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Looking for several pokemon - Have 600+ i can trade


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I want to trade the following starters plus other pokemons, and can offer or breed the 600+ pokemons I have, including some shinies. So, if you have one or several of these, and may want to trade, tell me what pokemons you coud like in exhange. I'm looking for:


Starters: -Turtwig - Snivy - Chespin - Rowlet - Squirtle - Totodile - Mudkip - Torchic

Other: - Xatu - Dunsparce - Smeargle - Feebas - Spiritomb - Watchdog - Gothita - Tynamo - Elgyem - Ageaslash - Deino - Larvesta - Quilladin - Amaura - Goomy



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1 hour ago, gzcb said:

Starters: -Turtwig - Snivy - Chespin - Rowlet - Squirtle - Totodile - Mudkip - Torchic

Other: - Xatu - Dunsparce - Smeargle - Feebas - Spiritomb - Watchdog - Gothita - Tynamo - Elgyem - Ageaslash - Deino - Larvesta - Quilladin - Amaura - Goomy

I can trade you all the starters. Also Feebas, Gothita, Watchog, Tynamo, Spiritbomb, Aegislash, Deino, Larvesta and Goomy. Isn't Guiladin and Chespin the same evoluntion line?


I want: passimian - hawlucha - stufful - jangmo-o - drifloon - sandygast - frillish - gollet - cubone - gollet - mawile - cutiefly - buneary.


Edited by Trufa
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Yes, they are the same sorry. For the ones you asked for, except, hawlucha and stufful i think i have the rest, also i can add some shinies, like tyrunt,gabite, graveler, marowak, arbok, pupitar...


If it's ok for you i can start trading in like 30 minutes or so, when i have all the pokemons ready, so let me know.

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I actually also have hawlucha and stufful (so all the ones you ask for), but will get of the internet in 20 min or so. Tomorrow between 14:00-20:00 (UTC) i'll probably check the page a few times to see if you can make the trade then, so let me know when you'll be available. Thank you. 

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Don't worry, I couldn't make the trade now too, need to get of the pc for some hours. Tomorrow I think I'll be online almost all day. Tag me when you come online 😄 Also, I forgot Poipole, if you have it, we change one of the mons I had asked for it. See ya~

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9 minutes ago, SuperNova9 said:

@Trufa I'm currnetly online for now if you want to discuss trade offers

Hey, I'm looking for Amaura, Crabominable, Emolga, Sableye, Poipole. If you don't have them, there are others I need xD

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2 minutes ago, SuperNova9 said:

Right now out of those, I only have Amaura and Crabominable. List off some of the others I can work on getting. I will have to leave in a bit, but i will be back. I should be able to work on getting the others depending on what they are and how fast you respond.

Edit: I can get a Sableye easily, I need to get one for myself so that is another one I give.

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