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New episode, new run, new team. Thoughts?


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Good day/afternoon/night, fellow players. o/


As usual for me, I started a new run to enjoy the game from the very beggining and discover it's changes along the story. This time around I decided to have some fun with wonder trade in early game and have a base team now, but would like thoughts on it and help figuring out new team mates to go around my current weakness. With not much else to say, let's go to the team!

Serperior (M)

Ability: Contrary

Timid Nature

- Cut

- Leaf Tornado

- Leech Seed

- Wrap


No secrets here. A scratch of the usual Serperior build we often see. 


Vibrava (F)

Ability: Levitate

Jolly Nature

- Rock Slide

- Earthquake

- Dig

- Crunch


Wonder trade material, probably my favorite member. Earthquake for STAB, Rock Slide to deal with what usual screws Serperior. Dig is for on demand Escape Rope, placeholder until a physicial dragon move. Crunch for pesky Psychic pokemons that threatens our next ally...


Scolipede (F)

Ability: Speed Boost

Jolly Nature

- Steamroller

- Rollout

- Poison Tail

- Protect


Another wonder trade here. I like having this pokemon around because reminds of when Shelly had one named Cain. ❤️ Anyways, Steamroller and Poison Tail are our STABs and they do a good job with it. Rollout deals with flying and fire types, common threats overall, and other bug types. Protect to get that safe speed boost. I like the moveset as it is, Scoli can deal with his own weakness most of the time. 


Growlithe (F)

Ability: Intimidade

Jolly Nature

- Fire Fang

- Rock Smash

- Take Down

- Close Combat


The newest addition of the team. I was divided to take Growlithe or Houndour from Magma Gang. I just like Arcanine more, so Growlithe it is. Close Combat deals with rock pokemons, which threatens both Growlithe and Scoli. Take Down probably becoming Strenght eventually, Rock Smash for TM bot. Don't know if Growlithe stays forever (as I actually prefer to stick with six pokemons the whole run) or change to something else. But helps overall to manage levels as overlevelling is a common issue in my runs.




- Flying types: can go around Serperior and Scolipede with relative ease. Only way to deal with them right now is Rollout and Rock Slide.

- Ice types: can go around Vibrava and Serperior. Rollout and Rock Slide covers, Growlithe as well (if she stays). Extra note for water types having ice type moves like no tomorrow.

- Rock types: can go around Growlithe and Scolipede. Don't consider it as big of threat compared to flying and ice because Serperior will do great damage eventually thanks to Contrary + Leaf Storm. Plus Vibrava. Still something to consider, I guess. 

- Fire types: can go around Scolipede and Serperior. Similar to rock types weakness, I think I can trus Vibrava (Flygon) to be enough to deal with those.  

- Physical defensive pokemons: with three physical attackers, any physical defensive pokemon along the way can drag the battle for too long, which is dangerous. Possibly fixed by filling the last two spots with special attackers.


After this huge text, what you guys think? Any particular pokemon that could fill the gaps? Anyone who should/could be changed? My current idea is to try for a rock type, which will help with flying, ice *and* fire weakness, then either a water for extra coverage against rock and fire or eletric for flying types. 

Thanks for your time!

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Fire and Rock types you can deal easily with Vibrava and Serperior, respectively, shouldn't be a problem, I think. As I see your team relies too much on Flygon, so you need to have alternatives if it goes down while battling.


I would advice a Ice type so you can deal with Flying and Dragon, putting Dragon vs Dragon is not good.

Also a Dark type to deal with Ghosts and Psychic mons. A bug type would be nice too.


The best one in that regard is Weavile. Dark/Ice typing and if you spend a bit in breeding, it can have Throat Chop + Ice Punch.

As you need more special attackers, Houndoom would be very nice in place of Arcanine (as you suggested). Nasty Plot + Flamethrower/Dark Pulse are wrecking plus it has mega evolution (don't know if it's stone is available). Other option would be Delphox, still having fire type plus Psychic and great moveset.

If you do exchange Arcanine for Houndoom/Delphox, you could use Lucario with a Special Atk. set, giving you more coverage while still having a Fight type (now with STAB). Aura Sphere / Flash Cannon / Dragon Pulse / Shadow Ball / Psychic / Agility / Calm Mind. Plenty of options. Also has mega.


If you want, I can trade any of the mons I suggested 5ivs, proper nature and nice egg moves, all lvl 1. Hope I helped xD

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1 hour ago, Trufa said:

Fire and Rock types you can deal easily with Vibrava and Serperior, respectively, shouldn't be a problem, I think. As I see your team relies too much on Flygon, so you need to have alternatives if it goes down while battling.


I would advice a Ice type so you can deal with Flying and Dragon, putting Dragon vs Dragon is not good.

Also a Dark type to deal with Ghosts and Psychic mons. A bug type would be nice too.


The best one in that regard is Weavile. Dark/Ice typing and if you spend a bit in breeding, it can have Throat Chop + Ice Punch.

As you need more special attackers, Houndoom would be very nice in place of Arcanine (as you suggested). Nasty Plot + Flamethrower/Dark Pulse are wrecking plus it has mega evolution (don't know if it's stone is available). Other option would be Delphox, still having fire type plus Psychic and great moveset.

If you do exchange Arcanine for Houndoom/Delphox, you could use Lucario with a Special Atk. set, giving you more coverage while still having a Fight type (now with STAB). Aura Sphere / Flash Cannon / Dragon Pulse / Shadow Ball / Psychic / Agility / Calm Mind. Plenty of options. Also has mega.


If you want, I can trade any of the mons I suggested 5ivs, proper nature and nice egg moves, all lvl 1. Hope I helped xD

I like those ideas! Special Attacker Lucario is something that didn't cross my mind to be honest. Perhaps a Rotom-Heat would be better to replace Arcanine instead of Houndoom, so I don't overlap on dark typing with Houndoom and Weavile?


Also going to accept the mons, it's very kind of you to offer it. ❤️

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