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Buncha Leftovers (not the item)


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I have recently finishing a big breeding project, and it has left me with a little over 2 boxes of shinies. In these boxes, you'll find:


2 Snorlax

2 Togepi

7 Gible

2 Glameow

4 Larvesta

5 Buneary

2 Heracross

6 Torchic

3 Gastly

1 A-Vulpix

1 Deino

3 Goomy

1 Honedge

2 Mareanie

1 Tangela

1 Shroomish

2 Chansey

1 Rhyhorn

1 Ferroseed

1 Skarmory

2 Mawile

2 Beldum

3 Tentacool

2 Skrelp

1 Dratini

1 Kangaskhan

3 Larvitar

3 Eevee

1 Cleffa

2 Growlithe

1 Venonat

3 A-Grimer

2 Scrafty

1 Mudkip

1 Venipede

1 Litwick

2 Pinsir

1 Vulpix


If you want any of these, i am willing to trade any of the for basically no cost to you. Heart Scales appreciated, not necessary. Just reply to thread with ID and whatever mon you want, and i shall DM you to know that i am ready to trade.


Looking forward to doing business with ya.



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  On 10/13/2018 at 12:54 PM, Arcinblade3 said:

I have recently finishing a big breeding project, and it has left me with a little over 2 boxes of shinies. In these boxes, you'll find:


3 Togepi

7 Gible

2 Glameow

4 Larvesta

5 Buneary

2 Heracross

6 Torchic

3 Gastly

2 A-Vulpix

1 Deino

4 Goomy

3 Honedge

4 Mareanie

2 Shroomish

1 Karrablast

2 Ferroseed

1 Magikarp

2 Skarmory

3 Mimikyu

2 Beldum

1 Bronzor

4 Tentacool

3 Skrelp

1 Jangmo'o

1 Dratini


If you want any of these, i am willing to trade any of the for basically no cost to you. Heart Scales appreciated, not necessary. Just reply to thread with ID and whatever mon you want, and i shall DM you to know that i am ready to trade.


Looking forward to doing business with ya.




what about ivs?

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  On 10/13/2018 at 12:54 PM, Arcinblade3 said:

I have recently finishing a big breeding project, and it has left me with a little over 2 boxes of shinies. In these boxes, you'll find:


3 Togepi

7 Gible

2 Glameow

4 Larvesta

5 Buneary

2 Heracross

6 Torchic

3 Gastly

2 A-Vulpix

1 Deino

4 Goomy

3 Honedge

3 Mareanie

2 Shroomish

2 Ferroseed

1 Magikarp

2 Skarmory

3 Mimikyu

2 Beldum

1 Bronzor

4 Tentacool

3 Skrelp

1 Jangmo'o

1 Dratini


If you want any of these, i am willing to trade any of the for basically no cost to you. Heart Scales appreciated, not necessary. Just reply to thread with ID and whatever mon you want, and i shall DM you to know that i am ready to trade.


Looking forward to doing business with ya.




Is there any limit to how many we can have?

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  On 10/13/2018 at 12:54 PM, Arcinblade3 said:

I have recently finishing a big breeding project, and it has left me with a little over 2 boxes of shinies. In these boxes, you'll find:


2 Snorlax

3 Togepi

7 Gible

1 Minior

2 Glameow

4 Larvesta

5 Buneary

2 Heracross

6 Torchic

3 Gastly

2 A-Vulpix

1 Deino

3 Goomy

2 Honedge

3 Mareanie

1 Tangela

1 Shroomish

2 Chansey

2 Ferroseed

1 Magikarp

2 Skarmory

2 Mawile

1 Mimikyu

2 Beldum

1 Bronzor

4 Tentacool

3 Skrelp

1 Dratini

1 Kangaskhan

3 Larvitar

4 Eevee

1 Cleffa

2 Growlithe

1 Rhyhorn

1 Venonat

3 A-Grimer

1 Trapinch

2 Scrafty

1 Mudkip

1 Venipede

1 Froakie

1 A-Sandshrew

1 Litwick

2 Pinsir

1 Vulpix

1 Chinchou








If you want any of these, i am willing to trade any of the for basically no cost to you. Heart Scales appreciated, not necessary. Just reply to thread with ID and whatever mon you want, and i shall DM you to know that i am ready to trade.


Looking forward to doing business with ya.




Can I have Skarmory, Mimikyu, A-Vulpix??

my ID is Marc01

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  On 10/13/2018 at 12:54 PM, Arcinblade3 said:

I have recently finishing a big breeding project, and it has left me with a little over 2 boxes of shinies. In these boxes, you'll find:


2 Snorlax

3 Togepi

7 Gible

1 Minior

2 Glameow

4 Larvesta

5 Buneary

2 Heracross

6 Torchic

3 Gastly

2 A-Vulpix

1 Deino

3 Goomy

2 Honedge

3 Mareanie

1 Tangela

1 Shroomish

2 Chansey

2 Ferroseed

1 Magikarp

2 Skarmory

2 Mawile

1 Mimikyu

2 Beldum

1 Bronzor

4 Tentacool

3 Skrelp

1 Dratini

1 Kangaskhan

3 Larvitar

4 Eevee

1 Cleffa

2 Growlithe

1 Rhyhorn

1 Venonat

3 A-Grimer

1 Trapinch

2 Scrafty

1 Mudkip

1 Venipede

1 Froakie

1 A-Sandshrew

1 Litwick

2 Pinsir

1 Vulpix

1 Chinchou








If you want any of these, i am willing to trade any of the for basically no cost to you. Heart Scales appreciated, not necessary. Just reply to thread with ID and whatever mon you want, and i shall DM you to know that i am ready to trade.


Looking forward to doing business with ya.




Honedge,Mareanie,Magikarp and Trapinch by any chance? ID is KiwiEmpire

Edited by KiwiEmpire
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