. Looking to Nature Power Meditate on that Machamp not fearing any immediate powerful attack and then EQ to kill. 


Telluric Seed Jolly Max speed Nidoking, for those critical sheer force boosted attacks. I'm worried about the speed tier in a couple matchups and I wish Swanna had Keen Eye, but it is what is. I guess the only pokemon of interest is that Banette. Levelled up as Shuppet till 41 to get early access to Snatch, which can steal a predicted Meditate/Calm Mind from one of her mons. But it's still very risky. Wish me luck.



Alright that was pretty easy. Torterra swept like 4 of her mons safely after Meditate turn 1 with EQ, she never went to Medicham until the end. Similar to Shade, the one mon I was worried about blocking Torterra sweep they never went to. Torterra took the fake out and the Quick Claw activated next turn to outspeed unburden Hitmonlee, and then I swapped to something else on gallade because strength was doing the exact same damage as lemonade so I couldn't heal up fully.


First to Banette to avoid Strength, then Shiinotic to avoid Night Slash then finally Nidoking to avoid Poison Jab and activate Telluric Seed and then went for Shadow Claw which surprisingly, gallade lived on 1. Then Strength did a clean 80% to Nido but I finsihed next turn.


And Banette worked like a charm. Medicham came in. I Snatched the Meditate and OHKO with Shadow Claw, easting the crit Ice Punch from full. GG. No mons lost

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Tough Battle against Taka. Didn't take him seriously on Azurine Island and lost 4 mons. Shiinotic, Swanna, Pyroar and Scrafty. Sigh. I still have tonnes of mons to work with but that one hurt. Gonna have to prep for Meteor as carefully as I prep for gym leaders from here on out.

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Alright. So Just an update on where I am and what I been doing. First the Garchomp battle and my death box. Pretty simple.794003032_DeathBox.png.79a8699400010f256cde6d0743927b9f.png


Focus Sash Perish Song seel to beat Garchomp. Stalled with a protect from my  Burmy. Then swapped into Flash Fire, Air Balloon Arcanine to hopefully dodge an attack on the lst turn. He went for EQ on the Arcanine switch. All according to plan no biggie.


Outside of that I haven't fought Fern or Aya yet. Been training up squad members since then. So no deaths. Got the Zangoose encounter and I'm gonna try a Zangoose lead strategy for Aya's gym. Hopefully the Telluric Seed gods shine down on me.  But Ill outline the full squad and strategy after.



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At the last minute I wasn't comfortable with my 6th slot. I just didn't like bringing Golem/Torterra to this gym not able to EQ effectively with Doubles/Field Nerf. Now Golem does have SR, but outside of Salazzle, who I have well covered, i have no reason to bring him. So instead, I trained up Corey's Nidorina and this is the team.



Alright leads are Nidoqueen Zangoose.


Nidoqueen(Black Sludge) - Venom Drench, Disable, Helping Hand, Earth Power

Zangoose(Telluric Seed) - Detect, X-Scissor, Facade, Night Slash


Alright now I'm hoping I get a favourable status here. If not heal it off and we will go from there. But if I can get the status, with teh Toxic Boost, with the Facade and the +1 atk this might be a short gym battle. Helping hand for that facade should OHKO everything not named Toxapex. But it all depends that I avoid Freeze, Sleep and to a lesser extent Paralysis. I can live with burn or poison. As facade ignore the atk drop burn.


Beyond that, Venom Drench to weaken her offense and buy time for healing with Detect. Hopefully this duo can break some of her mons. Iv'e got bulky pokemon in the back to swap to when this duo is done.


Earth Gem on Claydol and Nidoking for boosted Earth powers looking to nuke mons and minimize weakness to Knock off. Psychic Gem on Gothitelle as well. Arcanine with flash fire for Salazzle. Hoping to keep Nidoqueen around for Dragalage for Venom drench disable shenanigans.



At the last second I decided to replace X-Scissor with Sleep Talk just in case Telluric Seed puts me to sleep.

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WHAT A MISPLAY. I feel so bad.


Lost Matilda my Gothitelle for no reason right at the end after expertly handling her entire team, I let Toxapek crit with Sludge Wave take her at the end. And I had the perfect turn one too. Zangoose got poisoned of all things. Redudndant because of the field, but more usable than anything else. Unfortunately, Zangoose lack of bulk means he couldn't really stick around for long. BUT, Helping hand +1 Toxic Boost STAB facade, cleaned Nidoqueen's clock like a charm. and that was good enough for me. 




I really had no business losing Gothitelle. That HAD MIRROR COAT. I was gonna use agaisnt Arceus. I'm upset. Will have to think of a strategy for that battle when the time comes now. Never had to use Arcanine. I clicked Detect on Zan goose, dodge the heat wave and the sludge wave and just clicked Earth power from Nidoqueen. I would suggest Ame put Air Balloon on that salazzle. Just saying.

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Honestly if the penta-Op had been played with good amount of plotting pre-battles like you do, they might've been able to continue the nuzlocke for a little longer. They shouldn't have gone blind... alas 

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On 10/17/2018 at 8:52 AM, Candy said:

Honestly if the penta-Op had been played with good amount of plotting pre-battles like you do, they might've been able to continue the nuzlocke for a little longer. They shouldn't have gone blind... alas 

Thank you. I maintain that only a finely tuned strategy per battle can get you through this game as a Nuzlocke. ANyways time for an update and Serra strategy.


I been training for Days. Getting tonnes of mons ready for all the battles to come, being aware of course that we are about to embark beyond Reborn where training and encounters will become scarce. Here is the Death Box




Toxicroak and Zoroak died to Sirius in Yuvreyu. And in my opinion, that part of the story could do with a rework. Maybe more levels to make it more challenging, but also I think you should have to fight Dr. Connel/Sirius by yourself. Cain really weighs down your strategies with his terrible sets and random decisions. If I was allowed to execute the strategy I had prepared, probably would have lost no one.


Now on to the squads as it stands



Now all of these mons are level 45 and over. To get these levelled was some hardwork. And some of them have been chosen specifcally for Serra's gym. In fact I have a level 44 Smoochum still working on to get to level 48 to secure Blizzard before I let it evolve. And I'm considering Octillery's benefits in this gym as well. (Lock-On, Sniper, Bubblebeam perfect accuracy. Octazooke lower accuracy.) That Remoraid could work, but I think I have enough. Key mons of note.


Ampharos (M)  
Ability: Plus  
Level: 50  
EVs: 173 HP / 3 Atk / 79 Def / 252 SpA / 3 Spe  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk / 3 Def / 18 SpA / 22 SpD / 12 Spe  
- Charge  
- Discharge  
- Light Screen  
- Power Gem


I had to level this thing up as Flaffy to 52 to get Light Screen and then Common candy down and let it evolve. Light Screen of course is amazing in Serra's Gym and I'm weighing my options about whether to put Charge Beam somewhere in this set or relearn Signal Beam, but Signal beam only hits Jynx, but then again it never misses. Things to consider. I'm definitely leading this guy against Bennett though so I have two synth seeds. He might get that when he leads against Bennett.


Ability: Heavy Metal  
Level: 50  
EVs: 15 HP / 252 Atk / 10 SpA / 8 SpD / 225 Spe  
Gentle Nature  
IVs: 27 HP / 10 Def / 23 SpD / 28 Spe  
- Rock Slide  
- Heavy Slam  
- Metal Burst  
- Autotomize


Had to train him as an Aron all the way up to level 49 to get early access to Heavy Slam and Metal Burst. Not gonna enter this ice gym with the Mirror effect trying to hit things with the unreliable Iron tail when half her team is gonna be +1 or +2 evasion. Either way, Aggron is not my ace strategy here. If anything Metal Burst will be more what I'm aiming to do with him in case any mon gets out of hand. I could shift Heavy slam to sturdy, but I'm pretty confident I can handle Jynx/Sandslash mainly because of....


Ability: Levitate  
Level: 48  
EVs: 6 HP / 19 Def / 204 SpA / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
IVs: 16 HP / 18 Atk / 0 Def / 7 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe  
- Nasty Plot  
- Mystical Fire  
- Shadow Ball  
- Power Gem


Mismagius is here to put in some work,, hopefully. Nothing perfectly accurate in the field. I could put charge beam but it has very little usage Set speaks for itself, but as you can see I got literally the WORST MISMAGIUS EVER. WITH A TERRIBLE NATURE AND THREE 0IVS. I was pissed but such is the life of the nuzlocke. Can't do shit about it.


Other mons of note, Blissey and Blastoise will probable make up my Defensive core for the gym. Blastoise with his typing resisting Ice and Mirror Move. He can iron Defense and Water Spout. Blissey as a secondary Screen setter with Minimize and one attack, Charge Beam for a really bulky self sustaining wall, that might nab a kill with Charge Beam.


Of Course I also Have KliingKlang which should be obvious. Roserade however will also be there as a Lead. With a Steel Gem and Nature Power for hopefully a OHKO on Glaceon. Here we go




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Alright so Victory. Lost Mismagius and Blissey. But damn that Blissey can tank a hit. I had a Minimize and my Light screen up and was trying to kill her Ninetales. First Charge beam crit and did 20%. And gave me an attack boost. She Nasty plotted. Second Charge Beam crit and gave an attack boost. She Nasty plotted. She WAS at +6 with my blissey at 70%~ish range. She went for a +6 field boosted critical hit dazzlimg gleam put my Blissey down to 4 health and my last charge beam missed, got reflected and powered up and crit to secure the kill. Died to hail right after. That was clutch. The Zap Plate, the high Ivs the Ev training in maxing out Hp, the grinding up to 50 to learn Light Screen. All worth it for that moment.


Mismagius turned out to be a bust. Turns out those 3 0ivs just hurt way too much and I lost her before I even reached Serra to a random Bermite who Avalanched me.

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