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Sunny Daze! (Episode 8 Complete)


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Well, when I decided to make a second playthrough I had no idea I would have twice as much fun as my first! Unfortunately, I had no idea what I was doing when gong for multiple saves so my OG file is gone :blink: I've never used weather before and decided a Sun Team would be tons of fun, so let's get into it!


Ninetails (Blanca)

Naive : Drought




-Confuse Ray

Pretty standard for a Sun Team! She's extremely fast, solid utility burn for those big physical threats that she outspeeds, confusion if I wanna try and get lucky for a free switch. Would've preferred Timid, but I did not feel like resetting a million times for this one.


Blaziken (ALLA DAT!)

Naughty : Speed Boost

-Bulk Up

-Quick Attack

-Blaze Kick

-Double Kick

AWWHHHHH YEAHHHHHH :feelsgd: If any of you watch shofu, I shamelessly stole his nickname for his Darmanitan. Sorry I'm not sorry. Anyways, this thing is a monster. OHKO'd every single one of Serra's pokemon whenever Blaze Kick decided to land....I swear Snow Cloak is on even when the hail isn't. I opted to start Blaziken instead of Bulba for a sun team because I knew Bulba was available as an event Poke, and because the Fire Chicken is a much bigger threat.


Gligar (Murcielago)

Relaxed : Hyper Cutter


-Faint Attack



Despite having a -SPE nature, I've found that Gligar, eventually Gliscor (Ame plz), still outspeeds a lot of Pokemon. Beyond that this thing is a frickin' TANK. Eats up physical moves like nothing. I reset a ton of times for the Toxic Heal but alas, I think event Pokemon with 3 possible abilities are bugged in that getting the Dream World ability isn't possible :huh: Acrobatics still does excellent damage and wrecked most of Kiki's team


Luxray (JohnnyBoy)

Hardy : Intimidate

-Thunder Fang




Surprisingly bulky! I mainly started using Shinx as a "Meh I'll replace it in a couple levels" sort of Pokemon but after it evolved to Luxray I realized this thing can do some work! 100% redundancy on TF and Spark but I don't have many other options with a Physical Electric type. Again, it can take quite a few hits before going down as well, I really like Luxray! Once Chandelure becomes available I might end up leaving JohnnyBoy in the box but I feel like that's a long way away.


Venusaur (MrUniverse) @Miracle Seed

Timid : Chlorophyll

-Solar Beam

-Giga Drain


-Sleep Powder

I FREAKED OUT WHEN I GOT THIS! I took the Bulbasaur, bred with a Foongus for Giga Drain, and figured I'd have to reset at least a hundred times to get just any +SPE nature and Chlorophyll...BUT I GOT THE IDEAL SET ON THE FIRST EGG WOOHOO. Guys I cant even... Anyways, a little monotypical but again my options are limited with the lack of TMs and the inability to know IVs and give this thing HP Fire. I'll probably keep this set for the rest of the game; Solar Beam oneshots almost anything after a Growth while Giga Drain gives me a crap ton of HP back. I love this thing almost as much as my Fire Chicken.

The last slot is kind of up in the air. While adventuring I generally use an HM Slave but I seriously hate those things. I have a Forretress but I think setting up hazards is pretty overkill in a single-player Pokemon game. I'm thinking I'll grab Gengar, Chandelure when it becomes available, or maybe a big Special Wall.

Also! I have 0 items. Like, as you can see the only one holding anything is Venusaur. Any tips on where to pick up some beneficial items? Tips on a special wall not named Vaporeon?

Thanks for reading guys! As always, big shoutout to Ame for making an amazing game that has single handedly decreased my social interaction. And thanks to the community for all the help!

Edited by JohnnyBR
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Tips on a special wall not named Vaporeon?

Thanks for reading guys! As always, big shoutout to Ame for making an amazing game that has single handedly decreased my social interaction. And thanks to the community for all the help!

Blissey owo Dat Big Bitch. eatin' it up >.> <.<

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