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Struggling on making my team (Terra Edition)


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OK, so I've gone through this once before, but this time it's... Phew, it's bad. I'm at the Terra battle, and can literally not touch her Garchomp. I can pretty much whittle every other 'mon down, but he'll outspeed and OHKO everyone on my team. So, I'm asking for help. I'm willing to train anyone up for this battle. The problem is, I'm doing a shiny run. While I have almost a full box of the shinies, most are probably no good. But I'll still put (most) of them here.


So, my fully leveled up team members (a few  more then 6, since I rotate them in):



Level 68

Holding: Black Sludge

Ability: Aftermath

Moves: Toxic, Venom Drench, Sucker Punch, Night Slash



Level 68

Holding: Stone Plate

Ability: Sturdy

Moves: Explosion, Earthquake, Rock Blast, Heavy Slam



Level 68

Holding: Metal Coat/Air Balloon

Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Shift Gear, Gear Grind, Discharge, Charge Beam



Level 68

Holding: Silk Scarf (Since memories are meaningless in this battle)

Ability: RKS System

Moves: Double Hit, Multi-Attack, Air Slash, Iron Head


Abomasnow (newest member)

Level 66

Holding: Meadow Plate

Ability: Soundproof

Moves: Ingrain, Wood Hammer, Blizzard, Sheer Cold



Level 69

Holding: Flame Plate

Ability: Intimidate

Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Sunny Day, Crunch



Level 68

Holding: Pixie/Insect Plate

Ability: Shield Dust

Moves: Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Draining Kiss, Dazzling Gleam



Level 68

Holding: Lax Incense

Ability: Infiltrator

Moves: Tailwind, Air Slash, Hurricane, Super Fang


Blastoise (Mostly HM Slave)

Level 69

Holding: Mystic Water

Ability: Rain Dish

Moves: Rain Dance, Surf, Dive, Waterfall


OK, so I'm just going to list the other shinies and their levels. If anyone wants the movesets/abilities of any of these, just let me know and I'll throw it up!


Woobat: Level 20

Alolan Meowth: Level 22

Omanyte: Level 25

Swadloon: Level 32

Oricorio: Level 35

Magcargo: Level 35

Vileplume: Level 36

Dedenne (x2): Level 36

Sandshrew: Level 37

Audino: Level 39
Alolan Graveler: Level 40

Swanna: Level 44

Wynaut: Level 46

Tauros: Level 47

Bibarel: Level 47

Buneary: Level 50

Kabutops: Level 50

Lunatone: Level 50

Vileplume: Level 55

Spiritomb: Level 55

Porygon: Level 55

Beartic: Level 59

Alolan Sandslash: Level 62


So that's everyone. I'd also be perfectly OK shiny hunting anything that you can reach in the Circus area, if that's necessary. I've just kind of hit a wall at this point. When I can't even touch a Pokemon (besides a single Sucker Punch/Aftermath damage), I know I'm doing something wrong. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Can't you cheese kill it with Wobbuffet


I don't know if you have the TM for Hail, but if you do Slush Rush Sandslash-A can do wonders. Alternatively, Tailwind from Noivern can also work if you're Sandslash is fast enough after the boost.


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Thanks for the replies! I don't have a Focus Sash, so I went the Sandslash route. I ability capsuled it into Slush Rush, and my Abomasnow into Snow Warning. Problem is, Sandshrew knows one Ice move, and it's Ice Ball. I can go to the move reminder, but IDK which is better, Icicle Crash or Spear. I also don't know if it's worth it to teach it Aurora Veil. Finally, who should I bring into the fight? Abomasnow and Sandslash I know, but which of my 'mons is best otherwise? I like having Sturdy Golem, but outside of that, I'm not sure who's best. Thanks again for the help!

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